"If only there were similar records of other dynasties, how did the real history develop to today's situation?"

Li Jianguo sighed. When he said this, he deliberately glanced at Su Xun and gave a crazy hint.

Of course, Su Xun understood his meaning: "I've sent people all over the world to look for it. If I find it, I'll send it to you as soon as possible."

"It's not peaceful recently. Be careful, old man." As the voice fell, Su Xun reminded him again.

Li Jianguo said: "don't worry, I was not afraid of death before, but now I am worried, I am especially afraid of death."

If he could study the real ancient history thoroughly, he would die.

"Ka ~ Ka -"

just at this moment, a sound of unlocking the lock sounded.

Su Xun looks at Li Jianguo.

Li Yun said, "I'm from Jianguo."

"What did you call her for?" Su Xun asked.

Li Jianguo pointed to the miscellaneous things on the ground: "would you like to clean them up for me?"

Su Xun pretended not to hear.

"Why are you here?"

Seeing Su Xun, Liu Yun is surprised. She doesn't feel much about the mess. She is obviously used to it.

Su Xun said, "I'll talk to Professor Li about something."

"Take your time. I'll take a shower upstairs and change my clothes." Li Jianguo said a word to Liu Yun, and then he got up and went upstairs.

Liu Yun and Su Xun understand it. They are deliberately making room for them.

Liu Yun's pretty face is slightly red, and she stomps her feet in complaint. It's not that my grandfather plays the piano in disorder.

Professor Li's son-in-law wanted to be my grandson

"Shut up Liu Yun glared at him and said, "don't even think about it."

"Sister, I don't think so." Su Xun got up, jokingly said a word, and then staggered Liu Yun to go out.

When Su Xun passed by her, Liu Yun suddenly straightened her body, her face turned red, and her mind was blank.

This asshole, how dare he, how dare he!

When she reacted, she found that Su Xun had already run away.

For a time, Liu Yun is shy and angry: "asshole, don't let me see you again, or you will die."

"Well, I can see from upstairs how Xiao Su left?" Li Jianguo came down and asked.

Liu Yun blushed and said: "that dead guy may be in a hurry to reincarnate."

She still felt that she had just been scalded by the place where Su Xun took advantage.

Looking at his granddaughter's reaction, Li Jianguo blinked. There is something wrong with it.

On the other side, the bastard in Liu Yun's mouth is rushing to the airport.

Because, here comes Kelly.

The small public example of the Middle East global trading company, the woman who was forced by Su Xun to leave with tears (๑₃₃̀๑).

Although they often contact each other through the Internet, Su Xun didn't expect that Kelly came to Longguo without saying a word, and told him that she had to get off the plane.

Fortunately, he went back to Jiangnan this morning, otherwise he couldn't pick her up.

At Jiangzhou International Airport, Su Xun sits in the car waiting for Kelly.

He didn't dare to get out of the car. After all, the video of boa constrictor beheading in Dajiu Lake is hot. Once he got out of the car, he was afraid of causing traffic congestion.

So for the sake of urban traffic, he decided to keep a low profile.

Even the driving car is a Rolls Royce phantom with a new brand.

Well, the humble Rolls Royce phantom.

For Su Xun, the car was really humble. He had money and was so tough.

More than ten minutes later, he saw Kelly through the window.

Ye's three-dimensional shoes are full of delicate black features, and his feet are full of bumps.

Behind him, a group of tall bodyguards guard the woman who is a princess of many small countries.

Kelly saw Su Xun's car, said a few words to the entourage behind her, then opened the front passenger's door and got into the car.

"Eat first..."

Before he had finished speaking, Su Xun was choked up by Kelly and said: "no, my knight, I just want to eat you now."

"Here it is?" Su Xun hesitated. This is on the edge of the airport. It's not very good (◔◡◔).

But when he spoke, he pressed down the electric sunshade, and the car was dark, blocking all the sunlight and sight outside.

Well, it's typical of being honest.

With a charming smile, Kelly raised Su Xun's chin with her jade finger: "otherwise? Come on, my brave knightIn the face of such provocation, a man can't help it.

So soon, passers-by found Rolls Royce shaking strangely.

For a time, I don't know how many men who witnessed this foreign beauty get on the bus were heartbroken.

When the car shook for an hour, many onlookers left with low self-esteem.

"Husband, look at them."

A woman holding her husband's arm, pointing to the shaking Rolls Royce, a face of resentment.

After an hour and a half of rhythmic shaking, the Rolls Royce phantom finally left.

On the bus, Su Xun sighed.

He now believes a saying on the Internet that the roof of Rolls Royce's star sky is really easy to be punctured by high heels.

He used to think that this sentence was too exaggerated.

Sure enough, practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

"I came to you to ask you for help. I heard that you have a good relationship with R star?" After calming down, Kelly began to dress and get down to business.

Su Xun asked, "what do you want to do?"

"You say, my knight, the princess just let you ride, you can't help it." Kelly looks at Su Xun pitifully.

Women are all born playwrights.

Su Xun can't deny: "arms can't be touched."

If R-star's black technology munitions are sold to the earth, what else can we do?

"Of course, I know the right thing to do." Kelly smiles and kisses Su Xun: "thank you, dear."

Meanwhile, at the headquarters of Middle East global trading company, Kelly's father Niles accidentally saw a video on her mobile phone.

In the video, a very beautiful foreign woman gets into a Rolls Royce. After a while, the Rolls Royce shakes.

That woman is Kelly, his favorite daughter, his future successor.

"Oh, shetfark, damn it..."

His face was dark. In a short minute, he just scolded all the dirty words.

With his toes, he could think of who the other undisclosed hero in Rolls Royce was.

He has the impulse to break off the father daughter relationship with Kelly, because his face has been lost.

From today on, he hates the dragon people! Especially Su!

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