"Fortunately, we were scared to death just now."

"Drink the heat first, it's so cold in the sea."

As soon as they got into the submarine, five women gathered around them, some carrying hot water and some carrying handkerchiefs.

The audience in the studio just picked up the lemon.

"Is this the group of beauties in the novel? If you love them, they all have all kinds of customs."

"Ah, that big, small breasted sister is so cute. She has a huge childlike face..."

"The lady in the white dress is pretty. Her eyes are so beautiful, just like those in the painting."

"Ha ha, as a well-known person in the society, his private life is chaotic. I suggest that this kind of scum should be banned and all his property should be confiscated, so as not to have a bad impact on the social atmosphere."

"As for the sour NIMA upstairs, I can smell the sour smell across the screen. Are they married? Is it against the law? It's none of your business. "

"Some silly beeps are really ugly. They are so jealous that they go crazy. They fight hard on the Internet. In reality, you are just on the first grade of junior high school?"

"If you are so rich and so outstanding, I'm afraid you want all the women in the world to be your own, pretending to be a moral saint."

Su Xun took off his diving suit, and then the bead he took from the coffin fell down.

As soon as Xiaobai's eyes were bright, the colored glaze on the sofa went out and opened his mouth to swallow the bead.

Then it felt that the back neck of its fate had been caught, and its mouth was one inch away from the bead, but it could not bite.

Su Xun threw her back on the sofa, bent down and picked up the bead: "you are not allowed to eat this thing."

"Meow ~" Liuli didn't like it. He licked his mouth and salivated over the bead, but he didn't mess with it in the end.

After all, as a mature nine life cat, she can tell the difference between a full meal and a full meal.

Little white eyes looked at the beads in Su Xun's hand. He wanted to eat them.

From the previous frenzy of the great white shark, and now the reaction of Liuli and Xiaobai, Su Xun was able to confirm that this bead had a strong attraction to animals.

What he didn't notice was that the Zhenyao sword, which was put aside, also slightly vibrated strangely,

Liuli made the audience in the live broadcast room sprout.

"Ah, what a lovely kitten. No, I can't help it."

The last one who thought Liuli was a cute kitten was the yellow skin of Shenlongjia. Now it's three feet high.

"Sudong, I didn't expect that you not only have so many little sisters, but also cats!"

"Although some people are beautiful on the surface, they don't even have a cat on the back. It's me."

"This cat is a different pupil. Take a good look at it, Su Dong. You can aim the camera at the cat in the future. We don't want to see you."

In recent years, sucking cats has become a hobby of countless people, and even the birth of cloud sucking cats, that is, brushing all kinds of cat videos every day.

So when the glass comes out, the audience in the studio is going crazy. After all, the beauty of nine life cat is not comparable to that of any cat.

"Well, it's getting late. Let's call it a day and start broadcasting tomorrow morning."

After that, Su Xun sowed it. He had to study the Pearl with aura.

"No, it's so late anyway. I've stayed up all night. The doctor said it's bad for me. Let's stay up all night."

"Yes, what's the next broadcast for? It's such an interesting live broadcast. The last time I saw the hacker emperor, he was an old man."

"What's that bead for? I feel there's a big secret. It can't be the demon pill of that fish."

"Brother upstairs, you have a lot of imagination. Why don't you write novels?"

"Let's understand master Su, five beauties. The next content can't be broadcast live. Let's imagine for ourselves."

But the audience in the studio has not dispersed. They are still blowing water, chatting and driving.

On the other hand, Professor Chen of the National Academy of history madly searched for Su's backstage private message contact information.

Su Xun added Professor Chen's wechat, and then sent the photos of the tombstones.

Professor Chen: "thank you, Mr. Su, for your contribution to the study of history. These words that have never been discovered may reveal a new civilization."

Su Xun: "Professor Chen is polite. It's just a matter of convenience."

At home, Professor Chen looked at the pictures on his mobile phone, breathless, excited and flushed, and rushed into his study to study.

Only he knew what those words meant.

In the submarine, Su Xun took the bead and looked at Liuli and Xiaobai: "is this very attractive to you?"

Liuli ignored him because he knew that he would not give the beads to himself.

"Yes, yes." Compared with Liuli, Xiaobai is much more clever: "I don't know why, but I seem to have an instinct to drive me."

"What the hell is this?" Su Xun frowned, the beads were blue, and the light was flowing, sending out a strong aura.It's time for the fat fish to come

The inner elixir will be formed in the body after the monsters and mountain spirits and wild monsters are transformed.

Of course, Xiaobai, a fake demon, doesn't exist in his body.

"No, that fish corpse has no evil spirit. If it's the inner elixir, it can't have no evil spirit." Su Xun ruled out this possibility directly.

Mei Pang took a drink from his water cup and said, "who said it must be a demon? What if it's an immortal?"


An Zizhen, Yan Yurou, and Liao Yu were all at a loss: "what are you talking about, a moment of demon, a moment of God."

Although they are skeptical of ghosts and gods, they still know that there are immortals in the world.

After all, compared with the demons, the immortals are too far away.

After hearing Mei Pang's words, Su Xun was really suspicious, because it was possible.

There are many immortals in the water, such as the river god, the lake God and so on.

"What's the use of this thing?" Su Xun looked at the beads in his hand.

At this time, a black smoke suddenly flew out of the Zhenyao sword, which had been shaking. It wrapped the beads in Su Xun's hand and flew back to Zhenyao sword.

Everything happened in a moment, and when people reacted, the beads had disappeared.

The Zhenyao sword seems to be completing some changes. It flies up and floats in the air. It is wrapped by black and blue fog outside, making people unable to see the body of the sword clearly.

"Crouching trough, the demon sword has become the essence!"

Su Xun was stunned and made a rude remark.

Mei Pang's face was dignified: "I thought this sword was wrong for a long time. It was more and more evil. I didn't expect that it was really a demon."

"Wait, generally speaking, shouldn't this be the prelude to the birth of sword spirit?" Yan Yurou, who has been poisoned by all kinds of Xianxia TV dramas, raises doubts.

"Plum fat man sneers:" you see, is this like the appearance of the birth of sword spirit

The Zhenyao sword is suspended in the air, shaking constantly, and the endless evil spirit and bloody gas are sent out. The air is full of the will to kill.

This is not like the birth of a sword spirit, but more like the birth of an evil spirit.

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