"This submarine is mainly adapted to the sea area of R star. In order to adapt to the earth's environment, the speed of the submarine was reduced. The maximum sailing speed can only reach 300 knots per hour, the diving depth is 20000 meters, and it carries 10 submarine cruise missiles."

Su Xun introduced the performance of the submarine according to the requirements of the audience in the live broadcast room.

"300! It has been reduced. The NIMA gap is too big. The fastest submarine on earth is only 40 knots. "

"Depth, brothers, 20000 meters, the earth has been pierced!"

"The anchor is looking for the Dragon Palace. Are you going to invite the old dragon king to eat missiles?"

"There is a big difference in science and technology, but I believe we have established cooperation with R star, and we should be able to catch up in the near future."

Although we all know that the technology of R star is much stronger than that of the earth, when specific data are presented, the shock to people is huge.

"Dear Su, I am the official of magnesium. Can this submarine be sold? We are willing to pay any price, any price! "

"It's the same with our island country. We are willing to marry the emperor's daughter and the princess to you."

"If you want to fart, if you don't go to bed early in the evening, you will be confused."

"Is he short of money? I'm afraid they have more money than your country. They are monopolized in R star. "

"The little devils of the island don't have to think about it. The quality of the princesses in your country is too low. Are the five little sisters around Su Dong beautiful?"

"You'd better follow our dragon Kingdom and eat ashes..."

There is no need for the audience to pay attention to the friendly greetings from the foreigners.

"Su Dong, turn the camera outside and let's see the underwater world."

"Yes, yes, let's see if the bottom of the sea at night is the same as in the documentary."

"Yes, please." Su Xun focused on the outside of the glass.

"It's beautiful, just like the night sky."

"Beautiful? Why do I feel so terrible that I can't see the end at all

"The one upstairs has deep-sea phobia."

"Lying trough, master Su, there is a luminous thing in the upper left corner."

"Wori, the eyesight upstairs is also very good. If you don't tell me, I didn't notice it. There seems to be something glowing there, light green."

"Master Su, go and have a look."

After seeing the barrage, Su Xun looked out of the window and found something in the upper left corner emitting a faint green light.

Although the light is not strong, it is still more prominent in the deep sea in the dead of night.

"Fat man, look over there." Su Xun told meI Pang in the cockpit to change the course.

Although it's automatic driving, it also needs manual adjustment, mainly for fear of program errors.

After all, it was originally a submarine for war service, and there was no room for any mistake.

"All right." In the cockpit, Mei Pang with ice cream in her mouth answered.

"What else? This guy must have a deep hatred with Su Dong. Otherwise, how could Su Dong torture him so much? "

"How can I say that? I don't have enough education. I can't understand it!"

"Isn't it torture to let him see that Su Dong and his five young ladies love each other while he is alone?"

"Now we're being tortured, aren't we?"

"Damn it, I'm upset."

The speed of the submarine is very fast, the distance from the light is getting closer and closer, and the light becomes clearer.

"There won't be ghosts, sea ghosts."

"The tap horse is called water ghost, let alone no, it's OK to have it. Master Su takes out the elegant demeanor of chopping python, chopping melons and vegetables can solve it."

"It's like a night pearl. It's so big that Su Dong made a lot of money."

At this time, the audience has seen what the luminous source is, it is a big night pearl.

"No, the night pearl is embedded in a stone. It looks like a tombstone."

"It's not a big trough at night."

"Brothers, put the word fear on the public screen."

The audience in the studio was full of speculation.

Su Xun said, "audience, wait for me to go down and find out."

"Wo RI, Su Dong, don't be kidding. You'd better stay in the submarine at night. Don't take risks."

"Yes, if it's really a tomb, it's a little scary. There are a lot of evil things recently."

"Yes, Su Dong, don't take risks..."

The barrage was used to persuade Su Xun. Of course, there were some people who were not too busy to watch.

For example, many foreigners are egging on.

They wish that Su Xun would die here. Without Su Xun, the relationship between Dragon state and R star would be greatly reduced, and then they could take advantage of the opportunity for a third party to intervene.Liao Yu and others also looked at Su Xun anxiously.

Su Xun said with a smile: "don't worry, when did I do something I'm not sure about? What's the accident? I'll come back the first time."

With that, he put on his diving suit, and then went out of the submarine and into the sea with the Zhenyao sword.

The spherical camera automatically followed him floating in the sea, projecting the mobile live page in front of Su Xun.

"Lying trough, brother, you don't have an oxygen tank! So important things can be forgotten. "

"No, master Su seems to be able to breathe normally in the sea."

"Really, this should also be r star's high-tech, really awesome."

"The sword in Su Dong's hand is the one to cut the python. Zhenima Shuai blew it up."

There's no need for Su Xun to make up an excuse to explain. The audience has already made up their minds. It must be the high technology of R star.

Su Xun was very satisfied with this.

Well, you are already a mature audience. You should learn to mend your own brain.

Su Xun swam to the luminous night pearl.

I found that this night Pearl was actually embedded on a tombstone, but he didn't know the words on the tombstone.

"It's a tombstone. It's a bit of a bull. I've been in the sea for many years, and the font is so clear."

"What kind of writing is this? Is there a big man to explain it? The class representative will answer it."

"I can't understand it. I'm a history student. I've never seen this kind of font."

"Mr. Su, I'm from the National Institute of history. This is probably a font that has never appeared before. Could you take a picture?"

Then came the rocket swipe the screen, all of which were sent by Professor Chen of the National Institute of history.

"Yes, no problem. Please give me your contact information. I'll send you the photos when I get on the submarine."

The spherical camera has the function of taking pictures, so Su Xun agreed.

"Thank you, Mr. Su. Thank you very much."

At home, Professor Chen's hands tremble and excitedly input the words of thanks.

He just lied. It's not a word that never appeared.

He has seen this kind of writing for a long time, and has been studying and trying to translate it.

Now it has not been studied thoroughly, only a few words have been translated.

But just these words have set off a huge wave in his heart.

Now he would like to go to Sushen in person.

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