"Heaven demon sect? It's unheard of. "

On the way, Su Xun contacted Yu Yangzi by telephone to tell him the story. After hearing this, Yu Yangzi was furious, but he also said that he had never heard of the organization.

Su Xun said: "according to the dead demon, the first time he came to collect blood was three days later, and I suspect that the birth of a large number of demons may have something to do with the heaven demon sect. Does Taoist priest yuyangzi have any idea?"

After hearing this, yuyangzi said that he would take people to the village to wait and see what happened.

This is what Su Xun wanted to achieve.

After all, he didn't have time to investigate this matter, so he had better leave it to the people of daomeng. This is their job.

"Well, I'll wait for the good news from Taoist priest. I hope Taoist priest can uproot this teaching."

"Don't worry, Mr. Su. I'll let you know as soon as I have any news."


At seven o'clock in the morning, people who had been away from home for many days returned to Yuliang mountain manor.

Leaving Qin Zhu and Xiao Bai behind, Su Xun and Mei pangzi took the white orchid, Huanyang grass and tianlingguo to the land reclaimed on the top of Yuliang mountain.

On the top of the mountain, everyone had been waiting there, surrounded by soldiers with guns.

In Su Xun's words, the manor on the hillside can be destroyed, but there must be no problem with the land on the mountain.

"Mr. Su."

Seeing Su Xun, a research group composed of several botanists quickly welcomed him.

After seeing the three kinds of plants, they were all astonished because they had never seen them.

Su Xun's explanation was that the plant was transplanted from R star. A general of R star wanted to do an experiment, so he sent soldiers to guard.

Botanists believe this after listening to it. No wonder they haven't seen it. It's not that we have little knowledge. It turns out it's something from other planets.

"You guys, I don't care what you do, you must ensure the survival of these three plants, and on this basis, mass cultivation. The soil in the flowerpot is their own native soil."

After all, Su dares not use the same thing to promote the world.

"Mr. Su can rest assured that we will do our best to live up to our trust."

The group leader assured Su Xun.

After all, each of them took a lot of money, and if they couldn't do it, they would have to spit it back.

What's more, they are also interested in this kind of plant that they have never seen before.

But the only regret is that they can't publish the research report. After all, this is their first time to study alien plants.

After repeated instructions, Su Xun and Mei pangzi drove down the mountain and returned to the manor.

At this time, Liao Yu, an Zizhen and Yan Yurou have already got up and are teasing Liuli there.

However, the glass is very cold, in the absence of food, they are ignored.

"The cat is too cold. It's not lively at all."

Amused for a while, an Zizhen gave up, just saw Su Xun come in, eyes a bright pounce in the past.

"Husband, you are so wonderful. Do you know that the video of you beheading a python in Dajiuhu has been popular all over the Internet. Honestly, how many things do you have to hide from us?"

Su Xun took her to the sofa and said with a smile, "I know a lot about it. I'll show you some advanced skills like old and Han carts this evening."

"Bah." An Zizhen's face was red, and he knew what he meant in an instant.

Yan Yurou looked at Su Xun and asked, "master, where did you come from? It's too cold. You ignore us."

"Don't talk about you. Sometimes she ignores me." Said Su, looking at the sofa.

Yan Yurou's eyes widened: "true or false, what do you want it to do, waste food?"

"Meow ~" Liuli stands up and stares at Yan Yurou. Stupid mother, you only waste food.

Yan Yurou, numb with her gaze, leans on Su Xun: "it What is it going to do? "

"Elder sister, at least it's my territory. Give me face." Su Xun looked at Liuli.

Liuli took a look at him, then rolled his eyes and climbed down to sleep.

"No, she would roll her eyes and despise people!"

Seeing her smart eyes, Liao Yu, an Zizhen and Yan Yurou were shocked.

At noon, Su Xun had a meal at home.

Then he made an appointment with Li Jianguo.

Li Jianguo set the meeting place at his home.

Liu Yun's grandmother died early, he has been living alone.

When Su Xun saw Li Jianguo again, he was shocked.

Li Jianguo in front of him is just two people compared with the extraordinary professor before him.

His hair was messy, his beard was ragged, he had two dark circles under his eyes, his clothes were wrinkled, and he hadn't changed them for a long time."Come on in." Li Jianguo looked at Su Xun at the door and said.

After going in, Su Xun found that there was no place to stay. The floor, tea table and sofa were full of all kinds of materials and books.

"Sit down and I'll tell you about the research progress of bamboo slips."

While Li Jianguo was talking, he rummaged on the ground and handed Su Xun a pile of messy papers: "this is the content of all bamboo slips translated into Chinese characters. You can talk while you look at me."

Su Xun took the paper and looked at it.

Li Jianguo said beside him: "after my research and comparison day and night these days, I found that the contents recorded in history and bamboo slips are roughly the same, but there are big differences in some places."

"For example, the strength of the ancient generals to wipe out thousands of troops is an exaggeration in modern poetry, but it really exists in the bamboo slips. The Warlocks in the Qin and Han dynasties also have the ability to understand Heaven and earth."

"According to the records of the emperor Xu Zhujian, the boy and girl who went to Penglai Island to seek medicine were not the ones who came out of the sea."

"Cheng Sheng Wu Guang's rebellion was not a man-made fox cry, but a real fox fairy."

"Bamboo slips also record When the emperor's death comes, the hell will meet his soul... "

Li Jianguo spoke a lot quickly, and finally looked at Su Xun with burning eyes: "if all the bamboo records are true, then the real history is really incredible. In the process of translation, I had doubts several times, but after I saw the video of you beheading the python, I believed it."

"This is the truth." Since then, Su Huang has been able to imagine how to grasp the real words in his hands.

Li Jianguo sighed again: "unfortunately, there are too few materials. The most recent records of these bamboo slips are in 122 BC. We can't understand what happened with the passage of time, which made the world what it is today."

Su Xun's secret way is that Liu An committed suicide in 122 BC. Of course, the bamboo slips he collected can only be recorded to this age recently.

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