Monday, R star.

This is the first time that Su Xun has extracted identity from Kelly's quilt.

I hope the father of the system can give him an identity with simple tasks and high returns for the sake of foreign friends.

[congratulations to the host for completing the task: solving the problems caused by the identity of the king of killers. 】

[reward: mastery of firearms. 】

when Su xungang was about to extract a new identity, he suddenly heard the sound of task completion in his mind.

He was confused. For a long time, he forgot the identity of the king of killers.

It's only now that the mission has been completed, that is to say, those enemies on earth who were assassinated by him have given up the idea of seeking revenge on him.

Most of it is because the video of his beheading Python in Dajiu Lake has been sent abroad, which dispels those people's idea of revenge.

After all, as he becomes more and more powerful, it's no different to revenge him, so hell level difficulty, let's forget it.

Su Xun was a little disappointed. All the skills of the identity of the king of killers were proficient in firearms, fists and feet, easy appearance, poor medical skills, stealth, and six senses.

Before he finished the task, he could use these skills all the time. After all, the task is unlimited.

But now that the task is finished suddenly, he only keeps one skill that he is proficient in firearms. He always feels like he is in a loss.

Can only say, white, whoring for a while cool, has been white, whoring has been cool ah.

Forget it. After all, it's white. I've been whoring for so long. I'll be happy if I'm satisfied.

"System, extract new identities."

[drawing Successful extraction. Congratulations on the new identity of the host: deep sea explorer. 】

[the total area of the ocean is 360 million square kilometers, accounting for 71% of the earth's surface area. Human exploration of the ocean is only 5%. The endless ocean is deep and bottomless. The ocean changes for many years, and there are too many unknown secrets hidden in the sea. 】

[identity ability: breathing in water, ignoring water pressure, proficient in ocean knowledge. 】

[identity task: find the remains of the Dragon Palace and broadcast the whole process live for seven days. 】

"lying exercise!"

After hearing the task of this identity, Su Xun couldn't help saying something rude.

Looking for the remains of the dragon palace!

But also live, this horse is to make the earth turn upside down.

The remains of the Dragon Palace show that there used to be dragon people in the sea, but where are the dragon people now?

This is definitely the most exciting task that Su Xun has experienced.

As for the equipment and submarines for deep-sea live broadcasting, there is no need to worry about this. The technology of R-star can be manufactured according to his requirements.

"What's the matter, my dear?"

Kelly was awakened by Su xungang's words, sat up and looked at him with a puzzled face.

Do you have to do it in the morning?

"Nothing. Go to sleep. I have something to do. Let's go first."

The scum man galloped his horse last night and ran away in the morning without inviting anyone to have breakfast.

He ordered the factory to build a submarine and a set of live broadcasting equipment according to his requirements.

These are small things for R-star technology, which can be done in one day.

That afternoon, Su Xun returned to the earth in a spaceship, along with a submarine and a set of deep-sea live broadcasting equipment.

"So soon back, don't accompany your ocean horse in R star more than a few days

Looking at Su Xun coming in, an Zizhen said something on the sofa.

Several other women are also poor eyesight.

Women of the Dragon kingdom are united!

"I'm going to the sea to find the Dragon Palace." Su Xun's first words shocked everyone.

"What did you say?"

An Zizhen, Liao Yu, Yan Yurou, Xiao Bai, Qin Zhu, Mei pangzi and even Liuli stare at him.

That look, just like looking at a fool.

Su Xun repeated again: "I said that I would go to the sea to find the remains of the Dragon Palace, and it would be broadcast live."

He didn't plan to cover it up this time. He directly broadcast it in his own identity. After all, now he has such a high profile on earth, and he is not afraid of a higher profile.

As long as the identity of the alien general is not exposed for the time being, it is easy for the earth authorities to be on guard against him.

"Are you serious? Brother, do you have any inside information? " Mei Pang is serious.

Instead of answering, Su Xun said, "I just want to inform you that I'm leaving tonight."

"That's too dangerous. Besides, where is the Dragon Palace in the world? Are you crazy?" An Zizhen is in a hurry. She is worried about Su Xun's safety.

Liao Yu also advised: "yes, brother Xun, think about it again. The Dragon Palace is just a myth."

"I won't stop you, because I know I can't, but I'm going with you." Qin Zhu said.Yan Yurou quickly echoed: "I'll go if I want to."

"You two don't think it's chaotic enough, do you?" An Zizhen Xiumei a vertical, and then did not have the good spirit to say: "that I also go, really what danger, die together in the sea."

She compromised because Qin Zhu was right. They couldn't persuade Su Xun.

"Oh, just make a fool of yourself. If you want to bring something, I'll go and pack up." Liao Yu followed.

Mei pangzi comforted: "sister-in-law, it's not so exaggerated. You don't know a lot of things. The legend will be handed down. It's not a groundless story. Since elder brother has decided to look for the remains of the Dragon Palace, it shows that he is mostly sure."

"Actually, you don't have to go..." Su Xun didn't plan to take an Zizhen with them because there were too many uncertain situations in the sea.

Before he finished his words, he was interrupted by an Zizhen: "don't go unless you do."

Su Xun felt helpless, but more moved.

After all, how many people can you meet in your life who know there will be danger and are willing to accompany you?

Well, in that case, let's go together.

Su Xun asked Chiyang to send someone back to star r to bring back some underwater auxiliary breathing apparatus, which had the same effect as the earth's oxygen tank, but was smaller.

This will ensure that they can breathe normally for a period of time after they get out of the submarine.

"Can we load so many people?" Liao Yu raised a question.

Su Xun said with a smile: "don't worry, this submarine was rebuilt by a combat submarine of R star. It has a large internal space."

"Let's go shopping first. After all, we have to eat in the sea."

"Good, good..."

A group of women instantly excited up, will go to the sea may encounter the danger to the clouds.

At 12:00 p.m., the group came to the seaside of Jiangnan City. At this time, no one could see by the seaside. A large submarine was half floating on the sea.

The submarine can automatically extract oxygen from the sea, circulate it in the submarine, help people breathe, and carry submarine missiles.

Standing at the seaside, Su Xun is ready to start live broadcasting.

"Why must it be live?" Yan Yurou asked.

Su Xun made up a reason: "if there is any accident in this way, it can let the outside world know for the first time."

Yan Yurou believes it.

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