"How dare you

Immortal xuanming was furious. No one dared to talk to him like this for many years.

Now a hairy boy, ANN, dare to humiliate him like this and make him angry.

The two disciples behind xuanming also glared at Su Xun.

"Taoist priest xuanming, I'm just curious. If it's inconvenient, I can't answer it."

Compared with the Furious xuanming, Su Xun was always lukewarm.

But this is the biggest irony.

Immortal xuanming laughed angrily: "well, well, you don't know the general, you don't know the righteousness, you don't respect your predecessors. Today, I'll teach you a lesson for your parents."

The voice fell, and a touch of gloom flashed in his eyes. He raised his hand to fight Su Xun.

He didn't dare to hurt Su Xun's life, but he had to let Su Xun lie in the hospital for ten days and a half months, otherwise it would be hard to get rid of his hatred.

First let the little boy know the gap in strength, and then force him to hand over the dragon ball, the sword technique, and the five clawed Golden Dragon.

Yes, immortal xuanming wants everything except dragon ball.

Children make choices, adults want them all.

Unfortunately, what he met was Su Xun, or Su Xun who had just taken drugs. His wishful thinking was doomed to fail.

"Taoist priest xuanming, I'm still so grumpy when I'm old. I hope I can have a long memory in the future. The biggest mistake in your life is to attack me."

Su Xun said softly. Looking at the palm of his hand, he decided to clap with him to deepen his friendship.

Raise your hand, use the mana in your body, and palm out like the wind.


Two hands collide.

"Ah! Puyi - "

immortal xuanming spewed out blood and flew out of the gate like a broken kite.


The two disciples were stunned. After a while, they reacted and chased them out.

"This How can it be

Immortal xuanming stood up with the help of his two disciples, his eyes full of horror and inconceivability.

Just now, he didn't do his best, but he also used seven parts.

But he was attacked by Su Xun. Even if Su Xun tried his best, it was too terrible.

In a flash, xuanming's heart was filled with negative emotions such as jealousy, reluctance and gloom.

Why, why can't he be better than a little doll in his whole life of cultivation!

God, how unfair you are!

In his heart, the desire to get the Dragon Ball became stronger, because it was the only chance for him to change his life.

He wants to be strong and invincible!

He had to get the dragon ball at all costs.

Immortal xuanming yelled at the gate: "Su Xun, I'm dedicated to the common people in the world, but you are not willing to offer the dragon ball for the common people. If you are so selfish, you can wait for the people in the world to poke your spine!"

I'm afraid he didn't find out. He already had the sign of being possessed.

"On behalf of the world? You deserve it, too? "

"If the world is in trouble, I, Su Xun, should try my best to turn the tide around when the mansion is about to collapse. It's not up to you to use righteousness to oppress me for personal gain."

"Go back and take off the plaque of your Taiqing palace. If you don't take it before midnight tonight, I'll go up the mountain tomorrow and help you pick it myself!"

Su Xun's cold voice came from the living room, just like thunder, deafening.

Xuanming eyes red to crack, gnashing his teeth, said: "well, tomorrow, I Taiqing palace waiting for you!"

As his voice fell, he turned away, his face clouded and his eyes red.

"Come and wash the dog's blood off the ground."

Su Xun gave an order. He hated this kind of hypocrite who was righteous but actually was selfish.

If xuanming was really for the sake of the common people, Su Xun would be willing to take out other things as help even if he could not take out the dragon ball.

Because he admired such people.

But xuanming, he's not, so he doesn't deserve it.


It was already evening when immortal xuanming came back to Taiqing palace.

"Elder martial brother, what's the matter?"

"Headmaster, who did this?"

"Who is so bold!"

See a burst of anger, the whole xuanming temple is hurt again.

You know, their Taiqing palace is the head of Taoism, and xuanming is the leader among them.

Where do you go, who won't give you a third?

But now someone hurt the immortal xuanming. How could they not be angry.

"Minor injury, it's not in the way. Let's go into the main hall." Xuanming said.

After entering the hall, immortal xuanming told the other elders about it.

After hearing this, the elders were shocked by Su Xun's strength, but they were more angry."What a hairy boy. If he wants to come, we'll open the mountain gate and wait for him. We'll use the sword left by our grandmaster to cut him under the sword!"

"Elder martial brother, it's good to invite a businessman tomorrow."

"I suggest that we let the news out and let the media broadcast the whole process, which will help to publicize the power of our Taiqing palace, and also let everyone see through the true face of Su Xun, a selfish businessman, and then force him to hand over Longzhu and Gongfa. If you don't believe that so many viewers are watching, he dares not to do so."

"It's a good idea. If he doesn't, he'll have to lose his reputation. No matter how powerful he is, he can't go anywhere. He must not be an opponent if he asks for his grandmaster's sword."

All of you said what I said, but Su Xun said it with awe inspiring righteousness and righteous words, as if he were really a group of upright gentlemen.

This is the hypocrite, often more terrible than the real villain.

A younger elder hesitated: "the ancestral sword was used many times hundreds of years ago. Now there is not much spiritual power left, and its power is getting weaker and weaker. Is it worth it to deal with a hairy boy?"

The grandmaster sword was left by the Grandmaster of Taiqing palace. Every time it was used, its power was weakened by one point. When it was spread to modern society, its power was not as powerful as before.

If it is used again, its power will be weakened again, and it will be used to deal with a hairy boy. It seems that there is a big gun attacking mosquitoes.

"Of course, it's worth it. The five clawed golden dragon picture that Su Xun got is not ordinary. Even if the ancestral sword is destroyed, if we get the five clawed golden dragon picture, we will have a new card."

"That's right. What's more, there's a dragon ball. If you refine the dragon ball, elder martial brother, you'll be a land God. At that time, our Taiqing palace will be invincible. Do you need any more cards?"

Others retorted, and the man sighed and stopped talking.

Immortal xuanming looked around for a week and saw that no one had any objection. He immediately said, "OK, that's settled. Tomorrow, please ask the founder to cut the enemy and contact the media to broadcast live, so as to strengthen the power of Taiqing palace!"

It can not only publicize the reputation of Taiqing palace, but also oppress Su Xun to hand over the dragon ball and other treasures with the help of audiences all over the country.

Kill two birds with one stone. It's perfect.

That night, a piece of news woke countless people to sleep.

Tomorrow Taiqing palace will meet Su Xun!

In the news released by the Taiqing palace, Su Xun was said to be domineering and disrespectful of his predecessors. He also said that he wanted to take off the plaque of the Taiqing palace. The Taiqing palace gladly responded.

And the whole broadcast, Yang Taiqing power.

Taiqing palace is the head of Taoism, and Su Xun is the most popular person in today's society.

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