Hearing the cry of the eagle, Su Xun quickly got out of the cave.

Standing on the raised stone platform, he saw a huge bird circling in front of him. His wings covered the sky and the sun. During the agitation, the wind was blowing on Su Xun's face, which made him hurt.

This is the big bird they saw on the edge of the island. At this time, they came close to see that it was an eagle, a giant eagle.

It's just that the boa constrictor under its claws has disappeared.

The giant eagle circled in the air, and his sharp eyes were not good at staring at Su Xun.

Su Xun's scalp was numb. There was too much difference in his body shape. This thing could fly him with one wing.

"Crouching trough, what a big sculpture. It's almost catching up with me. Su Dong had better go back to the cave to hide. It seems that it's coming for you."

"Su Da Shi is too miserable. He is trapped in the mountain and has no place to run. He has to wait for the eagle to fly away."

"This cave is not its nest, is it? It shouldn't be. The cave is full of dust. Obviously, there are no animals living in it. "

"Xiao -"

the eagle broke the sky with a cry, and two huge wings flapped at Su Xun.


"Lying trough, master Su, is master Su OK?"

The audience in the studio was worried.

"I'm fine. The live broadcast will be interrupted for a while." With that, Su Xun got up from the ground and shut down the live broadcast.

The Zhenyao sword was finally able to speak: "the eagle should have come for the peach tree outside. It smelled the breath of strangers and thought you were here to steal peaches."

"What's the peach? What's the use?" Su Xun rubbed his waist and asked. He had just been flapped by his wings, and his waist hurt a little.

Zhenyao sword explained: "it's called Xiaoyuan Xiantao. It's not easy to get an immortal word on it. It can be used to refine Xiaoyuan Dan. As long as there's one breath left, Xiaoyuan Dan can snatch you back from the hands of the Lord Yan."

"What if it's raw?" Su Xun asked curiously. After all, the eagle outside can't alchemy.

Zhenyao sword sneered: "the monster is strong and can be eaten raw, but if you eat it raw, you can't bear the energy it contains, and you will die."

Then he said some envy: "you are lucky, Xiaoyuan Xiantao in the Sui and Tang Dynasties in the world can not be many, you actually found a tree."

"Can this thing survive after transplantation?" Su Xun had this idea.

Zhenyao sword bluntly dispelled his illusion: "no, you can only plant seeds by yourself. You can get results in hundreds of years at most."

After hearing this, Su Xun had a black thread. For hundreds of years, my bones might have melted.

"Come on, get out and meet the beast." Su Xun walked out of the cave again with the demon sword.

Although he was shocked by the giant eagle, he was not afraid.

After all, Liuli is a unicorn, which can walk in the air. If it had not been for the live broadcast, Su Xun would have been flying up on Liuli.

"Brother Diao, we can talk about it." Su Xun felt that he was a kind of one armed great Xia Yang Guo.

"Roar -"

the giant eagle didn't hold him at all, but directly flapped its wings, like he rushed over and the wind howled.


Su Xun made a rude remark and cut it with his sword.

"Dang ~"

the Zhenyao sword cuts on the giant eagle's paw, makes a clear sound, and drops blood.

"Xiao -"

now the big bird is obviously crazy, because even his eyes are red.

"You pester him, and I'll pick the peaches."

Su Xun's voice fell, and he threw out the demon sword in his hand.

"Lying trough, there is no humanity for you."

Zhen Yao Jian curses his mother. He can only fight with the giant eagle in the air with his speed.

Su Xun took off his coat, tied his sleeves, and then frantically picked peaches and stuffed them in.

"Xiao -"

when the giant eagle saw this scene, he was determined to kill the devil, and the Zhenyao sword struggled to support him: "OK, brother, I can't do it."

"Men can't say it!" Su Xun also did not raise his head to say that the speed of picking peaches became faster.

He left three for the giant eagle. After all, he can't do too much as a man.

The demon sword roared and flashed a blue cold light on the surface, which once again stiffly blocked the giant eagle from rushing to Su Xun.

Man, can't say no!

"Well, I'll go first."

Su Xun roared at the demon sword, and then jumped down from the edge of the cliff.

The giant eagle was stunned to see this scene.

Is this bipedal creature stupid?

He stole his peach and jumped off a cliff to commit suicide.

"Liuli! I'm going to die. "

In mid air, Su Xun roared.

"Roar ~"

a cry sounded like the sound of a dragon and the sound of a tiger, and a dark Unicorn ran to catch Su Xun.In the sky, the giant eagle, who was fighting with the Zhenyao sword, shivered and let out a reluctant hawk song, then flapped his wings and flew away.

"Stab -"

the Zhenyao sword flies down as streamer.

"That's nice. Chicken leg for dinner."

Riding on the glass, Su Xun touched the black hair on her neck.

Originally also a face not willing to glass moment is a bright eyes, slowly lying on the ground, let Su Xun from her back down.

She was going to throw him off.

"Here's one for you."

Su Xun threw her a peach.

Liuli jumped up like a dog, opened his mouth to catch it, and his eyes twinkled with excitement.

"Xiaobai, you've got it."

Su Xun lost another one to Xiao Bai.

"Oh, oh."

Xiaobai didn't expect to have it himself. He happily caught it and said thanks to Su Xun: "thank you, master."

"We can't eat it. It's used to save our lives after being made into pills." Su Xun explained to Mei Pang.

Mei Pang's eyes brightened: "elixir, can you bring the dead back to life?"

"Dream of you." Zhenyao sword sneered: "even ordinary immortals can't come back from the dead. You want to fart."

"Yes, I want you to." Mei nods his head seriously and retorts.

Qin Zhu interrupted the quarrel between the two swordsmen: "are we still on the island?"

"It's getting dark. If you don't go shopping, go to the seaside and cook. After dinner, continue to look for the Dragon Palace." Su Xun said.

Mei Pang ran to Su Xun's side: "brother, let me see the sword technique."

When Su Xun went up the mountain, the people at the foot of the mountain were watching the live broadcast, so Mei pangzi knew that he had got a sword skill.

"No Su Xun lost his past.

Plum fat man looked at it a few times, then frowned and gave it back to Su Xun: "forget it, the killing spirit is too heavy, it's not suitable for a kind-hearted person like me."

"Good?" Su Xun sneered and looked at Mei Pang's right hand: "your hand has killed hundreds of millions of people."

"Don't frame me up! Plump plump righteous words said: "I generally use my left hand!"

Su Xun expressed his admiration, but he was very human.

At the seaside, Zhenyao sword flew up to cut a few coconuts. Susian gave full play to his cooking skills and made a big dinner.

After dinner, the group entered the submarine and continued to search for the remains of the Dragon Palace at the bottom of the sea.

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