Half an hour later, Su Xun and others came to the towering mountain.

There is a path built close to the mountain, winding like a python on the mountain, indicating that it was once inhabited.

"Lying trough, seeing this road, I suddenly feel that the Shu Road is not so difficult."

"Is this Luna for people?"

"Shouldn't we be shocked that there are traces of human activity on this island?"

The mountain peak is very high, very steep, the mountain path is ladder type, very narrow, winding, no guardrail, it seems to make people feel numb, let alone go up.

The danger of the mountain road is shocking. What's more shocking is that there are traces of human activities on this isolated island.

"I'll go up and have a look. You'll wait for me down there."

Su Xun told Yan Yurou that he was very curious about what was on the mountain.

"No, it's too dangerous." Liao Yu frowned and worried.

Su Xun chuckled: "it's OK. I'm proper."

"Then you take the glaze with you." An Zizhen said.

Su Xun shook his head: "glass stay below, I'm afraid you have any accident, I go up alone is enough, narrow mountain road, more people but inconvenient."

After persuading an Zizhen, Su Xun set foot on the winding and dangerous mountain road with the Zhenyao sword.

The spherical camera flew in the air and followed him throughout the live broadcast. R star's technology really led the earth too much.

Su Xun seriously doubted whether the live tools of the protagonists in the live novels were produced by R star.

"Be careful, be safe."

Xiao Bai, Qin Zhu and others yelled at Su Xun.

Sue found an OK gesture.

All kinds of gifts in the studio are constantly brushing the screen.

"Master Su, be careful. The higher the wind is, the stronger it will be. Don't be blown down."

"The crow mouth upstairs, we'd better not launch the barrage, so as not to distract master su."

"It's much harder to get to the road of Shu than it is to get to the green mountain."

Su Xun was fast and steady, but the more he went up, the stronger the wind was, and it became difficult for him to breathe.

However, these are just small problems for him. After all, he is a great Qi practitioner.

Half an hour later, Su Xun had already walked along the mountain road to the mountainside. At this time, he saw that there was a cave at the end of the road.

According to his current speed, he will arrive at the cave in about ten minutes.

The audience in the studio also saw the cave through the camera.

"This can't be where savages live. There are Saber Toothed tigers on the island. It's normal to have primitive people."

"Can it be the cave of a master of Taoism? Isn't it all written in the novels?"

"You think too much, reality is not fiction, where so many adventures, bet a rocket."

When the audience was boasting, Su Xun had already come to the cave.

In front of the cave, there is a flat land protruding out, on which a peach tree is planted. The peaches are very delicious.

This peach looks more gorgeous, but it's more delicious.

"This peach looks delicious. It's wild peach. It's so beautiful. Does Su Dong make peach beautiful?"

"Master Su, take off the peaches. I'll buy one for 1000 yuan."

"Damn it, big dog. Do you think Su Dong is short of your money?"

The audience in the studio thought it was a wild peach, but many people had a good appetite for it.

Suddenly, the demon sword in susian's hand vibrated.

Su Xun could feel his message. This guy knew the peach tree. It seemed that it was not an ordinary wild peach tree.

The tree was here, and he couldn't run. Su Xun decided to go to the cave first.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, Su Xun didn't rush in. Instead, he picked up a stone and threw it in to explore the way.

After a while, without any change, Su Xun went in.

The cave was dark. Su Xun held the demon sword in one hand and took out his mobile phone for lighting in the other.

After walking an aisle, I suddenly came to a stone room.

The walls around the stone room are inlaid with night pearls of fist size, making the stone room bright.

"It's inhumane to use the sleeping trough and the night pearl as a lamp."

"Su Dong, pick one for me. I'll keep it for collection."

"Is the night pearl so worthless? The tombstones at the bottom of the sea are inlaid with night pearls, and now the stone chamber is also illuminated with night pearls. "

The night pearl on the wall blinded all the audience's eyes.

Su Xun put away his mobile phone and went to the most conspicuous stone case in the middle.

There is a book on the stone case. The book and the stone case have been covered with a thick layer of ash. It can be seen that no one has been to the cave for a long time."Hoo -"

Su Xun blew the dust away, and the book showed its true colors.

The cover of the book is simple, on which there is a word "sword" in the form of Xiaozhuan.

Fortunately, he learned Xiaozhuan with Liu Yun, otherwise he would be blind again.

When Su Xun opened the ancient books, he was filled with fierce and powerful sword and killing intention.

He forced himself to look through it. It's a sword technique, a very fierce sword technique.

Every move of the sword is very simple. The more you kill, the more powerful the sword is.

This is a sword technique for cutting.

Now he has Zhenyao sword. He just has a poor sword skill. Isn't he going to give a pillow when he sleeps?

"Lying trough, there's a real adventure. Although I can't understand the characters, it's a sword skill."

"The font is Xiaozhuan, which should be written by people after Qin Dynasty, because Xiaozhuan was born in Qin Dynasty."

"It's my share, master su. Share it. I always have a martial arts dream."

Su Xun put away his swordsmanship, looked at the camera and said with a smile, "I can't share it with you. You'd better forget it."

This thing should be left by a Qi practitioner, and it needs mana.

"Why can't we practice? Is it the same as the anti evil sword spectrum? If you practice this skill, you must go to the Palace first? "

"Tut Tut, if so, we seem to have found something extraordinary."

"Master Su, are you really not good?"

Su Xun's face was dark: "don't spit out blood. I'm su. I'm called the seven brothers in one night."

When it comes to men's dignity, you can't be careless.

"Yes, seven times a night, one minute at a time, with 50 seconds of foreplay."

"It's vicious upstairs. It's a foreplay of 59 seconds, and it's funny to finish it in one second."

"Don't talk nonsense. I've tried. Su Dong is very good. People can't get out of bed."

"Upstairs demon, I am excited to open your head to see, man, you pretend to fart."

"Have you ever thought that he may not pretend, master Su may like men, after all, women play more, also want to change the taste."

Crazy driving in the studio.

"Roar -"

just at this moment, an eagle screamed outside the cave.

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