Seven in the morning.

Susian got up.

He didn't sleep well last night.

Because of the lack of bedrooms, he slept with five women. Although the bed was big enough, it was still a bit crowded.

Su Xun felt very annoyed. He didn't even have a place to let go. It was soft everywhere. He felt very annoyed (๑❛ᴗ❛๑).

If other people knew what he thought, they would want to kill him.

I don't know if I'm lucky! Oh, serenima!

Submarine surfaced, press a button, the top of the cover automatically opened, the living room rose up, it became a balcony with a sofa.

There's also a stairway that extends to the inside of the submarine.

Su Xun turned on the live broadcast and waved to the camera: "good morning, everyone."

"Lying trough, it's on. The anchor's lying."

"I'm at work, watching the live broadcast while I'm at work, and my boss is watching it too."

"Where is this, not in the submarine?"

Someone found something wrong.

Su Xun let the camera around: "this submarine also changed a function, that is one key lift, when the submarine surfaced, the living room can be raised into a balcony."

"Lying trough, cattle, black technology cattle, submarine instant yacht."

"Su Dong, now that you say it can become a transformer, I believe it."

"Su Dong had a good sleep last night. So many little sisters must have had a good sleep."

The audience expressed their admiration for the potential, while the foreign officials couldn't help shouting abuse.

This step on Ma Mingming is a riot.

A high-performance combat submarine has been changed into a submarine for enjoyment. It's a waste, a great waste!

But who let other people have relations with the outside world? There are people on it. It's willful.

"Look, it's a fishing rod. I haven't had breakfast yet. I'll take whatever I catch this morning."

Su Xun picked up a fishing rod, which was specially used for sea fishing. He hung the bait and threw it into the sea.

"Real hammer, fishing anchor."

"Master Su, count it. Count what fish you will catch."

Su Xun pretended to pinch his fingers and said, "it should be a tuna."

At the same time, he kicked the demon sword down.

"Damn it

Zhenyao sword scolds her mother, finds a tuna in the sea, uses the evil spirit to control the other side, makes the other side actively hang on the hook, and then flies up from behind.

If the remaining mana in his body could not support him for a long time, he would have run away.

Fish brain is very small, he released the evil spirit can be controlled, after all, his strong evil spirit even people can become neuropathy.

Su Xun began to take up the line. A tuna was picked up and the studio exploded.

"Crouching trough is really a tuna. Su Da Shi is really clever."

"That's all I can count. It's awesome."

"What's the difference between this and predicting the future?"

"Su ran said:" the tone is not to find a little calm trick

It's so cool to pretend.

"Is that a trick? I'm gone with the wind. Now I dare to watch this kind of live broadcast. "

"Master Su is so fresh and refined. I'll give you 99 points. I'm afraid you'll be proud if I lose one point."

"I've heard of master Jiangzhou before, but I'm not ashamed to see him today."

Su Xun threw the tuna to Liao Yu: "audience, today our breakfast is this tuna."

Liao Yu has been an independent woman since childhood, and the only one among so many women who can cook.

A tuna changed in her hands.

Cold sashimi, grilled tuna, each dish is made from different parts of the tuna.

It has all kinds of color and fragrance.

"I'm in the hall and in the kitchen. I'm sour. This is my ideal type."

"I seem to have smelled the fragrance across the screen. Looking at the instant noodles in my hand, I burst into tears."

"Food anchor online, Su Dong, we want to see the little sister who just cooked. We don't want to see you. Please let me know."

Liao Yu revealed his cooking skills and won the favor of all the audience. I don't know how many men are envious of Su Xun.

"Ding Ding..."

Suddenly, Su Xun's mobile phone rang.

It's Qingyun's phone.

"Hello." When Su Xun got through, he knew that most of the things were going on.

As expected.

"Mr. Su, last night we caught two members of the heaven demon sect who came to collect blood. After interrogation, we found that the strength of the heaven demon sect was far beyond what we thought. There was a general altar in every province. The recent birth of the demon was really related to them.""We just caught two minions. We haven't made clear the specific purpose of the demon sect, but we have reported it to the relevant departments. I'm afraid it will be chaotic for some time."

"Well, OK, I have something else to do. Let's hang up first." Su Xun said.

Green cloud smile: "is busy eating fish?"

"You watch me live, too?" Su Xun was surprised.

The two chatted a few more words before ending the call.

Just as I hung up, my cell phone rang again.

It was Taoist priest Qingyang who called this time, which surprised Su Xun. After all, they had not contacted each other for a long time.

"Su Dong, I just saw the picture on the Internet this morning. Although it's not clear enough, I can recognize it, because I have a similar text on the tombstone in my hand, which I developed from a tombstone."

Su Xun raised his eyebrows: "just a moment."

With that, Su Xun said to the camera: "sorry, everyone. I have something to do. I'll broadcast it first."

When the voice fell, Su Xun turned off the live broadcast, hung up Taoist priest Qingyang and gave him a video.

A moment later, the video is connected, and Taoist priest Qingyang appears on the screen. Looking at the background, it should be the main hall of Qingyang temple.

"Taoist priest Qingyang, can I have a look?" Su Xun said.

Qingyang nodded: "since all, otherwise I will not make this call."

With that, he took out a piece of cloth, and then spread it out. On it were the zigzag symbols.

Susie as like as two peas, and it is the same font as he saw on the tombstone, and several words are exactly the same.

Su Xun asked, "where is the tombstone you found?"

"In Kunlun Mountain, I didn't know it was a tombstone at that time, and I didn't see a tomb. I only knew it was a tombstone when I got up this morning and saw the pictures on the Internet because I had never seen such words before."

Su Xun said, "Taoist priest Qingyang, when I come back, how about you and I go to Kunlun mountain together?"

What will be found under the Kunlun mountains?

Last night, he thought zhenyaojian would know the words on those tombstones, but he didn't expect that this guy was illiterate and didn't know them.

But at least from the mouth of Zhenyao sword, Mei pangzi was right. That fish corpse was a God before he died. According to Zhenyao sword, it should be a water god canonized by heaven or dragon palace.

Taoist priest Qingyang agreed to Su Xun's invitation.

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