Zhenyaojian firmly doesn't believe that Li Chunfeng is dead.

Although he likes to brag, but brag is for others to listen to, his heart is still very force number.

It is precisely because he has dealt with Li Chunfeng that he knows how strong Li Chunfeng is.

He is a man, but he can hang the immortal.

Even some immortals who hold important positions in the heaven will give him a thin face.

Now Su Xun told him that Li Chunfeng had died for more than a thousand years. How could he believe it?

"Believe it or not, according to historical records, he lived only 68 years." When Su Xun said this, he didn't know the truth, because he didn't believe in history now.

After hearing this, Zhenyao sword was a little disappointed: "really dead."

Sealed under the stone bridge for such a long time, he began to wake up some time ago and knew nothing about the vicissitudes outside.

"Are there really gods in the world?" Yan Yurou's eyes widened with curiosity.

An Zizhen looked at Su Xun and said, "even the sword can speak. Now I really believe that there is a dragon palace in the world."

Zhenyao sword snorted: "it's rare to see more strange. There is a dragon palace. Haven't the Dragon Kings of the four seas heard of it?"

"It's better for you to wake up for a few days. Don't you find that the world is different now? Now there is no Dragon King. " Said Mei Pang.

Zhenyao sword was stunned: "where did they go?"

"How do I know when I step on the horse?" Fat plum rolled her eyes in silence.

Zhenyao sword sighed: "in this way, I will be in shape again. It's far away."

After all, he is a sword, no mouth, no stomach, can not be like Xiaobai as drug abuse.

Su Xun turned his eyes: "let's talk about something else. For example, did you bury any treasures before..."

"No, what do I want with a sword?" Before Su Xun's words, the demon sword interrupted him cleanly.

Are you kidding? How can I give you my praise.

I'll follow the example of Gou Jian, king of Yue. When I recover, I'll let you know how stupid you are today!

Now the aura is thin, the heaven is not there, and the earth is not there. When you restore your cultivation and get back the family you saved, you can suppress the whole world.

Heaven and earth, I am the only one!

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

Imagining the beautiful life in the future, Zhenyao sword couldn't help laughing.

"It's very noisy. Throw it in the toilet for a dip." Su Xun said.

Zhenyao sword stopped laughing for a moment.

Next, Su Xun learned a lot from Zhenyao sword.

For example, on the day of Xuanzang's journey to the west, Guanyin came down to the world with unprecedented prosperity.

Wei Zheng killed the dragon.

These myths and legends that they have always regarded as folk fictional stories actually happened.

After all, holes don't come.

In that magnificent world, I heard Su Xun and Mei Pang's blood boiling and yearning.

"Ding ~"

Su Xun's mobile phone rings. When he takes it out, it's a video sent to him by bald head and pianfen.

They managed to sneak the cameras together.

This is the first video they sent him.

There is no substance. Liu An is just reading and meditating.

"Ding ~"

another piece of news was sent to him. He asked him for money and said that the 10 million fund given last time might not be enough.

Su Xun frowned. These two guys took themselves as the big culprit. Ten million, two people, how could they run out so quickly.

As a result, Su Xun's face was strange after hearing the explanation.

It turns out that they didn't find the camera installed by Liu An, but many of Liu An's dog legs found it.

So bareheaded and partial division bought them into the United Front with money. Now, half of Liu An's side are spies.

If it goes on like this, it's estimated that all the dogs around him will become Su Xun's spies except himself.

No way, who let this guy not pay wages, but also easy to kill.

Su Xun is different. In their description, Mr. Su pays his salary on time every month.

Do you still have a choice?

It's not easy to have a steady job these days.

So Liu An was abandoned.

I don't know what Liu An would look like if he knew that he was surrounded by spies.

Liu's modern thinking can only be said not to change.


The outside world.

The picture of the dead fish on the sea floor spread wildly on the Internet and attracted countless people's attention.

Someone wants the night pearl on the tombstone.

But some people are staring at the coffin and the fish corpse in the coffin.

But in the end, they are powerless. They don't know the specific location. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.………………

In the mountain village where Su Xun killed the Jackal.

Yuyangzi is taking a group of Yuding sect disciples to lie in wait in the house.

Today is the day when the demon sect sent people to collect blood.

"Master, it will be dawn in a few hours. Why don't you come?"

Qingyun takes out his mobile phone and looks at the time. He's a little impatient. Madder, why don't these dregs of the demon sect come to die.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Su won't cheat us." Yuyangzi deserves to be an old Taoist who has been single for many years.


There was a roar of engines.

Yuyangzi and Qingyun were both shocked.

Here we are.

A pickup truck came unsteadily with two people sitting on it.

"It's not right. Today is the day to collect blood. Why is there no one?"

The car stopped at the entrance of the village. The driver in the driver's seat was suspicious and full of vigilance.

The co pilot yawned, "who are you? Is there anyone else in the village? Aren't they all demons? A group of animals, we can't expect them to come out and pick us up. It's OK. Drive in. "

"It's still not right. Withdraw first." The driver was worried, his voice dropped and he was ready to turn around and leave.

The man on the co pilot said feebly, "whatever you like. If you delay, you will be responsible for it."

"They're going to run! Do it Yuyangzi's voice fell down and rushed out of the window.

At the same time, the disciples of Yuding sect rushed out of the houses, and there were more than a dozen of them.

"Fuck! What an ambush! Let's go

The man on the co pilot woke up in a moment of drowsiness and panicked.

At the same time, the car has completed a U-turn in the open space at the entrance of the village.

"Want to run, dream!"

Yuyangzi snorted coldly, and the sword in his hand galloped away with a layer of cold light.

"Puff -"

stabbed the tire directly.


The truck lost control and hit a big tree on the side of the road.

"Come on, get out of the car and run."

Two people in the car scrambled out of the car and fled.

From the beginning to the end, they didn't want to fight head-on, because they knew that they were not opponents, and there might be a chance to escape.

Then, the next second, they were surrounded.

"You, what are you going to do? We are the drivers of the goods. You can't rob."

One of them plucked up the courage to fight for the last chance of survival.

Qingyun sneered: "Heaven demon sect, its name is domineering. How can it not admit it now?"

They turned pale in an instant, and their last hope was shattered.

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