"Mr. Su's sword is really unforgettable and shocking."

Sitting on the sofa, Taoist priest Qingyang looked at Su Xun with a heartfelt praise.

"It's just a small skill. What's the point?"

Su Xun said softly, then poured the tea and pushed the cup to Taoist priest Qingyang: "Taoist priest Qingyang, please have tea."

"Thank you very much." Qingyang Taoist priest's mouth twitches, holding up the tea cup to cover up his gaffe.

Mad, that's a trick.

So what are we?

It's not modesty, it's arrogance.

Taoist priest Qingyang didn't want to continue to entangle himself on this unpleasant topic. He took out a piece of cloth: "Mr. Su, all the words on the stone tablet of Kunlun Mountain are here."

"I've seen the video, and I can't understand it if you show it to me." Su Xun returned the cloth and said, "before I go to Kunlun Mountain, I have to do something. It's just on my way."

From bareheaded and pianfen, we know that the cave where Liu An is hiding is in the mountainous area of a township in Qinghai Province. It's just the right way to Kunlun mountain.

"It's all right." Of course, Taoist priest Qingyang didn't have any opinions and didn't dare to.

Su Xun asked the bodyguard to arrange a room for him. He would stay in the manor tonight and leave tomorrow.

"I've only been at home all day, and I'm going out again?"

After Taoist priest Qingyang left, an Zizhen asked Su Xun.

Su Xun sighed: "I don't want to. Let's have a rest early."

An Zizhen's face changed.

It was Su Xun who was exhausted by them.

However, Su Xun's physical quality was greatly improved after he achieved the cultivation of Qi and spirit. On the contrary, they couldn't bear it.

At first, Su Xun wanted to avoid them. Now it was their turn to panic.

It can only be said that Fengshui turns in turn.

"Well, you can sleep in Yurou's room tonight." An Zi Zhen Eye Bead son a turn say.

Liao Yu and Qin Zhu also nodded in agreement.

Qin Su's fighting power suddenly soared.

Yan Yurou couldn't help but feel happy: "really Is that ok? "

"Of course." An Zizhen smiles.

Liao Yu and Qin Zhu show sympathy. Poor silly girl, they haven't realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Then..." Yan Yurou looked at Su Xun affectionately, and ran up the stairs shyly: "I'll change my clothes first and wait for you."

She has been waiting for this day for a long time, and now she is finally here, excited, shy and looking forward to it.

Mei pangzi expresses her admiration and feels desolate. A single dog has no dog rights.


The next day, Su Xun, Mei pangzi and Taoist priest Qingyang set out and flew directly to Qinghai Province by private plane.

Yan Yurou didn't come to see her off. An Zizhen said she understood, because if she could get up in the morning, it would be abnormal.

Ten in the morning.

Qinghai Province, in a mountain forest.

In the cave, Liu An still sits in front of the Dan stove, his forehead is full of sweat, and his body has a dark wound attack, but he still insists on it.

Because in ten minutes at most, the pills can be refined and baked.

When he swallows the pill and his strength recovers, he will go to the damned mole ant for revenge.

Ten minutes later, Dancheng fire was extinguished, and a smell of danxiang filled the whole stone room.

Liu An's face showed a smile, gently exhaled a breath.

It took two days and two nights, and finally it was done.

"Gululu ~"

suddenly, there was a sound in his stomach, and his face changed. Damn it, how could he suddenly think

Liu An didn't have time to think, because he felt that the next second a flood of power might gush out, and now the speed is extremely fast, turning into a shadow and heading straight to the cottage.

As soon as he left, a figure sneaked into the alchemy room.

This man is a partial youth.

Open the furnace, take out all the pills and wrap them in a piece of cloth. Then take a handful of painted steel beans from another pocket and throw them into the furnace.

After finishing all this, he quickly walked out of the alchemy room.


Two middle-aged people were leaving the cave.

Outside the cave, susian and qingyangmei sat at the entrance of the cave.

A few of Liu An's dog legs, with a flattering look on their faces, fanned beside them and served tea and water.

Poor Liu An, don't know his people are all traitors, and at this time the enemy is at the gate.

"Here comes Mr. Su. This is the pill he made."

Bareheaded and pianfen ran out and flattered Su Xun with the pills wrapped in cloth.

After Su Xun opened it, a light fragrance spread and made people feel comfortable.

Taoist priest Qingyang's eyes were fixed on the cherry sized pills.

Su Xun counted, a total of seven, looking at pianfen and bald: "did not steal it.""No, No." They shook their heads like a rattle.

Su Xun said with a smile: "fat man, search your body."

"All right." Fat Mei is rubbing her hands.

As soon as his face changed, he took out three pills from his pocket and pretended to be surprised: "Oh, there are still three pills here. I almost forgot. Mr. Su, take them."

"Keep searching." Su Xun didn't change his face. He knew these two guys were dishonest.

Partial points also obediently from the pocket out of a poly elixir in the past.

"Well! I'll give you a reward. " Su Xun gave a cold hum and lost a bank card.

It is necessary to have a clear distinction between rewards and punishments.

Their eyes brightened: "thank you, Mr. Su."

"Let's go and meet the Lord Liu." Su Xun got up and went into the cave with the demon sword.

Taoist priest Qingyang asked Mei pangzi, "what's King Liu?"

"Liu An, king of Huainan." The plump man replied.

Taoist priest Qingyang is at a loss. Isn't this man dead long ago? Even the tombs have been dug up.

Pianfen and bareheaded lead the way.

Liu An came out of the hut and went to the door of the alchemy room. He happened to see this scene. When his enemies met, he was very jealous.

"It's you!"

His eyes were red and he would never forget Su Xun's face.

Su Xun said with a smile, "it's me."

"Well, well, if you don't go to heaven, if you don't go to hell, you'll throw yourself. It just saves me the time to find you." Liu An burst out laughing, full of joy.

Just after refining the elixir successfully, the enemy came to the door. Is there anything more enjoyable than that?

This is God's blessing.

As for Su Xun's pianfen and others, he ignored them directly.

In his opinion, this group of waste must have been taken by Su Xun to take him into the cave.

Su Xun smashed it, smashed his mouth: "I really hope you can be so happy all the time."

"I'll be happier when you die." Liu An showed a ferocious smile and rushed into the alchemy room.

Su Xun followed him with a smile.

Liu an opened the stove, grabbed two pills and put them into his mouth: "boy, you will die today, ha ha ha ha..."

But when he was smiling, he couldn't smile, and his face became stiff.

How can this julingdan be swallowed without reaction?

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