"Well, I haven't heard of Zhu Zhu. He still has two cousins?"

In the hall, the enchanting woman sat on the chair and looked at Su Xun and Mei Pang with a puzzled look on her face.

Mei chubby laughed: "brother and sister, are you narrow-minded? That's a good old saying. There are brothers all over the world."

"That is to say, the two are not relatives of Zhu." The woman's eyes became playful, joking: "you two should not have heard some gossip, so come to our house to investigate."

"How can it be? I never believe those rumors. People like to chew their tongue and lose when they are serious." Mei Pang's eyes didn't blink when he told a lie.

Who knows the woman giggles: "rumor? What if I say these rumors are true? "

The voice dropped, and the atmosphere in the hall solidified.

a click.

Su Xun and Mei pangzi go along.

Li Tiezhu had put the bolt on the door of the main room and grinned at them.

Mei Pang's face didn't change: "sister in law, why? With a beautiful woman like you, I'm afraid we'll run away? "

"That's not true." The woman shook her head and said with a smile, "it's just that I'm afraid the blood will splash out and scare passers-by. It's not good after all."

She looks like she's making friends with her acquaintances, but her understatement makes people feel numb.

"Grass Mud Horse, I won't play it!"

Mei pangzi was a little flustered by the atmosphere. He angrily scolded and directly lifted the table.

"Bang Dang!"

The table was overturned in an instant, and Mei Pang rushed to the woman.

The woman sat in the same place motionless, the corners of her mouth rose, and a contemptuous smile was raised.

"Hoo -"

a strong wind came, and Li Tiezhu stood in front of the woman.

"Dang -"

the punch of Mei pangzi hit Li Tiezhu and made a sound, as if he had hit a piece of iron.

"The living corpse!"

Mei chubby spits two words out of his mouth.

"Oh, fat people are famous. Unfortunately, they have to die here today."

The woman's eyes flashed a strange color, obviously did not expect Mei pangzi to recognize the corpse.

Mei pangzi returned to Su Xun and explained with a dignified face: "a living corpse is a living person who was born in the overcast years and months. After death, he used incense ash to block the seven orifices and keep the soul away. He refined the corpse with secret techniques in the corpse raising place. After the corpse was finished, he could retain his memory and mind. His appearance was the same as that of a living person. He was invulnerable to gunfire and water. He would drink human blood every day, otherwise he would be insane Lose, become a walking corpse

"It seems that all the missing villagers have become the blood food of the living corpse?" Su Xun's eyes were cold.

The woman smiles and shakes her head: "that's right, but it's not right."

Su Xun had no time to think about where the evil spirit in the village came from. Now he just wanted to kill these two people first.

"What's the difference between behaving in human skin and behaving like a demon? Today, I'll cut you two off! " Su Xun's voice was sonorous and powerful, and his intention to kill was overwhelming.

The woman sneered: "didn't you hear the fat man clearly? Although I don't have any skills, this living corpse can't hurt him by sword. What can you do for a little mortal? "

"The sword is not sharp enough!" Su Xun's right hand was shocked, the coarse cloth was broken, and the Zhenyao sword showed his real body.

"You two will see if my sword is sharp enough to take your head."

As the voice fell, Su Xun went to kill with his sword. The spirit of killing with the demon sword filled the hall. Not to mention the evil generation, even Mei Pang felt palpitation.

Mad, why is this sword more and more evil? It's not like that when I brought it back from Xiangxi.

Zhen Yao Jian Zhen Yao Jian, Mei Pang, now this Bing Jian is going to be a demon.

"Magic weapon!"

The woman's pupil suddenly shrinks. She didn't expect that these two people are actually monks with Taoist skills, and they still have magic weapons in their hands.

Living corpses are not afraid of swords, but magic weapons are not ordinary swords. They are designed to fight evil.

"Back up!"

The woman yelled, and could not maintain the previous forced grid any more. She stepped on her feet and suddenly slid to the door.

But when I got to the door, I remembered that the front door had been closed first. I didn't expect that now I lifted a stone and hit my feet. Instead, I got in the way of my escape.

"Bang! Boom - "

at this time, Li Tiezhu jumped up, smashed the door with his hard body, and escaped with a corpse.


A roar behind him was like thunder on the ground, and the light of the three foot sword was like the frost of the December, which made people feel cold.

"Stab -"


The woman's back was pulled out of a blood line, and her body flew out heavily. With a scream, she fell on the ground with a mouthful of blood.To fight demons, Su Xun may have to perform Taoist skills, but he can kill people with his kung fu.

Li Tiezhu didn't care about women. He got up and wanted to run into the mountains.

After all, as a living corpse, he preserved his mind and pursued the advantages and avoided the disadvantages, which was natural.

"Shua Shua --"

a few pieces of Rune paper broke through the void and came out with a golden light, which condensed into a wall in the void and blocked Li Tiezhu's way.

Mei chubby chuckled: "a living corpse is invulnerable, invincible, even if it doesn't kill you with a gun. Even if you meet a congenital warrior, you won't be afraid. Hehe, but who's going to let you have bad luck? I'm the corpse chaser. As long as it's a corpse, I'll catch it up with you. That's what we call brine and tofu. One thing falls into one thing."

Finally, I can show my old profession. May is still a little excited.

"Dead fat man, seek death!" Li Tiezhu was furious and couldn't run. He was ready to fight with his life.

Mei Pang's smile became more brilliant. He took out his family's Dementor bell from his waist and began to shake it. He took mysterious steps and recited obscure incantations.

"Ding Ling Ling ~ Ding Ling Ling ~"

Li Tiezhu was fixed in an instant. His eyes could turn and he was conscious, but his body was out of control and he couldn't move at all.

Ha ha, the corpse has just broken the law. If you don't want to leave soon, you can't even smile

In the car, Xiaobai and Qin Zhu look at Mei's triumphant face and think he is so cheap.

Li Tiezhu glared angrily. He never thought that he would meet a corpse chaser. The idea of stepping on the horse is really home.

On the other side, Su Xun approached the bloody woman on the ground step by step with his sword. His eyes were indifferent, as if he was looking at a dead man.

"No, don't kill me. I'll do whatever I want. Please don't kill me."

The woman kept begging for mercy, a pathetic look, most of the Nightgown fell, white body so exposed to the air.

But Su Xun was not moved. His eyes were cold.

when the woman saw this, she looked up to the sky and yelled, "old man, if you don't come out again, I'll tell him everything!"

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