"Hello, group leader Qin."

Su Xun and Qin Zhengzhong shook hands.

After all, he is always polite and easy-going.

After they let go, Qin Zhengzhong pointed to the young man next to him and said, "my subordinate, Liang Liang, has just joined the Security Bureau. He took him out to see the world."

Su Xun nodded to Liang Liang as a greeting, which had given him enough face.

But Liang Liang was very upset, so he just nodded to him as a response.

Seeing this, Qin Zhengzhong frowned.

Su Xun just gave a cool smile and didn't take it seriously. Young man, who hasn't been proud.

"Mr. Su, we are here at the trust of the Taoist League." Qin Zhengzhong began to name the theme.

"Oh?" Su Xun looked at Qin Zhengzhong with a smile.

Isn't daomeng Taiqing palace?

Yuyangzi had already told Su Xun what they wanted to do.

Qin Zhengzhong pursed his lips and said, "Mr. Su, now the demons are ready to move. The Taoist League shoulders the responsibility of cutting off demons and removing demons, but the overall strength is not enough, so I hope Mr. Su can give support for the sake of the common people in the world."

"Yes. Su Xun nodded, put up a finger, and said, "I donate one hundred million yuan as the action fund of daomeng."

"Mr. Su, daomeng wants that dragon ball." Qin Zhengzhong said.

Su Xun said with a smile, "the dragon ball has been used by me. You can go now. I'll get some sleep."

Voice down, straight up yawning to go upstairs.

"Mr. Su! You are too selfish. The dragon ball will be given to daomeng. Daomeng will use it to improve its strength and kill demons. What about you? How much contribution can you bring to the society with the dragon ball! You businessmen are selfish, state moths

Liang Liang raised the case and questioned Su Xun. His face was full of anger and his voice was loud.

Qin Zhengzhong's face changed greatly.

Su Xun stopped, turned around and looked at Liang Liang seriously: "do you talk to me about social contribution?"

"Mr. Su, children are not sensible..." Qin Zhengzhong quickly opened his mouth to make a round.

Su Xun interrupted him directly: "if a child is not sensible, he should be taught."

As his voice dropped, he looked at Liang Liang: "I spend tens of billions every year on charity, and I provide jobs for tens of thousands of people. In other words, I support tens of thousands of families, hundreds of thousands of people! What's more, I dare to claim the highest salary in the world

"The charity primary school I built in poor villages is several times more than the words you just sprayed on me. The tax paid to the state every year is enough to produce hundreds of missiles."

"Xiaopenyou, you talk to me about your social contribution. How about your contribution?"

Liang Liang's face was clear and white, and the dead duck said: "that can't change the fact that you are a capitalist. You oppress your employees. The little sister of the maid who just brought you tea has to kneel down. This is the ugly face of your capitalist!"

It's the maids who haven't explained this time.

"No, sir, you have misunderstood that we are all Islanders. This is our rule."

"Yes, sir is very kind to us. He is never harsh on basic necessities of life. It's our lifetime honor to serve him."

"Please take back what you have just said. If you misunderstand your husband because of us, we will be sorry."

With that, more than a dozen maids bowed to Liang Liang at the same time.

Liang Liang was directly confused by this scene. He was at a loss and couldn't say a word.

"Xiaopenyou, the great man said that if there is no investigation, there will be no right to speak. Don't listen to the wind is the rain. You look at me with colored glasses. Of course, it's not pleasant to see anywhere."

Su Xun looked at Liang Liang and said faintly, then waved to those maids: "you go down first."

"Hi." The maid put her hands on her belly and put them out.

It's a pity that it's not wearing kimonos, otherwise this scene will look more like a feeling.

Liang Liang's face was very hot, and he was a little embarrassed, because Su Xun was right. People in the Taiqing palace told him that he didn't know Su Xun before.

"You're a piece of wood. Please apologize to Mr. Su." Qin Zhengzhong didn't give a good scold.

Liang Liang couldn't pull down the face and stood still. Although he knew he was being used, Su Xun hit him in the face, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Qin Zhengzhong was just about to get angry. Su Xun stopped him: "OK, leader Qin, I'm not so stingy. Let's take this child away."

"Mr. Su, I'm really sorry today. We don't care about daomeng." Qin Zhengzhong is full of apologies. After that, he leaves with Liang Liang.

Of course, people in Taicang palace know what they fart for.

If it wasn't for Taiqing Palace's contribution, he didn't want to lose his face.I didn't expect that the people of Taiqing palace would come out to him. They even fooled Liang Liang into being a rookie, which made him unbearable.

Go to NIMA, what do you like? Don't come to me when you die.

"At last, I saw a fool. Liang Liang's brain is short of tendons." Mei Pang comes over.

Zhenyao sword said: "don't you look in the mirror every morning? So you can see fools every day. "

"Go away!" Mei Fanzi thinks that Zuan is invincible, but he has never expected to meet his opponent.

Su Xun said, "I'm just a young man. I can't tell the north from the south if I'm egged on."

"I'm afraid people in Taiqing palace will not give up." When Mei pangzi said this, he looked at Su Xun and wanted to know what he was going to do.

Su Xun couldn't deny it: "it's better to stop here, otherwise Taiqing palace can be delisted."

As his voice dropped, he went out.

He wants to go to the top of the mountain to see how the cultivation of glazed white orchids, Huanyang grass and tianlingguo is going.

"Mr. Su, after the transplantation of these three plants, we have ensured their smooth survival and are now trying to carry out artificial cultivation."

The leader of the research team of the hilltop laboratory reported the work progress to Su Xun.


Taiqing palace.

"Qin Zhengzhong's phone said that the dragon ball had been used by Su Xun, and that he didn't care about it."

Immortal xuanming put a new love crazy 11 mobile phone into the inner pocket of Daopao.

"It's impossible. The dragon ball must still be in Su Xun's hands. How could such a valuable thing be used so hastily, and where did he use it?"

"That is, it must be a pretext. If you want me to say, we'll come directly to the door. If you don't believe him, you dare not give it."

"It's true that he shows great strength in beheading python, but our Taiqing Palace also has its own details."

After hearing the opinions of the people, immortal xuanming gritted his teeth: "OK, I'll go down the mountain myself now."

He may not be Su Xun's opponent, but it's true that Taiqing palace has been passed on for so many years, and they also have their own details.

This is the fundamental reason why he is not afraid of Su Xun.

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