A moment later, susian came out of the old man's hall with a cigarette in his mouth.

Then the old man closed the door and put in the bolt.

"Well, what did you find out?"

Mei asked, holding the steering wheel in one hand.

A man who can drive a million gigabytes with one hand, no matter how ugly, is the male god in the eyes of many girls.

Su Xun looked at the village shrouded in the night. There was no one on the village road. He spewed out a mouthful of smoke: "fierce."

Then he recounted what he had heard.

"Hiss -"

after hearing this, everyone was shocked.

It doesn't matter how the demon is cultivated.

The most important thing is that the people living in one village are fed by people, and the means are cruel and violent.

"Who cares?" Asked fat may.

Su Xun laughed, snuffed out the cigarette end, threw it on the ground, and stepped on it with his feet: "after all, it's human society. How can three or two animals be rampant?"

Su Xun was not used to such arrogant demons.

"Then get on the bus and go to Li Tiezhu's house to see how coquettish his daughter-in-law is in the city." Mei Pang is not ambiguous. He will never step back when he goes up the mountain and down the sea of fire.

Su Xun opened the door and drove to the end of the village, because the old man said that Li Tiezhu's home was at the end of the village.

He didn't say it was the house. Su Xun asked again and again, but the old man just refused to say it, because he was harming Su Xun, a group of passers-by.

The old man was so kind-hearted that how could Su Xun have the heart to abandon this deserted village?

People in the village dare not go out, they can't make a phone call, and people outside the village won't stop when they pass by.

If he doesn't care, the villagers in this village will be dead.

A man is born between heaven and earth. There is a saying that he doesn't do something, but he wants to be worthy of his heart.

At the end of the village, there are several houses.

After parking the car, Su Xun got off with Mei Pang, carrying the town demon sword wrapped in coarse cloth.

"You're waiting. Watch what's in the car."

Su Xun said to Qin Zhu and Xiao Bai that what he said was naturally the three kinds of alchemy materials.

"Let's go, knock on the door and see where Li Tiezhu lives." Mei said with a grin and went to the nearest dirt house.

"Dong Dong..."

"Is anyone here? Open the door. A passer-by will inquire about something. "

A moment later, the wooden door opened with the sound of acid teeth.

Su Xun and Mei pangzi saw a thin, middle-aged man with an ugly face.

The middle-aged man stared at them and did not speak.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, brother. I want to know where Li Tiezhu lives. We're his cousins. We're here to visit relatives."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man grinned and showed his yellow teeth: "I am Li Tiezhu."

Su Xun

Fat Mei

It's very embarrassing to step on the horse. It must be a special fate to pretend to be my cousin and meet the principal ~

but Mei pangzi always believes that as long as I'm not embarrassed, it must be someone else.

So he just laughed and reached for Li Tiezhu's shoulder: "Tiezhu, I heard that you married a girl in the city. That guy is old. Your cousin, I specially brought my friend to see you. By the way, what about my sister-in-law? Isn't my sister-in-law at home? "

As he spoke, he put his head into the room and looked around.

"Pillar, big night, who is it?"

A coquettish, flattering voice into the two ears, followed by Xiangfeng, a woman in a nightgown came out.

The woman is about thirty years old, with spring in her eyes, fair skin, plump figure, and the baby's granary is trembling when she walks. She's really afraid of jumping out of it.

Mei pangzi takes a breath. Good guy, no wonder Li Tiezhu, the villain in the village, has become such a skinny ghost.

With such a wife, the iron body can't carry it. This leg, this waist, this is a walking man's harvester.

Mei Pang is a little bit hard and respectful.

Su Xun used his eyes to see through the wind, the body of the coquettish Banshee.

But he was stunned the next second.

It's not magic, it's not transformation. This woman is actually a human, a real living person.

Where does the evil spirit in this village come from?

"Oh, brother, it's embarrassing for you to stare at people like this."

The woman's pettiness and indignation gave Su Xun a look like anger and strange. Her mouth turned up and she was as charming as a demon.

"My sister-in-law's appearance makes my younger brother astonished. There are many presumptuous places. I hope my sister-in-law will be more generous."

Su Xun showed his apology, and his heart was full of doubts. According to the old man, Li Tiezhu's family is really the root of strange things, but what about demons?The woman chuckled and glanced at Su Xun: "Haihan? My sister-in-law can contain it. I'm afraid my younger brother can't stand it. "

Mei Pang blinks, sleeps in the trough, in a twinkling of an eye, does this car get on the high speed?

He took a look at Li Tiezhu and was shocked to see that he was indifferent. He was a gentleman with an open mind.

"Women in the countryside, it's nothing to make a joke." Li Tiezhu said lightly.

That's right. Both Su Xun and Mei pangzi are from rural areas, and they feel the same way.

The married women in the village are all old drivers, and their cars soar to new heights when they don't pay attention to them.

"Ha ha ha, it seems that this rumor is false. Younger siblings are more coquettish than those in the legend. Tie Zhu is very lucky, but brother Zhu is afraid that his body is not good. How about letting brother work for him for two days?"

Mei Fanzi thought that the woman in front of him was a demon, so he spoke freely.

The woman looked at Mei Pang for a moment, only chuckled, and then said, "Zhu, what are you doing in a daze? Why don't you invite the two brothers into the room for a drink?"

Mei Pang feels humiliated. What a fairy dare to look down on me, Mei Wenhua.

"Believe it or not, I am also a fierce man seven times a night." Mei pangzi said to Su Xun.

Su Xun nodded: "Xin, you wake up and pee seven times a night."

Fat Mei

"Two brothers, please come inside." Li Tiezhu's voice is hoarse, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

As soon as the voice fell, he didn't care about Su Xun and Mei Pang, so he turned and entered the room.

"This woman is human." Su Xun deliberately fell behind and whispered to Mei Pang.

Mei Pang's eyelids jumped: "isn't it a demon? Where did the evil spirit of the village come from? "

"Go in and have a look. Maybe a demon is hiding in the house?" Su Xun said.

But let him down, into the house did not find traces of the demon.

Although the old man and his wife seem to have some evidence for their marriage, it is true.

What the hell is going on?

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