With an area of about 24 square kilometers and an altitude of 1700 meters, Dajiu Lake is the largest alpine plain in the central part of Longguo. It has abundant rainfall, lush water and grass, cool climate, nine peaks, nine streams and nine lakes in the East and West, with clear water quality and pleasant scenery.

Here we can even see the Wild Sika deer, which is enough to show that the pollution here is not serious.

"Trough, why can they drive in."

"Yes, why can they drive in? We can't."

"Shit, what's the reason? It's such a drag."

Tourists are surprised to see two cars driving into Dajiuhu scenic area.

"Is that the privilege of the big man? Love, love."

Qingyun is driving the red Honda in the scenic area with a high mood.

He used to scold these people for breaking the rules.

Now it's his turn to realize how good it feels to be unbridled and unrestrained.

Park the car at a rest spot at the foot of the mountain, leaving Xiaobai and Qin Zhu guarding the white orchid and Huanyang grass. Su Xunmei and fat man walk to the lake on the mountain with a bag.

They are going to look for nine lakes one by one.

Liuli was not with them, but lazily lying on the roof of the car, crying the sun.

"Wow, what a lovely cat."

"Little sister, is this your cat? It's really lovely. I have good eyes. "

The high-value colored glaze attracts many young tourists, some people throw food, and all kinds of unopened snacks are thrown on the roof.

Liuli rolled his eyes with disdain and left. Stupid human, my king is not an ordinary cat.

After two steps, she turned around, picked up the unopened ham sausage from the tourists and jumped into the car.

Although these human beings are very stupid, but for the sake of their voluntary confession, my king is magnanimous and does not care about them in general.

At least, they know how to please themselves better than stupid servant Su Xun.

"She just Are you looking down on me? "

A feeding little sister some unbelievable said.

At this time, Su Xun and Yu Yangzi had come to the first lake.

On the edge of the lake stood warning signs of dangerous water depth.

There is a stone road leading to a platform beside the lake, which can meet the requirements of taking photos by the lake and avoid trampling on the lawn.

Many tourists took photos on the platform without trampling on the lawn around the lake.

"The quality of people is very high now. It's not so exaggerated on the Internet." Fat plum praised.

Su Xun pointed to another warning sign not far away: "I think that may be the reason."

When Mei Pang saw it, the warning sign said: please don't step on the lawn. Violators will be fined 1000 yuan.

Around, there are special patrols. They are also to prevent accidents such as falling into the lake.

"If we trample on the lawn, we will not appear to have no quality." Qingyun hesitated.

If you want to go to the lake to look for tianlingguo, you have to step into the wild lawn in front of you.

Mei chubby quite experienced smile: "it's OK, as long as the skin is thick enough, not afraid of the strange eyes around."


That sounds so reasonable that I can't refute it.

Yu Yangzi looks at Su Xun.

Su Xun slowly took out his sunglasses and put on a mask he had already prepared.

"Damn it The other three scolded with one voice.

Compared with being ridiculed, tianlingguo is more important, so they can only be people without quality.

"Hey, those four, what are you doing! Don't you see no trampling on the lawn? "

As soon as they stepped into the lawn, the patrolman who had been staring at them came to cut the leeks.

The high fine of 1000 yuan stipulated by the scenic spot has scared off most people who dare to trample on the lawn. The patrolmen have not earned extra money for a long time.

Now he saw four lengtouqing make this kind of mistake, his first reaction was not anger, but excitement, and finally he was going to open.

"You four, pay the fine!"

Su Xun took out a stack of cash at random and threw it in the past: "I'll count it slowly. I'll punish all of today's money. Don't bother us."

Qingyun is stunned. If you have money, you can do whatever you want.

Looking at the money in his arms, the patrolman was directly confused, and then glared at Su Xun: "boy, are you insulting me?"

"No?" Su Xun under the mask laughed and reached for the money: "don't forget it."

"I like the humiliation The patrolman stepped back with the money in his arms and said with a smile, "several bosses are busy slowly. If you have something to say, I have iced beer and snacks in the rest booth for free at any time."

"On the way." Su Xun put up a thumb, and then took the three people to the lake.Qingyun and meipangzi despise the unfeeling and unprincipled behavior of the patrolmen.

A few thousand dollars will buy them off. If they are replaced, less than 10000 yuan will be free of charge (◍˃̶ᗜ̶◍).

The patrolman looked at the money in his arms, and there was no one around. He stuffed it into his clothes.

"Man, there are four people trampling on the lawn. Why don't you punish them?"

A middle-aged man ran over and pointed to Su Xun who had already come to the lake. He said indignantly.

The patrolman's face did not change: "they are the staff of the scenic area. They are checking the green plants, otherwise I would sit back and watch them so arrogant?"

"Well, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I'm sorry.

The patrolman laughed: "it's OK. You're kind. I'll take it."

By the lake, Su Xun's four people scattered and bent down to look around in the grass.

"This is the time when tianlingguo is fruiting. The fruit is transparent and not easy to be found. You have to check it carefully. Don't trample on it carelessly."

Su Xun reminded the other three.

"Damn, there are some staff working on the lake in the middle of the night."

Mei pangzi suddenly said a word, because he found that the grass in front of him had been pressed, and it was still a large piece of this, but he just stood in the distance and couldn't see it.

"Tut Tut, this NIMA is really rolling around, pressing such a large area."

Where is Mei Pang talking to himself? Su Xun doesn't pay any attention to him. He is looking for tianlingguo.

Mei Pang is ready to give up where she has been pressed, because even if there is tianlingguo, some dog men and women may have been crushed to death.

As soon as he got up, he suddenly felt a flash of light, and found something reflecting the sunlight in the grass by the lake.

He frowned and subconsciously approached to see clearly.

At the same time, a huge shadow flashed across the lake with his back to him.

"Dad, I just saw a big fish." On the platform for tourists to take photos, a little Lori who has been staring at the four curiously shakes her father's arm and says.

"Honey, of course there are fish in the lake." The father rubbed his daughter's small head and said with a spoiled face.

In his opinion, the big fish in a child's mouth is not much bigger.

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