"What's the matter? Please, Taoist yuyangzi

Su Xun looked at Yu Yangzi curiously.

Yuyangzi sincerely said: "Mr. Su is a good Taoist. Now he is haunted by demons. I sincerely invite Su Xun to join the Taoist League to kill demons and protect one side."

"Tao Meng?" It was the first time that Su Xun heard about this organization.

Yu Yangzi explained: "the Taoist League, whose full name is the Taoist alliance, has been guarding a place for the imperial court and deterring demons since ancient times. The Taoist League is a united organization of all the Taoist schools in the country and has existed since the Tang Dynasty."

"Thank you very much, Taoist priest. But I'm used to being free and loose. Let it go." Su Xun declined Yu Yangzi's invitation.

He definitely has to bear certain responsibilities and obligations to join the Dao League. He does not want to be constrained.

Yu Yangzi said with a bitter smile, "I don't know how to handle it. Mr. Su will take it as if I didn't say it."

How can a Qi practitioner who is good at Tao and law and a rich man with high value join their Tao League?

The reason why he sent out the invitation was that he wanted to try to attract talents for the organization.

"Taoist yuyangzi, I'm a little curious about this alliance. How did you choose the alliance leader?" Su Xun asked.

Hearing this, Yu Yangzi looked a little dim and shook his head: "the most recent leader of the alliance is a talented person who has been in charge of heaven and earth, but he suddenly disappeared. Later, the aura of heaven and earth was thin, and there were fewer and fewer demons and ghosts. The Alliance was in vain, and the position of leader of the alliance was empty all the time."

"Now that the demons are ready to move, don't you want to choose another leader to lead the world?" Su Xun thought that if it was true, it would be interesting. The Wulin assembly.

Yuyangzi said with a bitter smile: "I don't know. Yuding school is not a famous school. We don't get a lot of information firsthand."

"Is there a Daoist alliance or a Buddhist alliance?" Su Xun asked again. You know, Buddhism and Taoism have not been dealt with very well.

Yuyangzi nodded: "of course, there are some, such as the alliance of martial arts. There are several similar alliances, big and small."

Su Xun nodded thoughtfully. In the past, the demons and ghosts were hiding, and these alliances were in vain.

Now the demons start to haunt, and naturally these alliances will start to work again.

"Taoist yuyangzi, we are going back to Jiangnan City. You..."

Before Su Xun had finished his words, Yu Yangzi arched his hand and said, "we're going back to the Yuding sect. We'll meet again in the mountains and rivers. Mr. Su, I hope to see you again in the future."

"If you come to Jiangnan, welcome to my home." Su Xun had a good impression of Yu Yangzi and Qingyun.

After practicing the julingdan, he naturally won't treat the two badly. After all, they have done their best.

After eating lunch in the same place, yuyangzi and Qingyun drove away first because they were not on the way.

After a short rest, Su Xun and others set out again.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the car drove into a village.

"There is evil in the village."

Xiao Bai reminds me.

Demons are naturally more sensitive to their own kind. Su Xun and Mei Pang haven't found out yet.

"Yes, let's go and get to know the situation."

Su Xun asked Mei pangzi to park the car at the door of a family.

See a few people get out of the car, the door sitting in the cool old man also got up to welcome up.

"Hello, old man." Su Xun passed a cigarette with a smile.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" After smoking, the old man didn't catch his eyes.

"It's nothing. I just want to ask you something." With a faint smile on his face, Su Xun asked in a low voice, "old man, has anything bad happened in your village recently?"

If it happens, it means that the demon is harming people, and Su Xun will not let it go.

If not, maybe it's just a demon who practices here. It doesn't harm people, and there's no conflict of interest. Su Xun doesn't care.

As soon as the voice fell, the old man's face changed greatly. He said in a hurry, "no, no, nothing strange happened. Please go quickly."

At the same time, he turned around and walked into the room, trying to shut Su Xun and others out.

His side-effect is nothing but three hundred taels of silver here.

Su Xun pushed the door and said, "old man, you don't look like you're OK. Why don't you tell me?"

"Oh, young man, you are not from our village. I advise you to stop nosing and meddling. Let's go quickly." The old man was not as strong as Su Xun, so he couldn't close the door for a moment.

Su Xun pushed the door open and went in. He sat down in a chair and said with a smile, "old man, the more you say that, the more curious I am."

"You You really don't know that heaven is high and earth is thick. Don't say I didn't advise you, you will die! " The old man has some helplessness and irritability.Su Xun just looked at him with a smile, turned over a teacup from the table and poured himself a cup of tea.

The old man had no choice but to say, "if you want to listen, I'll tell you, but I hope you can have a sense of propriety and leave as soon as possible."

"You speak first, and I'll talk after listening." Su Xun took a cup of tea and tasted it.

The old man sighed: "our village is not peaceful recently. Everything starts from Li Tiezhu, who brought back a daughter-in-law from the city at the end of the village."

"Li Tiezhu is a famous villain in our village. Three months ago, he went to work in the city. Last week, he brought back a beautiful daughter-in-law from the city. They got married and had a drink in the village."

"People in Li's village have been afraid of losing things since that day, but he was afraid of losing things in tiejizhu."

"Later, the village did not lose chickens, and began to lose face. First, the children were lost. Later, even adults began to disappear inexplicably. Someone found the children's shoes outside Li Tiezhu's yard."

"They all think that the disappearance of these people has something to do with Li Tiezhu. After all, he is not a good thing. Someone goes to his house to make trouble, and then the next day he disappears. The villagers are afraid and dare not make trouble. People are in a panic and are waiting to die."

After hearing this, Su Xun said, "why don't you call the police?"

"Call the police?" The old man laughed miserably and took out an old man's machine from his pocket.

Su Xun saw that there was no signal. He took out his cell phone and there was no signal.

Su Xun asked again, "I know it's dangerous. Why don't I move?"

"Moving?" The smile on the old man's face was even more bitter: "at this juncture, who dares to run around? No one knows when you run out of the village and die outside. Young man, you shouldn't pass here, let alone stop."

Su Xun took a cold breath and imprisoned a village for food. This demon is very fierce!

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