"I also think there should be no Dragon Palace, otherwise the seabed detectors of various countries would have detected it long ago."

"I don't want you to feel, I want me to feel."

"Watch my head picture, European and American, island country, all kinds of blockbusters play online."

"Lying trough, kicking the advertiser, isn't that teaching bad teenagers?"

"Pay close attention to Wei Xin Gong, and be known as" Xingchuan firefly ". All kinds of novel news are known at the first time."

"Damn, there's another advertiser upstairs. Now advertisements are all pervasive."

"Brother, there seems to be an island ahead." Said the fat man in the cockpit.

Needless to say, Su Xun had already seen: "lift up the submarine and go to Dao island to play."

The audience in the studio just picked up the lemon.

"Tut Tut, it's a real hammer. It's a self driving tour of the ocean. It's not looking for the Dragon Palace at all."

"Envy, I must find a husband who can afford submarines in the future."

"Then you don't have to change it. Get ready to be single all your life."

Soon, the submarine went up, but the situation was different from what you imagined.

Fog, the front is a fog, the whole sea is covered by fog, people can not see clearly.

"Crouching trough, what's the matter? The sun in the sky is so dazzling, and there's so much fog on the sea."

"I just found the lower part of the island on the bottom of the sea? The fog is too thick to see the part of the island above the sea

"How can I feel that the fog is a little evil."

Mei pangzi also felt that the fog was evil. He asked Su Xun, "brother, do you want to drive in?"

"Go in." Su Xun said.

Mei pangzi was ordered to adjust the course, and the submarine sailed into the fog, surrounded by a vast expanse of white.

"This scene, flying in the clouds, reminds me of the day when I was feeding horses in the heaven."

"You are the legendary bimawin?"

About five minutes later, there was no fog.

"This is not right. The speed of the submarine is not slow. How can there be fog? What about the island just now?"

"There must be something strange about it."

"Yes, master Su, it's better for the submarine to go down. There's no fog in the sea. Just go up to the edge of the island."

Seeing this barrage, Su Xun did as he did, and let the submarine dive down and re-enter the sea floor.

In the sea, the lower part of the island is not far away.

A few minutes later, near the island, the submarine rose again.

An ordinary looking island appears on camera.

"Why is there no fog behind? Wasn't there a lot of fog on the sea just now? "

Qin Zhu suddenly said in doubt.

When they looked back, Su Xun also adjusted the camera angle. Sure enough, the sea behind was blue, and there was no mist at all.

"It's very evil. The fog on the sea just now should be visible. It can't disperse so quickly."

"Master Su, you'd better be careful. This sea area is a bit strange."

"Lying trough, there is another problem. Do you find that this island is too big. The lower part of the island in the sea is not enough to support such a large area of island."

"I don't know. This island is too big. Just looking at the lower part of the island in the sea, I thought it was a very small island."

"Little fart, I can't see the edge at a glance."

Press the button, the living room rose into a balcony, and Su Xun asked Mei pangzi to pull over the submarine and prepare to land.

All of a sudden, people feel that it's getting dark.

"Is the light bad? How do you feel? The studio is dark all of a sudden. "

"Me too. I just thought my screen brightness was automatically dimmed."

It's just three o'clock in the afternoon

Su Xun subconsciously raised his head and looked up at the sky. Suddenly, his face changed greatly, and he found the reason why the light became dark.

"Let's see for ourselves."

Su Xun took a deep breath and adjusted the lens to the sky.

In the sky, a huge bird flew with its wings outstretched. After the wings were outstretched, it blocked the light of the sun from the sun to the submarine.

Under the bird's claw, there was a python, which was bigger than the two that Su Xun had cut in Dajiu Lake.

"It's a big bird. Ostrich's wings are not so big. The python is more than ten meters long."

"God treads on horse ostrich, this is the elephant flies to the sky to grow the wing also not so big."

"What kind of bird is this? It can't be the legendary Kunpeng."

"Impossible. The legendary Kunpeng is much bigger than this. This island is not as big as Kunpeng."

An Zizhen's pretty face was very white, and he looked at Su Xun: "do we still go to the island?"

Such a big bird can overturn a submarine. Who knows what other strange creatures are on the island."Up there, there's glass." There was a beast beside him, and Su Xun was fearless.

The audience in the studio laughed.

"Is master Su ready to let Liuli sprout and kill each other when he is in danger?"

"Ha ha ha ha, God steps on the horse to sprout the other side, sprouting the other side's face with blood."

"Mr. Su, I'm from the National Institute of zoology. Can you allow the relevant departments to locate you? We are very interested in that island, and we are also interested in the bird just now. There may be many undiscovered creatures on the island

A bullet screen from the National Institute of zoology came into Su Xun's sight.

"Yes." Su Xun agreed and released the submarine's anti positioning setting.

After he was released, at the same time, I don't know how many countries used satellites to locate him.

After a while, a barrage appeared in the studio.

"Mr. Su, is there something wrong with you? Our department just said that we can't locate you."

"Oh, MAIGA, we can't locate this position either."

"The island countries can't be positioned either."

Su Xun frowned and said in a positive tone, "it won't be my problem."

"Crouching trough, master Su would not have run out of the earth, otherwise the satellite could not be located."

"The brain hole upstairs is too big. I think the satellite signal is disturbed."

"What a nuisance! Can master Su live normally?"

"What's going on?"

For a moment, everyone was guessing one after another. Why can't the satellites locate Su Xun?

"Mr. Su, just now the relevant departments said that they did not observe your current position or the island through satellite."

"Sheter, our satellite didn't photograph the island, as if it didn't exist on earth, even in the foggy sea."

"What's going on? It's weird. I'm a little scared."

A strange island, a sea that seems to disappear, makes everyone full of doubts.

In what form does the island exist? Why can't satellite positioning and shooting be done?

Su Xun said, "in that case, let's go to the island first."

As the voice fell, Su Xun took Mei pangzi, Liuli, and an Zizhen, and they formally set foot on this strange island under the gaze of countless people.

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