After seeing Su Xun's uncanny means, Niles held Su Xun in awe.

In his heart, Su Xun was God.

His daughter and Su Xun have that kind of improper relationship. He is very happy to be a father (◔◡◔).

Because it means that the Niles family may have a child with divine blood.

But Kelly was caught in the video of car shock, he was very angry.

Because it means that many acquaintances will see it. Kelly is his successor. He can already imagine how those old guys would tease him.

His face, it's gone.

Sheldon, if it's gone, it's gone. At least it increases the chance of pregnancy.

He can only comfort himself.

Of course, Su Xun was not there, so he dared to be a little angry.

If Su Xun was in front of him, let alone getting on the bus in the street, he would be shocked. Even if he was cheating on his daughter in front of him, he would have to make room with a smile and wish Mr. Su a happy life.

So now that Su Xun was away, he scolded a few more times.

He continued to watch the video, and suddenly came across the video of Su Xun's sword cutting a python in the big nine lake. His mouth was still cursing and closed instantly.

Well, my dear daughter, father must admit, you did a good job.

Kaili, who is far away in Longguo, doesn't care what her father thinks. At this time, she is dining with susian in the private room of Nuo hotel.

She sat in Sushen's arms, ate by herself, and then fed Sushen. She was very intimate.

This woman, who was worth a trillion yuan, was as meek as a dog in front of Su Xun.

Holding the soft body in his arms, Su Xun said to himself that the one meter eight ocean horse was strong.

"When are you going to star r?" Kelly feeds the red wine to sue Xun's mouth.

Su Xun took a sip and leaned back on his chair: "the day after tomorrow."

"For me?" Kelly's eyes twinkled.

Su Xun looked very self-confident, with a smile, and raised her smooth chin: "of course, my foal."

He didn't go to R star specifically for Kelly, of course.

After all, he has to go to the grass-roots level to check. As a guide, he doesn't have to go to the grassroots level.

But it doesn't prevent him from telling lies. Since lying can make Kelly happy and make him happy, why not?

As soon as you open your mouth, you will know that you are an old scum man.

Kelly was moved not to want: "in fact, you don't have to go for me, I'm not in a hurry."

"How can that work?" Su Xun shook his head and looked at her affectionately: "the first time you begged me, of course I'll do it for you. After all, I can't always accompany you, which makes me feel guilty."

"It's very kind of you, my dear." Kelly turns around and chews with susian.

Su Xun enjoys passively. Alas, I'm not lying. It's just the art of language.

After strenuous exercise and digestion in the private room, Su Xun sent Kelly back to the hotel room.

Kelly was still a little reluctant: "honey, won't you stay with me tonight?"

"Of course, I want to stay with you, but you've been on a plane all day. Let's have a rest early. I'm afraid I'll disturb you by staying." Su Xun said softly and touched her golden hair.

Kelly smelled the sweet words in her heart: "you have a good rest too, honey. Good night."

"Good night." Su Xun gave a smile.

Looking at the door closed, Su Xun turned and left.

He took out a handkerchief and wiped the lip print on his face.

Just came back from the outside, the first day he spent the night with other women in the hotel, he was afraid of being chopped to death by an Zizhen.

Otherwise, tonight he must let Kelly know how explosive Asian men are.


At the weekend, Su Xun went to star r by spaceship.

He didn't bring anyone but Kelly.

Kelly wants to do business on R star, so Su Xun gives her to the highest person in charge of the two ball trade.

"Don't worry, Mr. Su. I'll arrange everything for Miss Kelly." The person in charge said respectfully.

Kelly looked at Su Xun's beautiful eyes full of worship. She was a god like man. Even the high officials of other planets were so humble in front of him.

Su Xun said to Kelly, "I have something else to do next. Maybe I don't have time to take care of you. If you have anything, you can go to him directly and he will arrange it for you."

"Well, well, I see." Kelly nodded cleverly and held out a hand to the trade director: "Hello, please."

"You're welcome, Miss Kelly. It's my pleasure to help you." The person in charge didn't dare to go. Kelly's hand, after all, was a boss woman. He didn't dare to touch a finger.

Separated from Kelly, Su Xun came to the Lord's mansion.

Yunhai, who got the news, had been waiting at the door with a group of officers."Salute

"Shua Shua --"

the salute of the guards and officers.

Su Xun's return gift.

"General." The sea of clouds met him.

Su Xun patted him on the shoulder: "go in and say."

In the main hall of the city, Su Xun sat at the first place, the officers sat on both sides according to their ranks, and the guards spread out from the door.

"Come one by one." Su Xun took a drink of water and said.

"Yes, general."

"At present, the whole R star has entered a stable state. With the increase of employment and entertainment, there has not been a war between various forces in the past week, because soldiers and people refuse to fight."

"Several complete production lines have been set up in Yuancheng. Every day, a continuous stream of electronic products and entertainment products are transported to all parts of the world to ensure that everyone can have a high-quality entertainment life, and each product is marked with the logo of Yuancheng."

"The permanent population of Yuancheng is increasing. Every day there are people from other places who move their families. There is no room for arrangement in the city. General, the construction of the new city should be put on the agenda as soon as possible..."

All of them report to their respective branches one after another. Yuancheng is currently under military control, and everything is in the hands of the army.

After hearing this, Su Xun gave several orders.

Build cities, build cities crazily, and have preferential policies for immigrants.

Peace loving, he doesn't attack other people's cities. He just needs to build cities and attract people from other people's territory.

At present, Yuancheng is very attractive to the people of R star, because Yuancheng has cinemas, playgrounds, all kinds of entertainment facilities that are not available outside, as well as rich treatment for residents, which attract countless people to come.

The population in the Warlord's territory will only become smaller and smaller, and the productivity will decline. Then the soldiers will start to run away. There is only one way for them to surrender and surrender to suthen.

Of course, there will certainly be people who forcibly ban population migration, but to prevent people from rushing to a better life will be met by people's resistance.

You know, R star can't help but shoot. Only heavy firepower is forbidden, and the whole people can fight at any time.

Su Xun also put forward an appeal to eliminate internal wars and peaceful reunification, which won the support of countless people.

If anyone refuses peace, Su Xun will use nuclear peace to achieve peace.

Next, Su Xun just needs to wait. Everything goes step by step. He doesn't need to do it. Time will help him unify r star.

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