After staying up all night, Su Xun had a good night's sleep.

When I woke up, it was three o'clock in the afternoon.

But after a sleep, Su Xun seemed more sleepy.

As for the reason, we have to ask Qin Zhu, Liao Yu and an Zizhen.

I don't know who thought it was.

In order to prevent Su Xun from going out to flirt with other women, he said that as long as he was drained every day, he would have no energy to hook up with other women.

Then the three women incarnate as juicer.

Su Xun is very poisoned by tea now. It's too hard for him.

"Yes, sir."

When Su Xun went downstairs, the maids said hello.

Su Xun said: "after wearing kimonos, you don't need to draw makeup."

An island sister without kimono has no soul.

But Su Xun couldn't appreciate her makeup.


"Give me a watermelon juice." Su Xun said a word, then he sat on the sofa and took out his mobile phone.

The bald and partial distribution of his video is finally let him care about the content.

In the video, Liu An is alchemy, and the main materials are Huanyang grass, glazed white orchid and tianlingguo.

This guy is lucky to find several of them.

Su Xun admitted that he was jealous.

Eyes motionless looking at alchemy steps.

Liu An put materials into the Dan stove, then sat cross legged and waved his hand. A fire appeared under the Dan stove.

This is the real fire of Qi practitioners. Only Qi practitioners can use it.

Qi practitioners don't need Rune paper to cast their spells, because they have magic power in their bodies.

However, if a monk does not practice Dharma, he will not be able to exert power in his body, so he needs to use Rune paper or other external objects to cast his magic.

Then Liu An began to pour magic power into Dan furnace, and sweat appeared on his forehead.

Su Xun had a wonderful idea. His aura was precious. He used so much mana to alchemy that he couldn't bear it. If only he could seize Liu An and turn him into a tool man for alchemy.

The more he thought about it, the brighter his eyes were.

The three magic pills he took out of Liu An's tomb are still there. If he ate them all and then brought glass, he should be able to hang Liu An.

Catch Liu an alive and let him make his own alchemy. Every time he runs out of mana, he will feed him a refined julingdan to continue his life. In this way, he will be able to circulate continuously. It's really wonderful.

In the cave, Liu An, who was making pills, suddenly shivered and quickly calmed his mind. Almost all his previous achievements were lost.

The more he thought about it, the more reliable he thought it was. Capturing Liu an alive would not only bring more alchemists, but also a walking history book.

And it's better to take the lead and control the rhythm in your own hands than the other party coming to revenge.

Why not do three carves with one arrow?

Su Xun wakes up Mei pangzi and discusses the matter with him.

After hearing this, Mei pangzi took a breath of cool air and observed a moment of silence for Liu An: "what evil has Liu An done in his last life? I can't believe that I can meet you. First I dig a grave to steal things, then I bomb people with missiles. Now I'm going to catch him as a tool man. It's cruel enough."

After hearing this, Su Xun was a little embarrassed, but he still didn't change his mind.

Think of it and do it. Susian took out the three magic pills.

"Brother, let me take one first to help you test the poison." Mei pangzi said with righteous words.

Su Xun rolled his eyes and said, "go away. When you catch Liu An, you won't be missing."

"All right." Mei pangzi can't wait to catch Liu An as soon as possible.

Liu An: I'm grass mud horse, grass mud horse

Su Xun swallowed a magic pill first.

Then I feel that the rare aura between heaven and earth converges to him and becomes strong. Entering the elixir field, it becomes mana, and the cultivation goes up slowly.

Refining and transforming Qi, practicing and transforming spirit, refining spirit and returning to emptiness, refining emptiness and combining Tao.

These are the four realms of Qi practitioners, which have been recorded in relevant books for a long time.

At present, Su Xun was just at the beginning. He swallowed one of the julingdan, and his cultivation went up to the middle stage of refining Qi. After swallowing the other two, his effect weakened, and finally he was only promoted to the early stage of practicing Qi spirit.

To achieve this cultivation, he can be called the first person in the world in this age of rare aura.

Attention, it's human, so this scope doesn't include glass.

Liu An is not a real monster.

To Su Xun's regret, it was more and more difficult for his accomplishments to rise, and the effect of julingdan became weaker and weaker.

The only effect in the future is to gather aura, at least faster than self-cultivation.

"It's like you've become an immortal now."

Mei Pang's face showed an exaggerated expression, and this flattery was quite rhymed (͔̆ω̆) ͕.Today's Su Xun reveals his worldly temperament, which seems to be out of tune with the secular world.

Su Xun also felt better than ever. He was afraid that he could kill a cow.

Liu An's ability to walk in the air is at least the realm of refining the spirit and returning to emptiness.

But he was seriously injured by the missile at that time. Su Xun and Liuli should be able to take him down.

At this time, a bodyguard came in and reported: "Sir, there are three Taoists coming to see you. The leader claims to be xuanming, the leader of Taiqing palace."

"Here comes the man who tried it." Mei Pang gave a schadenfreude smile.

Su Xun also laughed: "please come in."

A moment later, immortal xuanming came in with two disciples swaggering.

"I've met Mr. Su xuandao."

"Taoist priest xuanming, please take a seat. I don't know what happened when I came here?" Su Xun knew it and asked.

Immortal xuanming was also unambiguous. He spoke with awe inspiring righteousness: "I'm here for the dragon ball in Mr. Su's hand. Now that the demon is born, our Taoist alliance has a great responsibility. However, my strength is limited. I'm always worried that the big demon will attack and can't resist, so that the big demon will harm the world. Fortunately, Su Xiansheng found a dragon ball. Maybe that's God's will. God bless the Taoist alliance, God bless the world, I also hope that Mr. Su can give the dragon ball to poor Taoist to enhance the strength of Taoist Alliance for the sake of the safety of the common people in the world. Our Taoist alliance is very grateful for the common people in the world. "

Mei chubby's mouth curled. He knew that he was the old moral kidnapper as soon as he opened his mouth.

"I'm deeply moved by the words of immortal xuanming." Su Xun showed his admiration, and then sighed again: "unfortunately, the dragon ball has been used by me. Su is too weak to help."

"Why, Mr. Su? The dragon ball must still be in your hands. Give it up. " Immortal xuanming didn't believe a punctuation mark Su Xun said.

"Taoist priest, the dragon ball has really been used." Su Xun was very helpless. Why didn't anyone believe the truth these days?

Seeing that Su Xun didn't know how to praise him, xuanming's face became gloomy. He said with righteous words: "Mr. Su, you are as rich as the world. You don't want to contribute to the dragon ball. If the big demon comes, you are the culprit who will kill all the people in the world. You can bear the responsibility!"

"No, don't label me. I can't afford it." Su Xun waved his hand.

Immortal xuanming snorted coldly: "since you can't afford it, offer the dragon ball as soon as possible."

A hairy boy is a hairy boy. He can't stand being scared. That's all.

"Taoist xuanming, I just want to ask a question." Su Xun said.

Xuanming immortal spit out a word: "ask."

Su Xun asked seriously: "I'm just curious. You're the world's people. Where do you get your face to represent the world's people? Do you know that you are represented by them? Do you deserve it? "

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