Su Xun directly created an account on the live software with his real name.

After all, he wasn't prepared to broadcast the illegal behavior this time, so he didn't have to be furtive.

Soon, it's done.

Live room name: Su Xun goes to the sea to find the Dragon Palace

announcement: welcome to pay attention to this live room. Do you believe there is a dragon in the world? Believe it or not, today's live anchor will take you to the sea to find the remains of the dragon palace!

After the creation is completed, it will be broadcast directly.

The camera is a spherical, nuclear powered, automatic induction body to follow, can adjust the lens with voice commands, waterproof, shockproof, explosion-proof.

Soon the audience came in.

"Wocao, I was attracted by the anchor's name. I thought it was a fake, but I didn't expect it was really me!"

"Plus one, I was also introduced by the name of the anchor. I believe there is a dragon. I was served by a dragon just last week."

"The elder brother upstairs drives again. Show me the way."

"Add 10086..."

Su Xun's name is born with its own traffic, and many viewers click into the live room when they see it.

Su Xun said to the camera, "Hello, everyone. I believe you all know me. Today I will take you to the bottom of the sea to look for the remains of the Dragon Palace."

"True or false, master Su, are you bragging?"

"That is, how can there be Dragon Palace relics, and even if there are, how can you find them?"

"Su Dong was naughty in the evening. He made fun of everyone on purpose."

Although no one believed it, the barrage was pleasant as a whole, and no one was full of feces.

"A lot of people don't believe it. They think I'm joking. Let me show you something first."

Su Xun adjusted the camera to the submarine behind him, and the barrage exploded instantly.

"Crouch, is this a warship? Is master Su going to bombard people who don't believe you with warships? "

"Shentama warship, can it have some culture? It's a submarine. It's not like the submarine of the earth."

"Why do you see the submarine? I see the five little sisters nearby. They are so beautiful."

"Wori, rich people really know how to play. They actually drive a submarine live to take the young lady to the sea to look for the Dragon Palace."

"Don't worry if it's a gimmick to look for the Dragon Palace. Just rely on this submarine, I'll pay attention to it in the live broadcast room. It's better to take us to the underwater world."

Rich people's live room is so harmonious and civilized, mainly because no one dares to spray him.

Su Xun said: "a friend has discovered that the submarine doesn't look like a product of the earth. Indeed, it's a submarine of R star. The live broadcasting equipment I use now is also of R star."

"Master Su Niubi has known for a long time that you have a good relationship with alien friends, and the friendship between the earth and R star depends on you."

"I suggest that the United Nations give Su Dong the honorary title of peace ambassador, who promoted the peaceful coexistence of our earth and R star."

"Don't force us. Let's go inside the submarine, or we'll turn the camera to my little sister, and we'll see her!"

"Upstairs cow force, dare to covet the woman of master Su unexpectedly, master Su but really has the strength to cut you along the net line."

"Well, I'll take you inside the submarine." Su Xun's voice fell, and he took an Zizhen and they went into the submarine.

"Crouching trough, is this horse a submarine? It's a moving villa. "

"NIMA, the living room has moved in. The life of rich people is not as happy as we think, because we can't imagine their happiness at all!"

"Now I just want to say that those who are still playing yachts are weak, and the real rich have started to play alien submarines."

As soon as we got into the submarine, everyone felt shocked.

Because they feel that this is completely into the living room of a luxury villa, without the appearance of half a submarine.

"This submarine is pilotless and controlled by intelligent program. You only need to set a terminal point. If you don't set the terminal point, the submarine will travel freely on the seabed. Here is the living room. Take you to the bedroom."

Su Xun turned around all the places in the submarine. At this time, the number of people in the live broadcast room had already exceeded 50000. Without any publicity, the number was still rising.

After the submarine was transformed, in addition to the cockpit, there was a big living room, three bedrooms, a kitchen, three bathrooms and even a gym.

"It's hard to see the bottom of the sea."

"Brother Su, the submarine is so big, don't you feel empty? Why don't you let me in to add popularity? I have 32D. "

"I want to fart upstairs. I just saw a little sister beside Su Dong. The baby's granary is as big as the heroine in the cartoon."

"To express admiration, Su Dong is just a beautiful harvester. It's said on the Internet that he is romantic. I don't believe him. Now I believe him."

"New people, just came in, what's the situation? Does the anchor eat people?""Eat, eat three at a meal, special for new people."

Outside, the links between the live broadcast rooms are wildly forwarded on the Internet.

The live broadcasting platform also put Su Xun's live broadcasting room on the home page.

After all, they usually don't even have the chance to flatter. Now they have the chance to please. Of course, they have to lick.

Su Xun's Live Room posts also appeared on various forums.

Master Su is not a fortune teller. He's going to the bottom of the sea to find the Dragon Palace. 》

the rich man's underwater self driving tour, envy, cry. 》

"five little sisters and master Su have to tell stories on the submarine.". 》

"it's true or not. It's not false news."

"Really, I just came back from Su Dong's studio. My little sister is very good-looking, with long legs, big breasts and high face value."

"Is that the point? The point is, it doesn't matter to you. It's all Su Dong's personal bedding. "

"Because of you sand sculpture netizens, I can't look directly at these everyday words now."

With the recommendation of the live room and the spontaneous publicity of netizens, more and more audiences came in, and all kinds of gifts flew all over the world.

"I want to see the five little sisters. Please don't block the camera."

"Master Su, if you don't do a good fortune telling job, just go to be a kitchen god and chop a python. Now you're still an anchor. It's too unprofessional."

"God treads horse live to find Dragon Palace, master Su is playing more and more cross-country."

So far, everyone has not taken the words "Dragon Palace Ruins" seriously. They just think it's a joke made by Su Xun.

"Welcome new friends. Now we're starting. The submarine has entered the free driving mode. After all, I don't know where the Dragon Palace remains are. I can only look everywhere in the sea. Fortunately, the speed of the submarine is fast enough."

Su Xun sat on the sofa, holding an Zizhen in one hand, and said to the camera.

"Su Dong, how fast is the speed of this submarine? You haven't introduced it just now. Let's introduce it again."

"Add one. Let's talk about the speed and the depth of the dive. You need to find the Dragon Palace. What should you do if you can't dive?"

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