Soon, the fog around the Zhenyao sword dispersed.

At this time, the appearance of Zhenyao sword has changed greatly.

The originally unimportant body of the sword turned black, mixed with light blue. It looked very strange, and the cold sent out the air of killing.

"Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, I'm back. From now on, I'll be the only one in heaven and earth! I will dominate the whole era! "

The Zhenyao sword makes a loud noise and flies in the submarine. Its speed is like streamer. It cuts through the air, leaving only shadows.

Su Xun and Mei Pang look dignified, because from the tone of the sword, we can tell that this seems to be an old monster who has lived for many years, and it's not a good thing.

Liu Anke, who was resurrected last time, is still in my mind.

I'm afraid the strength of this sword is not general, which makes them very scared.

The Zhenyao sword flew several times like a splash, and then hung in front of Su Xun: "humble mortal, for your sake of arousing me, I give you the qualification to be a sword slave. I don't want to kowtow and thank you."

An Zizhen and others are pretty white, obviously scared by Zhenyao sword.

Mei Pang is not much better, because the demon sword looks so powerful that he doesn't even have the courage to fight.

"I thank your mother." When he heard this, he said hello to his mother and held the handle of the sword.

"Good courage! How dare humble mortals defile your noble body... "

Zhenyao sword was furious, and then he was flustered before he finished: "how can it be like this, how can it be like this, my mana! My mana

Su Xun and Mei Pang's eyes brightened. They looked at each other, and their eyes toward the Zhenyao sword gradually became playful.

"There's no magic power, that is to say, you're just pretending to be able to fly. You almost scared me just now."

Fat Mei rubs his fists and smiles insidiously.

Zhenyao sword shakes violently: "what are you going to do? I tell you, don't mess around. Do you know who I am?"

"Maybe you used to be awesome, but it seems that now you haven't cleared your position, fat man. Take him to the toilet to calm down." Su Xun gave the sword to Mei pangzi.

Mei pangzi held the handle of the sword and explained it thoughtfully: "you don't know what the toilet is. It doesn't matter. I tell you, it's the place where we use the toilet."


The voice of Zhenyao sword raised several points: "let go of me, don't, how dare you, how dare you do this to me!"

"You can see if you dare." Mei Pang gave an evil smile.

The tip of Zhenyao sword kept pointing at Su Xun: "I'm wrong, brother. I'm wrong. I'll be obedient in the future. If you ask me to kill chickens, I'll never kill dogs!"

"I'm a lowly mortal. How can I stain your noble body?" Su Xun does not laugh.

Zhenyao sword wanted to cry and said quickly: "no, noble body is used to be defiled. Elder brother, you don't have to pity me. Please trample me, trample me."

Looking at this and the previous two faces of Zhenyao sword, an Zizhen and others were stunned.

This is not a serious sword.

The plum fat man nodded, looked at Su Xun and said, "the improper sword matches you. It's a perfect match. It's invincible in the world."

"Go away." Su Xun turned his eyes and looked at the Zhenyao sword: "are you a sword or someone trapped in the sword?"

"I am the sword, and the sword is me. Brother can call me the sword demon, or the sword spirit." Strong desire for survival drives Zhenyao sword to answer all questions.

Su Xun laughed: "you are a good sword."

Zhenyao sword

How does that sound like a curse to me?

"Tell me about your origin. It sounds like you were very powerful before. Why were you hanged in the wilderness to suppress demons?" Su Xun began to interrogate Zhenyao sword.

In fact, he was excited because he felt that he had found the treasure.

Like Liu An, this horse riding is a living history book.

Zhenyao sword said: "I used to be an ordinary sword. I have followed many masters to kill people, demons, ghosts, and even immortals with high accomplishments..."

"Don't brag." Su Xun interrupted him directly.

Zhenyao sword said with a dry smile: "well, the land God and the City God are also gods."

"Damn it." Su Xun couldn't help but scold him. He just thought this guy was unreliable, so he cheated him. Unexpectedly, he was really bragging.

The God treads the horse to cultivate for the high immortal.

The land God and the City God are just human gods. Can they be compared with the great gods in heaven?

"Go on, be realistic, don't exaggerate, don't brag." Su Xun said.

According to the Zhenyao sword, he followed different masters and killed all kinds of people, ghosts and gods. Later, he became a demon.When the last master died, he flew away. Relying on his cultivation, he made trouble everywhere.

Later, it took shape again, and even more, it engaged in wind and rain, killing people and ghosts. Anyway, it killed whatever was not pleasing to the eye.

In the end, he was beaten back to his original shape by a Taoist priest. He was almost out of his wits. Under his hard pleading, the Taoist priest did not kill him completely. He sealed him under a stone bridge to make up for the killing.

After hearing this, Su Xun, Mei pangzi, Liao Yu and others did not speak. They felt that they had heard a strange story.

Seeing that Su Xun didn't speak, Zhen Yao Jian was a little flustered. He carefully explained to himself: "brother, I have finished what I should say. I did evil before, but I have been under the stone bridge for so long to make atonement, reform and make a new sword."

Su Xun was pulled back to reality by his voice: "which dynasty were you born in?"

"Dynasty? It's like the Sui Dynasty. The emperor's name is Yang Jian. One of my masters is a general. "

Hiss -

everyone took a breath. Good guy, this sword is more than 1000 years old. It's really antique.

Mei Pang asked again, "when you were sealed under the bridge, which dynasty was it and who sealed you?"

"Of course I remember. In the Tang Dynasty, that Taoist was Li Chunfeng, which I will never forget in my life." The town demon sword gnashes teeth of say, whole body murderous.

Su Xun blurted out: "Li Chunfeng!"

This big man is very famous. The legend of pushing back map written by him and Yuan Tiangang dates back to two thousand years after the Tang Dynasty.

That is to say, this push back map predicts the establishment of the new dragon Kingdom and the future world for more than a thousand years.

Isn't that enough?

Plum fat man said: "meet this big guy, you lose not unjustly."

"I despised the enemy!" The town demon sword roars a way.

Mei chuckled: "I almost believed it."

"I'm sure you'll cut him!" The low roar of the Zhen demon sword gnashing teeth.

Su Xun said, "you don't have this chance. He has been dead for more than a thousand years."

"Dead?" Zhenyao sword was stunned, and then said: "impossible, absolutely impossible. It's easy to live for more than a thousand years with his cultivation. How could he die?"

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