Su Xun was shocked by the woman's roar.

He didn't expect the woman to have any help.

"Shua Shua..."

More than a dozen figures darted out of the houses at a high speed.

One of them is the old man I met at the entrance of the village.

"I didn't expect that I was really wrong."

Su Xun said with a smile.

I thought the other party was kind, but I didn't expect that the old man said that on purpose. He deliberately led him to Li Tiezhu's house to die.

Although Li and his wife did not want to know why they had to do it directly.

The old man sighed and hugged Su Xun: "it should be the old man. I think I've lost my eye. I didn't expect that the two of you were masters of Taoism. I'd like to ask you to give me a face. How about today's business

"Master, Liuli said these people are demons." Qin Zhu's voice came from the car.

Su Xun and Mei Pang's face changed.

Because they didn't feel any evil spirit and magic from these people.

So before, Su Xun had no defense against the old man.

Because in his perception, the other party is a real living person.

If these people are really demons, aren't they all demons?

Only the big demon can cover up the evil spirit, which is the same as ordinary people.

But how could it be!

There are so many demons. Once they enter the city to make trouble, it is definitely a disaster.

The old man chuckled and said: "I didn't expect to be seen through. Don't worry. Although we have changed our shape, we don't want to be enemies with daomen. Please go back quickly. I won't investigate this matter."

Su Xun's face was overcast and overcast in his heart, and he looked at these people.

Then he found out that these demons were all of the same kind. He could not help blurting out: "jackal?"

"It's the Jackal Mei Pang, who has opened his eyes, corrects and shows disdain: "Yin jackal is a group of demons. When they grow up, they are born with supernatural powers that can transform people and cover up evil spirits, but their fighting power is extremely weak. Therefore, these are just appearance goods, just a group of pretending criminals."

Now it's the turn of the ten monsters to change their faces. Because they are torn down, they don't have the slightest deterrent power.

Su Xun suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the old demon, who was a Yin jackal before, didn't do it himself. It turned out that it was a Pewter spear head that was not popular in China.

But then he was furious and had a lot of ideas.

At present, there are no living people in this village. The villagers are all changed by Yin jackals. They cooperate with Li Tiezhu and his wife to specially trap passers-by.

As for where the original living people in the village have gone, is it necessary to say?

It must be that they all died here.

"You and other evil spirits should be punished!"

As the words fell, Su Xun rushed out with his sword.

"Puyi -"

a "person" who is closest to him flies up directly, and then becomes a jackal's head, and his lower body becomes a jackal's body.

"My son!" The old man gave a roar.

Su Xun gave a cold smile: "don't worry, I'll send you down to accompany him now. Of course, the whole family will have a neat reunion."

Then Su Xun was like chopping melons and vegetables, directly killing several demons.

As fat man Tongmei said, these Yin jackals are powerful, but their fighting power is comparable to that of vegetable chicken, and they can't stop him.

"You forced me!"

Old Yin jackal's eyes roared, his body flickered, and he swept to the car in the middle of the road.

He's going to take the woman in the car as a hostage.

Fat may looked at him with silly eyes.

"Pa -"

a cat's tail swept out of the window, and the old jackal was instantly pulled back to its original shape, flew upside down, hit the ground hard, and died.

In a twinkling of an eye, the ground was covered with the corpses of Yin jackals, and all the nests were carried away.

At the same time, Su Xun's mind sounded the system sound.

[congratulations on the completion of the mission: capture or kill ten monsters. 】

[get reward: introduction to basic Qi training. 】

Su Xun was relieved that he retained the basic cultivation of Qi training, although he was good at Zhenyao sword and had a good eye.

But what he wanted most was the cultivation of Qi training. Although it was an entry-level cultivation, it was much better than limiting ordinary monks.

What's more, the materials of Dan medicine have been collected, and the cultivation of Qi training has been retained, so the foundation has been laid. At that time, you can use drugs directly to improve.

"You deal with that woman. I'll burn this thing."

Mei pangzi said to Su Xun, and then smilingly walked to Li Tiezhu, the living corpse he had set in place.

Su Xun went to the woman.The woman tried to escape while Su Xun was killing the demon, but she couldn't stand up when she was injured. She had to climb on the ground with her hands, but how far did she get?


Su Xun stepped on her back and couldn't move.

"Ah! Whoosh - "

the woman was in pain, with a scream and a mouthful of blood.

Su Xun looked down at her bloody back and said in a deep voice, "I want to know what you said before."

People and Demons work together to harm people, and there are people who can do evil arts to refine Li Tiezhu into a living corpse. The involvement behind this is not simple.

"I said, you Can you spare me? " The woman's voice said weakly, and her strong thirst for knowledge made her have no idea of keeping a secret at all.

Su always said, "I can't worry if I can kill you."

"Well, I said, I said." The woman was relieved and began to tell everything she knew.

According to the woman, she comes from a force called heaven demon sect. Half a month ago, she came to this village with more than a dozen Yin jackals who can transform people and Li Tiezhu who has been refined into a living corpse.

They directly killed a small number of villagers, collected their blood, and then disguised themselves as villagers to specially trap passers-by.

Their task is to collect blood. After collection, someone will come to collect it regularly. She doesn't know where it will be transported and what it will do.

Because she is just a small leader at the bottom of the teaching staff, and it's up to her to get this position.

After hearing this, Su Xun's face was so gloomy that it seemed that he could drip water. He immediately thought of the sudden appearance of demons all over the world.

Behind this, is it the celestial demon sect that led to it, and what is its purpose?

"I said it all, I May I go now? " The cautious woman asked.

Su Xun recovered, and his expressionless face increased the strength of his feet.

"Click -"

the sound of broken bones sounded, the woman vomited blood, widened her eyes, and was full of unwilling: "you You don't believe what you say. "

"I'll tell you without words." Su Xun answered with a strong reason.

For these evil people in human skin, do they need to transfer credit?

"Poo Chi -"

the woman died by spurting blood.

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