"Step ~ step ~ step ~"

as the sound of footsteps became clearer and clearer, in the dark, people saw the outline of a "person" from far to near.

"Hoo, I'm the one who came to take shelter from the rain. It almost scared me to death."

The man with weak glasses was relieved, and the tight string relaxed.

Su Xun and Yu Yangzi also relaxed their vigilance.

Because they didn't feel the evil spirit and Yin Qi, which showed that they were really human.

"Meow ~ meow ~ meow ~"

Liuli stares at the approaching figure, barks a few times, and his eyes are shining.

She has seen through the coming.

Su Xun and others were on the alert again, because Liuli's behavior showed that the person who came was probably not human.

The evil that can cover up its own breath is very strong.

Finally, the figure came to the door, the voice mildly said: "how there is a lovely kitten."

"Boom -"

a flash of lightning passed.

With the help of the true light, all the people can see clearly.

A woman, a beautiful woman.

But Su Xun's pupils suddenly contracted, because he saw a mark on the woman's neck, and his body and head seemed to be put together.

Then he thought of the statue with the head missing behind him, which made his feet cool.

"Sister, are you here to take shelter from the rain? Come on in, we're leaving soon. " Lan Lan looked at the woman at the door and said.

"So anxious?" "This is not my way to treat guests as soon as I come back

Heard this, Lan Lan three people are a little confused, this woman is the master of the broken temple?

"I'll see what you are when I pretend to be in malagobi."

Mei pangzi, the God of war in Zuan, spits out fragrance and throws a piece of Rune paper in the past.

With a wave of the woman's hand, Mei pangzi's Rune paper had been shocked to ashes before she got close to him.

Hiss -

seeing this scene, both Yu Yangzi and Qingyun took a breath of cool air. This evil spirit is absolutely rare in their lives.

Don't be afraid of lingfu, even if it's downplayed, it will be destroyed. What kind of strength is this?

"Fatso, you dare to do something to me. The lady will eat you first tonight."

A look of anger flashed in the woman's eyes, showing a strange expression. She reached out and grabbed Mei Pang. Her dark nails were like daggers.

"Ah! Ghosts. "

See this scene, Lan Lan three people are scared pale, ran to a corner squatting shivering.

"I'm here, can I make you crazy?"

Su Xun held the Zhenyao sword and used the Zhenyao sword technique to meet him.

Since the Fu paper doesn't work for her, I'll get close to her and fight well.

"We'll go too."

Yu Yangzi and Qingyun's long sword came out of the scabbard to fight with Su Xun.

The three men had a tacit understanding and forced the women out of the temple. The space in the temple was too small for them to display. They had too many people to give full play to their advantages.

"I "I'm not a slouch!"

Lan Lan three people see this scene are dumbfounded, elegant as she, also can't help but vomit fragrance.

Mr. Su is so fierce.

"Jie, I didn't expect that there are still four people who have real skills. However, when you enter our empress's territory, you all have to stay as food rations. As a monk, your qi and blood are much more delicious than ordinary people."

Women were flying around in the forest, their voices were harsh, their claws were like short blades, and they were fighting with Su Xun.


Looking at the dozen to dozen to go of several people, the colored glaze impatiently called a, the body shape soars, reveals the real body, raises the paw to draw past.

This claw is as fast as the wind.


The woman who was flying in the air was caught off guard and was slapped to the ground.

"Bullshit." Cheers, fat may.

The woman stared at the glass inconceivably and complained in her eyes: "you are also a demon. It's shameful that you are driven by human beings! Roar - "

with a roar of beast, her human skin broke, her head fell, and a small orange beast appeared in place, and then her body began to expand.

Finally expanded to the size of a dog, although the size of glass can not be compared, but it is the demon flame towering, murderous.

"It turned out to be a yellow skin. I'm afraid you'll be transformed if you continue to practice cannibalism."

Yu Yangzi's eyes flashed a touch of fear, said in a deep voice, holding the sword in his hand.

In fact, he wasn't too flustered. After all, in his heart, Su Xun was an expert who subdued the ghost king and the big demon.

With him, it is doomed that nothing will happen today.

Su Xun: don't take me with you

"Human beings, you are all going to die!"She yelled hoarsely, then opened her mouth and vomited out the evil wind.


Mother Huang Pi Zi jumped up at this opportunity, and her sharp claws went straight to Su Xun's neck, which was very fast.

But the speed of Liuli is faster, and it sweeps directly.

"Bang -"

the mother yellow skin was directly pulled out again and hit a tree severely, with blood spilling from the corner of her mouth.

"No way! How can it be

The mother's yellow voice is shrill. A cat demon who can't even speak has not been refined. It's just bigger. How can it make her have no fighting power!

The first time was an accident.

What about the second time?

Liuli stood high and walked past with elegant steps. She looked down at the mother yellow skin with an arrogant attitude, and her eyes were full of contempt.

In front of my king, I dare to attack my servant. Who gives you the courage?

Besides, if you kill the servant, what will he do with the pills that he promised to help me transform my body?

The point is, when he died, who would offer me so many delicious food every day?

Su Xun and Mei pangzi were also stunned. For the first time, they found that Liuli was so fierce.

After that, their backs were a little chilly. Fortunately, Liuli didn't do anything to them that night, otherwise they would all have to be told by the river.

Thank you for your kindness.

No wonder the dead cat is always proud and coquettish. It turns out that other people have this capital.

Yuyangzi murmured to himself: "it's worthy of being a spirit beast. Even if it's a minor, it's not comparable to ordinary demons."

"Master, what kind of thing is this?" Qingyun bared his teeth and asked, now there is such a cat in front of him, he dare not ride, without him, his strength is not worthy of ah.

Yuyangzi didn't play a riddle this time, but said: "Youming nine life cat, also called Maoyou, has nine tails and nine lives when he is an adult. He is born with Yin and Yang, and can see through all the illusions in the world. According to the island myth, it is the pet of the God of death in hell. It is the killer of evil. Walking with the nether world, it is reasonable that there will not be such a creature in the sun. "

Su Yunsi is a fat man.

Crouching troughs, good guy. It's a big story. It's strong blood. Is that how you do what you want?

Su Xun was so flustered that he felt that he had not found a mount, but an ancestor.

After all, he would not dare to ride, and he would have to give her up.

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