Su Xun left.

Just as he gently came and waved his sleeve, he did not take away a cloud, leaving only the ground full of people who ate melons gaping.

When things are done, brush your clothes and hide your merits and fame.

The shock he brought to the public has not dissipated.

The whole Taiqing palace was silent for half a minute. No one responded until Su Xun's figure disappeared completely.

"Elder martial brother, are you ok?"


Several elders of Taiqing palace rushed to xuanming immortal on the ground in a hurry and helped him with all hands and feet.

Xuanming real man on the ground showed a look of panic and stammered: "don't Don't move me My bone is broken... "

Unfortunately, it's too late. It's too noisy. No one hears him at all. They go to help him.


The crisp sound is like sugarcane being broken.


A scream is like a nightingale weeping blood.

Originally, I didn't know whether he would die or not, but now I'm afraid that the real culprit is more or less auspicious.

The elders of Taiqing palace were confused and looked at each other as if they had done something wrong?

"120! Call 120 quickly

It has been proved that the monk also got first aid from the hospital after he was injured.

"Master Su is really fierce. One sword means one sword. The contemporary Sword Fairy."

"It's really handsome. If you can learn from master Su, you'll be willing to pay any price."

"Master Su can't be reincarnated. Otherwise, how can he know where the remains of the Dragon Palace are?"

Su Xun's only apprentice, kitchen god Xuan's current boss and chef Zhou Chengxuan, after watching the live broadcast, just one thought: Master, I want to learn this!

Master Su has been hot enough. This time, he is in a big fire again, and once again he becomes the man who occupies the front page of all the news.

"Master Su raised a unicorn. It's so cool. I was so excited that I broke an egg on the spot."

"Unicorn is a sacred animal. It should be raised by the state instead of private possession."

"Silly beep, your mother is also unique. Why don't you hand in your mother too? It's so much fun for children to make sticks."

"Yes, do you think Kirin is a cat or a dog? That's the beast. The beast will follow whoever it wants to follow. "

"Wocao, Su Xun and I are classmates in high school. I know he is very strong, but I didn't expect him to be stronger than I thought."

"Upstairs, I'm his college classmate. He's the bragging material of our class."

Su Xun is always making big news that shocked the world again and again, raising people's shock threshold.

When people think that Su Xun is strong enough.

Su Xun always used facts to let people know that he could be more powerful.

No one scolded him any more.

After all, such a fierce man should be given unlimited rights. There are only five people in his family, which can be regarded as very restrained (́ὤ̀).

If there is one who sprays his flower heart, it is just chiguoguo's jealousy.

Today's World War I completely established his position in the cultivation.

I don't know how many martial arts masters, and the monks sigh. How can there be such masters in today's era?

Is the world going to change?

Su Xun is known as the man who is closest to God. Many middle school students call him the God walking in the world.

At this time, the male god is riding glass home.

"In fact, I don't think it's cool enough for you to just pretend that. At last, you should throw me out and cut off the plaque. Then with a move, I'll fly back to you with the sound of sword."

This guy is suffering from the syndrome of forcing. The sword is iron and the force is steel. He is very upset if he doesn't install it for a day.

Every time Su Xun used him to pretend to force, he found that he could also gain a strong sense of comfort, so he was addicted to it.

"You talk a lot of shit."

Su Xun said.

Zhenyao sword expressed dissatisfaction: "when I just used it, I didn't say that. I didn't recognize the sword when I put on my pants, scum man."

"Go away." Su Xun's face was dark. If it was jianniang, he could accept it, but it was Jiannan.

Not far away, a foreign plane flew by.

"Oh, what did I just see? I think I must be blinded. "

A foreigner by the window dropped his doughnut on the ground and murmured to himself.

"No, you don't have eyes. We all see a man flying in the sky on a strange creature."

"I think we may have seen God. It's incredible. Oh, sheter, my God, I forgot to take pictures."

After the plane returned to northern Europe, the passengers insisted that they had met God until they saw the live video of Su xunjian beheading xuanming.After Su Xun returned to Yuliang mountain, the Security Bureau came again. This time, it was a big man.

There's no way. Su Xun's strength now is just like a walking missile, which can't be ignored.

What's more, they are very curious about the unicorn, so they want to borrow some blood for research.

The conversation lasted an hour, and no one outside knew what it was about.

After this conversation, Yuliang mountain was sealed off by Su Xun's bodyguard, and the whole mountain was completely reduced to his private property.

It's completely private. Pay attention to whether it's completely private.

After all, as a person who has made great contributions to the country, it is reasonable for him to meet some of his modest demands.

Then there was another big news that made everyone dizzy.

Qingyun international will cooperate with R Xinglong and the Chinese government to build the Dragon Palace relics in the East China Sea into a tourist attraction.

In the cooperation, Longguo government provides policy convenience, R star provides science and technology support, and Qingyun international is responsible for the construction and daily operation of scenic spots.

As soon as the news came out, the whole world was shocked.

"Wocao is a big hand. As a person who has never traveled, he said that I would like to visit the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea for seven days."

"Maybe if you're lucky, you can pick up a night pearl or something."

"It's amazing. It's the most popular tourist attraction in the world."

"Oh, it's really exciting news. I can't wait for it."

"God, it's so exciting to be able to visit the place where the Dragon Kingdom lives."

Both domestic and foreign people are excited by the news.

But the official mood of foreign countries is not so happy, because this cooperative development did not bring them to play together.

But they don't even have the courage to protest. Who let r star join in? Without r star's scientific and technological support, this goal can't be achieved at all.

Officials of foreign countries are envious. Damn it, why do aliens only cooperate with dragon country.

Qingyun international was not a big company at first, but now it has become the largest company in the world. After all, people are engaged in planet trade.

Many foreign officials tried to contact Su Xun, but they failed.

At this time, Su Xun was at home entertaining Taoist priest Qingyang who had come all the way.

At the same time, a professor surnamed Chen of the National Academy of history, after asking for leave from the Academy, rushed to Kunlun mountain with his backpack on his back overnight.

Sitting on the plane, his eyes were full of enthusiasm and excitement.

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