"Su Dong is on the air again. How did Su Dong solve the problem?"

"Yes, Mr. Su, tell me quickly."

"What's the difference between turning off the live broadcast at the critical time and pulling the curtain after taking off your clothes?"

As soon as the broadcast started, the audience in the studio asked Su Xun how to deal with the giant eagle.

Su Xun said with a cool smile: "I stood there and the tiger body trembled. The eagle kowtowed and bowed. He retreated."

"I almost believed that Su Dong didn't pay something for his life, such as chrysanthemums and flowers."

"Su Dong is so miserable that he was blasted by the big carving. Chrysanthemum and flower hurt your buttocks and hurt my heart."

"It's a group of talents."

The speed of the live broadcast room is always very fast. If you don't pay attention, you will be caught off guard.

"well, old fellow, this is the second night we have been looking for the Dragon Palace. My intuition tells me that the distance from the Dragon Palace remains closer."

Su Xun pointed the camera at the bottom outside the submarine and said.

"Is that a woman's sixth sense? Love, love. "

"I can't see my fingers. It's too dark, Su Dong. How many meters deep is this?"

"I estimate it to be at least 8000 meters."

Su Xun asked Mei pangzi, "pangzi, how many meters deep are we now?"

"13000 meters." Mei Pang replied casually.

Hearing this number, Su Xun was stunned, and an Zizhen and others were stunned.

"13000 meters? Wrong. The deepest part of the ocean is the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. The deepest part is 11521 meters. "

"Yes, is there something wrong with the submarine? The deepest ocean in the world is 11521 meters. Where does 13000 meters come from?"

"Did you add an extra zero?"

Not to mention the audience in the studio, even Su Xun thought that the submarine had made a mistake. Otherwise, Mei Pang was wrong. He asked again, "Pang, is it wrong?"

"No mistake, it's 13423 meters. All functions of the submarine are normal. There is no early warning." Mei pangzi's tone is very positive, this time even accurate to the meter.

Su Xun felt a little thirsty. Since the submarine entered the sea covered by thick fog, it seemed that everything was going in the wrong direction.

"Crouching trough, having just experienced an island that does not exist, is it going to experience the seabed that does not exist now?"

"How does NIMA science explain this, experts? Let the experts come out and analyze it! "

"Experts only have bad money, so don't embarrass people for this kind of business."

"In principle, it is impossible to have such a deep sea. The earth is going to go through it."

The audience in the studio were also shocked and, of course, more excited.

Super clear picture, let them have a kind of immersive feeling, exciting and full of expectations.

Su Xun took a deep breath: "well, when it comes, it's safe. The more abnormal it is, the closer the Dragon Palace is."

"I agree with that. The Dragon Palace would not be in the ordinary sea area, otherwise the detectors of various countries would have found it long ago."

"I still don't think there can be a dragon palace. It's a technological society."

"It's a science and technology society now. What happened in the past? Was it the same before? "

Some people believe in the existence of the Dragon Palace, while others still believe in science, believing that the Dragon Palace is fictional and that the dragon is just a large extinct animal.

The submarine is diving deeper and deeper, 14000 meters, 15000 meters, and the number is becoming more and more unbelievable.

The diameter of the earth is only 12756 meters. At this speed, the earth has passed through. What's the matter with this horse riding.

Where on earth is this sea area?

Outside, all kinds of news are flying all over the world.

A submarine is subverting our understanding. 》

"what is there in the sea area of 15000 meters. 》

unknown sea area, unknown existence. 》

at the bottom of the sea, the submarine sailed for half an hour.

"Husband, look, look what's ahead!"

Suddenly, an Zizhen jumped up in the submarine.

All people are subconsciously looking in the direction of an Zizhen's fingers.

In the dark sea floor in the distance, a large area of buildings are emitting streamer, which is particularly prominent in the sea.

"Dragon palace! It must be the dragon palace

Mei pangzi was also excited. Everyone in the submarine was very happy.

The audience in the studio had already woken up.

"Wocao, I really found the Dragon Palace. Are all the myths and legends true?"

"I don't know anything else, but the dragon clan must be true."

"I've always believed that there must be gods in the world, such as the monsters recorded in the book of mountains and seas. I haven't seen them. How can they be written in such detail by imagination?""Don't be happy too early. I'm not sure it's the Dragon Palace."

"Not the Dragon Palace? Can it still be your home! "

A few minutes later, the submarine got closer and closer to the luminous building, and finally saw the whole picture of the building.

The pavilions and pavilions made of innumerable crystals are in good order. The golden pillars are carved with dragons and painted with Phoenix. The colorful temples stand in a forest. This is a group of palaces.

On the side of the submarine, there is also a gate. The pillars made of crystal are nearly 100 meters high. Nine golden dragons are twined on the beads, and four gold-plated characters - "Donghai Dragon Palace" are written on them.

Even the audience in the live broadcasting room can feel a tremendous momentum coming across the screen, which makes people shudder physically and mentally.

At the moment, the world is shaking.

It's bigger than the shock we had when we found the dragon's body.

Because the discovery of the Dragon corpse can only show that there was a dragon in the world, but it can not show that the dragon is as extraordinary as in the myth.

However, after the discovery of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, the meaning is quite different, which shows that the dragon is a god beast, the kind of god beast in myths and legends.

If there is a dragon palace, it can be associated with the heaven, the earth and the gods and Buddhas.

No matter whether there is now or not, at least if we find traces, we can prove that there has been.

This is undoubtedly a huge impact on the scientific society.

The bullet screen has been painted all over the screen, so people have no time to see it.

"The Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea written in the journey to the west, is it true that this book will not step on the horse too?"

"Dragon people, there really were gods in the world. It's really empty."

"The Dragon Palace is so beautiful. It's the most beautiful building I've ever seen in my life. I can't describe it in words."

"Oh, my God, this It's true. The gods of the Dragon kingdom are true. Do we in the West really have our God? "

"God, I can't imagine. I can't describe my shock now. The Dragon kingdom is really a country full of miracles."

"Unfortunately, it's empty. There is no dragon in it. Where has the dragon family gone?"

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