The sky of the Dragon frame is like a woman's face, which changes as soon as it changes.

Last night or downpour, this morning is sunny, only the raindrops on the leaves tell the madness of last night.

By the side of the road, a big black G car left traces of rain. The sun blind pulled up, indicating that someone was resting inside.

At this time, many tourists have started from the hotel to shuttle between the mountain roads.

"Tut Tut, this car is hundreds of thousands, it's really her grandmother's domineering."

"Hundreds of thousands? I'll show you a few hundred thousand. It's Big Ben, big g. no matter how many millions. "

"Mad, what do you mean in this world? A car for the rich is more than a lifetime's savings for us ordinary people."

"That is, the state should collect the money of these unscrupulous capitalists and give it to the poor."

Several tourists are talking around Su Xun's big G, scolding the evil rich man, but they are holding a mobile phone to take a selfie and make friends.

Suddenly, the door opened.

"Ah ~"

Xiaobai and Qin Zhu came down from the car yawning and were stunned when they saw the onlookers.

The onlookers suddenly saw that the two beauties were stunned.

You're welcome. Xiaobai and Qin Zhu's appearance is absolutely the top level in the world.

Everyone felt as if their youth had come back.

Then they saw a very handsome young man coming down from the back seat.

Click -

for a moment, everyone felt heartbroken.

They have already made up for what happened in the back of the car last night. The more they think about it, the more heartache they feel.

Damn it, damn it, rich man!

"What can I do for you

Su Xun looked at the people in front of him and asked with a gentle smile.

"No, it's OK. It's OK."

"Look at your beautiful car. Look at it."

A few people are a little stiff and leave one after another.

In fact, they don't hate the rich.

Just because they can't enjoy the_ 〒。

Yeah, that's true.

In fact, Su Xun didn't do anything last night. He was practicing Qi all the time. A little makes a lot. A little is better than nothing.

What's more, fat Mei is sitting in the front row. He can't do anything in the back. QAQ.

Say fat, fat will come.

Mei opened the car door and came down. She went to the trunk to get something for breakfast.

Today's breakfast is eight treasure porridge, the materials are all ready before, directly add water to boil on the line.

"Good morning, Mr. Su."

The energetic yuyangzi comes over with Qingyun.

"Taoist yuyangzi, Taoist Qingyun, you are also early." Su Xun nodded in response.

Qingyun stares at the boiling eight treasure porridge and grins: "Yo, you haven't had breakfast yet."

Yuyangzi was a little embarrassed. They didn't prepare any supplies at all. At the instigation of his apprentice, they just got up early and came to eat.

"Yes, just got up." Su Xun said softly.

Qingyun waited for a long time, but did not wait for the following. He asked eagerly, "Mr. Su, what else?"

"No, what else?" Su Xun looked at him with a puzzled face.

Qingyun face squeeze out a not so beautiful smile: "no, nothing, very good."

Why don't you play according to the routine?

Shouldn't you ask us to eat next?

We pretended to be embarrassed to accept.

This is a complete plot.

How can it be gone!

However, to let him personally say that we are here for breakfast, his skin thickness is slightly less than that of Mei Pang, so he can't tell.

As for Su Xun, he didn't think much about it. In his opinion, yuyangzi and Qingyun must have had breakfast before they came up, otherwise they would have a brain pit.

In this way, yuyangzi and Qingyun are playing with their mobile phones to hide their embarrassment. Yu Guang stares at Su Xun and others drinking delicious eight treasure porridge.

"Burp ~"

Su Xun gave a full burp, put down his bowl and chopsticks, wiped his mouth, and said to Yu Yangzi, "today we're going to Dajiu Lake."

"Big nine lake? You're not allowed to drive in anywhere. " Green cloud said.

Su Xun laughed and didn't answer.

Then Qingyun realized that his words are idiotic.

Most people can't drive in.

But is Su Xun an ordinary person?

You can go to outer space, not to mention a small big nine lake.

"Meow." Liuli stretched out her claw and patted Su Xun's hand, then pointed to her mouth.

She had a lot of porridge around her mouth.

Xiaobai translated: "Liuli asked you to wipe her mouth.""Oh." Su Xun nodded, one hand caught her head, the other hand wiped her mouth a few times.

Yuyangzi and Qingyun are stunned. Are they so rude to such a big man?

Liuli is also confused. His eyes are warm and angry. Stupid human, last night my king had already shown his strength. Why dare he do this to me.

It's because I can't use the knife, or you've gone with the wind.

Su Xun rubbed her cat's head and said, "what are you looking at? Do you dare to stare at me when you eat mine and use mine?"

He figured out last night that he couldn't infer from the common sense that Liuli was a big man. From the previous performance of this guy, the more careful he was with her, the higher the dead cat would float.

So we can't get used to her. It's just what we used to be.

Mount, how can you ride on the master's head?

Mei Pang trembles. Brother, if you commit suicide, don't take me with you. I haven't lived enough.

If the Master goes crazy, they will have to be arranged in order.

"Meow ~" Liuli broke away from Su Xun, looked at him, and then went to the sun with elegant steps.

Stupid human, insignificant servant, you should be glad that it is the delicious food and the pills that have not yet been refined to save your life.

Hiss -

Yu Yangzi and Qingyun take a breath of cool air. Mr. Su is so terrible. It's really unfathomable.

After cleaning up, the two cars drove to the direction of the big nine lake.

Tianlingguo grows near the water source because its roots collect aura from the water. It is very picky about the water quality and only exists in the humid South.

Tianlingguo is known to be the fruit of a tree by its name. It may feel that this kind of tree must be very tall.

In fact, it is not.

The tree of tianlingguo is very small, just like the saplings of ordinary trees. Its leaves are green, and it is insignificant before it bears fruit. Its fruit is light cyan before it matures, and it will become transparent like water after it matures.

Many times, the fruit is not mature when people see it carefully.

Of course, the probability of this kind of thing happening now is very small, because with the development of society, water pollution is more and more serious, aura is thin, I'm afraid this thing will be extinct.

A Tianling fruit tree will bear several fruits at the beginning, but only one will mature at the end, and the nutrients of other fruits will fall off automatically after being absorbed.

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