Su Xun solved the white python.

Mei pangzi, yuyangzi and Qingyun are still fighting with the black python.

But three people join hands, black Python obviously has some can't hold.

"You go away, let me do it."

The Taoist art that Su Xun had just performed was to use the power of Xingjun to impose on himself. At this time, the power had not dissipated. Of course, he had to seize the time to use it.

It's a time limited package.

Mei pangzi and the three men looked at each other and almost withdrew from the regiment at the same time.

The black Python took a look at Su Xun and spewed out a demon wind.

The evil wind formed the Qi blade and attacked Su Xun with the sound of breaking the air.

This Python is obviously more powerful than the one just now, at least it has skills.

The coming air blade made Su Xun have to stay away from the edge.

All of a sudden, a blade of Qi ran across his cheek. He dodged, but his mask was cut off.

As for the sunglasses, they had fallen off when the donkey was rolling, so now his handsome face is not covered.

"Lying trough, it's him!"

Looking at the face after the mask fell, the tourists with good eyesight not far away recognized him.

"It's master su. How can it be? Master Su is omnipotent. He can do everything!"

"I know fortune telling, cooking, and making money. Now I'm on the horse, and I can get rid of demons. I'm on the hook."

"Ask the state to dissect him..."

All the tourists who knew Su Xun were crazy. No matter what, they didn't expect that Su Xun would subdue demons and demons.

"You, damn it."

Su Xun's sword pointed to the black Python and spit out three words coldly. His eyes were full of murders.

"Roar -"

the black Python roared. Everyone thought it was going to attack, but unexpectedly, it treacherously rushed into the lake.

"Can you run away?"

Su Xun laughed contemptuously and jumped up on the lake like walking on the ground, shaking his sword.

it was the black water that blocked the boa constrictor when the waves were several meters high.

At the same time, Su Xun's sword had fallen.

"Devil, die!"

"Stab -"


Python can't hide, it can only resist.

But Su Xun, who had been helped by Xingjun, was the force of the world.

"Puff -"

another snake's head flies high, scarlet blood in the air across a beautiful arc, and then with the snake's head spills on the lake.

there was a big splash of blood on the lake.

Su Xun stepped on the snake body and went back to the bank. There was no wet place on his body.

Behind him, two black and white snakeheads floated on the lake, and countless fish swarmed up to eat the demon meat.

"Gulu ~"

Qingyun swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty. He saw all the records about the practitioners of Qi from ancient books.

Seeing Su Xun as an entry-level player, he couldn't imagine how powerful those ancient Qi practitioners were.

Cultivation and Qi training are totally different things.

"Only practicing Qi is the foundation of everything!" Yu Yangzi's face turned red with excitement, and his fist clenched under the Taoist robe.

If you don't practice Qi, such high-level Taoist Arts can't be performed at all.

The most they can do is to ask a God, and they can only ask their own grandmaster.

The Grandmaster of the sect is very good. The grandmaster is very good at cooking chicken. It's better not to invite God.

Like Su Xun, it's impossible for him to use the power of the star king of the Zhou Dynasty to exert his Taoism directly.

"Why is he standing there motionless?"

Qingyun looked at the shore, with his back to him and others. Su Xun, who was as straight as a javelin, was puzzled.

"Pretend to be forced." Meipang said, and then squatted on the ground to continue to dig Tianling fruit trees.

Is Su Xun such a vulgar person?

Of course not. It's just that Xingjun's power has dissipated. He's a little weak now, and his face is pale. He needs to slow down.

A few minutes later, his face returned to normal, he took a deep breath and turned around.

At this time, Mei pangzi had already transplanted the Tianling fruit tree, and collected all the rare materials for alchemy.

"Shall we go over?"

Not far away, a group of tourists are ready to move.

They want to go there, but they don't dare to disturb them. They can only wait for someone to take the lead. Everyone thinks so, so no one takes the lead in the end.

I can only watch Su Xun leave.

The tourists who recorded the video sent it to the Internet.

"Shock, Su Da Shi is so talented that he can even get rid of demons. "Master Su is invincible, a sword shines in Kyushu! 》

"Jinbang, the unknown side of the chairman of Qingyun international! 》

less than ten minutes after the video was sent, it was hot, because Su Xun had his own heat.

"Wocao, is this horse really master Su? I don't have eyes

"Are you sure it's video, not computer made?"

"Master Su knows fortune telling, cooking and making money. It's no surprise that he can get rid of demons now."

"It seems that we have been numbed by master Su's show. We'll show it once every three days."

"Miserable, miserable, if foreigners see this video, there is no way to explain whether all of us in Longguo are good at Kung Fu."

"Oh, my God, is this Sue? I'm in love with this man. I'm going to the Dragon kingdom!"


At this time, master Su has returned to the car.

"There's no time to explain. Drive away, or you won't be able to leave soon."

After getting on the bus, Su Xun said in a hurry that he could guess with his toes that the video had just been posted on the Internet.

When these people around recognize him, what's the point?

A moment later, the two cars roared away.

"Is this the heavenly fruit?"

On the bus, Qin Zhu held the Tianling fruit tree in his arms. His eyes were full of curiosity and he reached out carefully to touch the fruit.

Liuli saliva is about to flow out. It looks like it's delicious.

It is the most precious of the three materials that can keep the two python.

"Don't even think about it. If you eat it, I'll eat you."

Su Xun grabbed her and held her in his arms.

"Meow meow ~"

Liuli broke away from his arms, gave him a white look, and then fell on Xiaobai's legs.

"Drive back to Jiangnan directly?"

Asked fat may.

"If you don't take the original road, you'd better take the national road. Forget it, take the provincial road."

Su Xun still needs two demons to finish the identity task of catching demons. Now he goes back the same way, and the possibility of meeting demons on the way is too small.

After all, those demons have been removed on the way here.

In this way, Mei pangzi drove out of the dragon's cage and raced on the provincial road leading to Jiangnan City, followed by Qingyun and yuyangzi.

At noon, the car stopped by a stream.

"Mr. Su, I have something to discuss with you." Yu Yangzi said to Su Xun.

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