"Master Su, pay attention to safety. If there is danger, run away quickly."

"We must protect the five little sisters. Their existence has raised the average face value of all human women."

"Isn't master Su's face high?"

In the live broadcast room, the barrage was still concerned about Su Xun at the beginning, and soon it was taken to the crooked building.

Su Xun's first feeling after he set foot on the island was refreshing and comfortable. There was a faint aura in the air.

Although the aura is still thin, it is better than the outside world.

There is a very high peak on the island, which is very eye-catching, and it stands straight to the sky, like a sword.

The mountain seems to be the only one on the island.

Su Xun took the people to the mountain.

"It seems that the plants here are a little big. I haven't seen many of them."

"Yes, what kind of tree is it? It's so high that our country doesn't have it."

"Yurongshu, not only in our country, but also in the world. Many plants on the island are extinct in the world."

"Is there a dinosaur hanging like this?"

"I've seen real dragons. Are you afraid of dinosaurs?"

The audience in the studio followed Su Xun's line of sight to see the scenery on the island, and there were professionals mixing in to popularize science.


All of a sudden, a roar of beasts resounded through the forest.

Su Xun and others stopped.

"Trough, what's the sound?" Mei Pang's heart is a little empty.

An Zizhen's face turned white: "it can't be a tiger."

"Very likely." Liao Yu said.

"Hua La --"

there was a continuous sound in the forest, and it was obvious that the creature that just heard the roar was approaching them quickly.

"Wocao, master Su, you'd better run for the sake of miss."

"What are you afraid of? What's terrible about tigers? Master Su is a man who can pick a python alone."

"So nervous, if it's a dinosaur, it's exciting."

The barrage is also guessing what kind of creature it is.

Soon, a huge tiger came out of the deep forest. It had no stripes, black hair, muscles and sharp teeth. It was frightening.

The shape is like a hill, and the momentum across the screen makes people feel difficult to breathe.

After seeing the real face of this guy, the audience in the studio was shocked.

"Crouching trough, saber toothed tiger!"

"This thing is still there, isn't it extinct long ago?"

"This is much more fierce than an ordinary tiger. Master Su's two Python are brothers in front of him. Master Su is in danger."

"It's estimated that the pistol can't be killed. It's the existence of dinosaurs that can be singled out."

The audience in the live room raised their heart to their throat, worried about how susian would deal with it.

Although Su Xun had fought great white shark before, great white shark and saber toothed tiger were not the same level players at all.

"Glass, up." Su Xun said to the glass lying lazily on his shoulder.

Liuli jumps down and walks carelessly to the saber toothed tiger, with a lazy pace.

"No, is Su Da Shi really going to let Liuli sprout and kill each other?"

"It's not enough for a small thing to plug the teeth of a saber toothed tiger. Master Su, it's too much fun. If you're not careful, you'll lose your life."

"Liulizi is not brave."

"The next scene must be very bloody, poor little glass, I dare not see it."

The audience in the studio were confused by Su Xun's operation. Can a cute kitten beat a saber toothed tiger?


The saber toothed tiger roared at Liuli and crawled down, ready to hunt.

Then a scene that startled everyone appeared.

Liuli yawned lazily, then opened his mouth and roared at the saber toothed tiger.

Then saw the saber tooth tiger lying on the ground, eyes full of fear, slowly back, and then got up and ran.

After that, Liuli casually climbed up to Su Xun's shoulder and rolled his eyes.

This kind of small matter has to trouble my king.

"Lying trough, I'm dazzled when I step on the horse. The saber toothed tiger is scared away by the kitten."

"Tell me if I'm hallucinating, or I'm crazy. Saber toothed tiger is afraid of a cat."

"Master Su deserves to be master su. Even the cat around him is not simple."

"It's not so simple, it can't be so exaggerated. It's just a cat. Even the saber toothed tiger can scare away."

The audience in the studio are in a mess in the wind. What's wrong with the world? Cats are afraid of mice. Saber Toothed tigers are afraid of a cat.What is the principle of horse riding?

"What's the matter with master Liuli?"

"Yes, explain it, or I won't be able to sleep tonight."

They couldn't figure it out. They could only ask Su Xun for an answer.

Su Xun said calmly with a smile: "in fact, the reason is very simple, because the owner of Liuli is me, so the saber toothed tiger has to give her face."

Liu Li rolled his eyes on his shoulder, turned his head and went to sleep.

"Master Su, do you see the white eyed wolf in Liuli? I almost believe your evil."

"If you don't want to explain, you don't have to be so perfunctory. Should we be three years old?"

Su Xun automatically skipped the topic: "OK, OK, let's move on. I'll pinch my fingers. There must be a big chance ahead."

Of course, this is nonsense.

But the audience who watched the live broadcast believed it.

After all, master Su is a famous God operator.


At the same time, Taiqing palace, watching live xuanming real person and a group of elders face dignified.

"That cat is by no means simple." An elder's verdict.

Another elder's eyes flashed a touch of jealousy: "we cut off demons and demons to protect the common people in the world. He is just a businessman. Why does he have so many good things?"

"If you want me to say, that cat should also be raised by our Taiqing palace. Under the guidance of our Taiqing palace, we will subdue demons and Demons and protect the world."

"This is reasonable. For the sake of the peace of the world, I believe Su Xun can understand it."

"I think the sword in his hand is not simple, at least it's a real magic weapon. It's a waste in his hand."

A group of people belittled Su Xun for nothing with all their words. They wanted to take off his clothes and divide them.

I can't help it. They're jealous.

Their Taiqing palace is known as the head of daomen. For so many years, their family background has not been as rich as Su Xun's.

Let's just say the dragon ball.

That's the dragon ball of a real dragon. The most precious thing on a dragon may become an immortal after swallowing it. How can they not be moved?

Immortal xuanming nodded and said, "this cat is not of any kind. It's very suitable to be the mountain protection beast of our Taiqing palace."

Their attitude was as if Su Xun had been separated from the meat on the chopping board.

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