"Lying trough!"

As soon as he was about to control the spherical camera to take pictures, Su Xun suddenly made a rude remark.

"What's the matter, master Su?"

"What's the matter, master Su? Live broadcast of civilization. Don't teach bad children."

"What's the matter."

The barrage was full of inquiries.

Su Xun couldn't explain in words, so he directly adjusted the angle of the camera: "you can see for yourself."

"Lying trough!"

"Lying trough!"

And then, in a flash, there's the word "Crouching trough" all over the screen.

It turned out that two chains were attached to the lower part of the tombstone.

At the end of the chain is a coffin, a black coffin, floating quietly in the sea.

"Black coffin, maybe there's a big murderer in it. Master Su, you'd better get on the submarine to escape."

"There are five kinds of coffins in Folk: red, black, white, yellow and gold. The red one is for people who are happy to die, the yellow one is for ordinary people, the gold one is for the royal family, the white one is for unmarried women or children who die young, and the black one is for people who have a strong sense of evil spirit, and it is specially used to suppress evil spirit."

"Boss 666, strange knowledge has increased again."

"No, we all use black coffins here."

"Modern customs must be different from those of ancient times. Modern customs are not so particular."

Su Xun first took a picture of the tombstone, and then swam to the coffin, saying: "come here, don't look and go, the heart is not willing."

"Master Su Niubi is a man who dares to fight against the python. He's in love."

"Brothers, the barrage protects the body, all evils do not invade!"

"I admire you. Anyway, I didn't have the courage. I quietly took back my feet outside the quilt."

Su Xun came to the coffin, first bowed to the coffin, and then prepared to open the museum.

"The exciting time to open the box is coming. The black treasure chest is more powerful than the Golden Legend."

"Can you stop joking, respect the dead, and don't see Master Su salute before opening the museum?"

"The bullet screen protects the body. There won't be a zombie in it."

"The trough, it's open. It's going to open."

The audience in the studio was more nervous than Su Xun himself. Professor Chen of the National Institute of history raised his heart to his throat and stared at the screen.

Su Xun slowly opened the lid of the coffin, but the corpse in it stunned him.

The audience in the studio was stunned.

"How could it be a fish!"

"Yes, it can't be someone's deliberate mischief. It's too boring."

"It's possible, otherwise it's not bad after being soaked in seawater for so long. It's just a new coffin that has just been put down."

"There are two staff makers upstairs. I think it's a bit evil for anyone to play a prank with such a big night pearl."

"It's really evil. Didn't you notice that the sea didn't flow into the coffin at all?"

"It can't be the old Dragon King's confidant who buried him here after he died."

Yes, the coffin is not a human body, but a fish.

A big fish is green and nearly two meters long. Its eyes are closed, but it is lifelike.

But the reason why Su Xun was stunned was not just because it was a fish.

What's more, he felt a strong evil spirit from the fish.

This evil spirit was definitely gathered after killing thousands of creatures.

How can a fish have such a heavy evil spirit?

Who buried the fish in the coffin?

Is this a fish demon?

But there was no evil spirit on the body.

He's going to cover the coffin. After all, it's not good to disturb the dead.

Liu An: Grass Mud Horse, grass mud horse, why don't you think so when you step on the horse to disturb Laozi

Just as the lid of the coffin was about to close, he suddenly saw a light blue bead in the coffin, the same color as the sea water. It was easy to see if he didn't pay attention.

Intuition told him that this bead and this coffin are not ordinary.

It's hard to take the coffin away, but the beads can always be taken.

"Brother fish, thank you for the gift."

Su Xun's voice fell, and he reached out and took the bead out of the coffin with a cold touch.

At first, he couldn't feel it at all in the coffin. After taking it out, Su Xun found that the bead contained a strong aura.

"God steps on the horse to thank for the gift. People want to refuse it, but they can't refuse it."

"Tomb robber anchor, I've already reported it. I'll be arrested when I get ashore."

"What is this thing? Su Da Shi can't even see the fist sized night pearl on the tombstone. He wants to take it away."

After Su Xun took the bead, he closed the lid of the coffin and said goodbye to the coffin."Lying trough, master Su, be careful. Many fish are coming towards you."

"Great white, a great white is coming."

When Su Xun saluted the coffin, the audience in the studio saw many sea fish swimming to Su Xun through the camera, including a great white shark.

"Hua La --"

a great white shark opened its mouth and tore away at Su Xun.

"Husband!" "Master!" "Seek elder brother!"

In the submarine, an Zizhen and others who saw this scene were all scared to lose their looks.

Feeling the sea water coming behind him, Su Xun almost subconsciously pushed on the coffin, and then avoided.

The great white was defeated.

An Zizhen and others were relieved, and then raised their heart again.

"Lying trough, scared me to death. Fortunately, master Su reacted quickly, otherwise he would have to feed the fish."

"Just now I was so nervous that I almost pinched my cell phone out."

"How could the great white shark suddenly attack master Su? It's not because of the bead."

"It's possible. Before master Su opened his coffin, these fish didn't rush at him. It was the great white shark who attacked him after the beads were taken out."

"Lying trough, here it is again."

With a flick of his tail, the great white shark turned around and bit Su Xun again.

Not even a demon, do you want to think from him?

Su Xun laughed contemptuously and put the pillar into his diving suit. He picked up the Zhenyao sword and went up, stabbing it out.

"Puyi -"

the body of the sword is all in the head of the great white shark, and the blood is pouring.

Stimulated by the smell of blood and pain, the great white shark became furious.

But it doesn't work.

Su Xun calmly pulled out his sword and stabbed it again. He repeated it several times.

The great white shark died, the body slowly sank, the blood kept flowing out and mixed with the sea water.

"Wori, it's too bloody. Children are not allowed to watch it."

"Master Su is so fierce. He can kill a shark in a few minutes in the sea."

"This is the real man. Let Kun learn."

"Master Su is powerful, and his fighting power is explosive."

"It's a lot better than the female anchorperson who can only wriggle."

"Upstairs, do you like to watch the male anchorperson wriggling around?"

The barrage was excited, countless gifts were all over the screen, and Su Xun swam to the submarine calmly.

The great white shark, bleeding and sinking slowly behind him, became his background wall. This scene was captured by many viewers and spread wildly on the Internet.

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