The trip to Kunlun Mountain yielded nothing.

But Su Xun made an appointment with Professor Chen to continue to investigate this aspect.

He had to find out what happened to these dead gods, or he would be upset.

Because after seeing the bodies of those suspected heavenly soldiers, he had an inexplicable sense of urgency.

It was already Saturday morning when I returned to Jiangnan City.

Liu An lives in a small villa.

Knowing that modern society had no scruples about the Dragon robes, he had to ask Su Xun to order a complete set of emperor's Dragon robes for him to get addicted to.

Mei pangzi and Liu An can play together.

Mei pangzi also took Liu An down to the mountain to work as a prostitute. She made all kinds of clothes, silk and socks, which made Liu an happy and thirsty for more than 2000 years.

He began to fall in love with this era, all kinds of things, really fascinating.

Even whoring, a whore has so many tricks.

Although he used to be a prince, there was no lack of women, but that was once the case.

Now, the little sister of 3000 yuan a night still treats him so much that she can't forget to return.

There is also an episode, that is, Su Xun gave the Qi training skill to Mei pangzi and an Zizhen, and each of them gave a julingdan.

In the cave, Liu An made a total of 11 julingdan, and there are still seven left.

Over the weekend, there's good news.

The batch cultivation of huanyangcao, tianlingguo and liulibailan was successful, and 70% of the seedlings survived.

But it's too long for them to grow up naturally.

So Su Xun picked out a seedling from each of the three plants and tried to use the accelerant of R star.

Anyway, it's a few seedlings, even if it fails, it's nothing.

If you pour the accelerant every day, these three will obviously grow faster than others. According to this rhythm, it is estimated that they will mature in a week.

Su Xun was waiting for a week to try alchemy with these three plants which were accelerated by the accelerant. If it was successful, all the other seedlings would be accelerated by the accelerant.

On the afternoon of the weekend, several Taoist leaders came to visit Yuliang mountain.

"I don't know why you are here. Is it to avenge xuanming?"

In the living room, Su Xun sat on the sofa and looked at a group of Taoists in front of him with a smile.

An old Taoist came out: "wuliangtianzun, Mr. Su misunderstood that xuanming's fate is really his own fault. We came here today to ask for something."

"Oh?" Su Xun showed a playful look and spat out a word: "say."

As his voice fell, a group of Taoists almost bent down and arched their hands at the same time, and cried out:

"we invite Mr. Su to be the leader of the alliance of Taoism, to lead the Taoism in the world, to kill demons and demons, and to protect the peace of the world."

Su Xun was stunned. He didn't expect that this group of people had this goal.

At the beginning, yuyangzi invited him to join the Taoist League, but he refused because he didn't like restriction.

I didn't expect that now these people directly invite themselves to be the bearers of daomeng.

Su Xun pondered for a moment and said faintly, "if I am the leader of the alliance, I will be the only one in the alliance. Can you convince me?"

Since he was the boss, he decided to agree.

"It should have been so. Mr. Su is highly cultivated and powerful. We should be obedient!" People did not hesitate, obviously rehearsed in advance.

Su Xun thought of another question: "but I'm not a Taoist."

"For the sake of the common people in the world, I can't care so much. Please think of the common people."

Good guy, if Su Xun doesn't take the responsibility, he'll be sorry to everyone.

In this case, Su Xun reluctantly agreed ((≡̑ငꀬ̑)).

"We'll see the leader."

Don't mention it. Looking at the salutes and shouts of all the sects, Su Xun was very happy.

After the ceremony of Su Xun's succession to the leader was finally set, these talents left one after another.

On the 15th of next month, on the auspicious day of the golden age, Su Xun's succession ceremony will be held in the Taiqing palace.

Why in Taiqing palace?

Because Taiqing palace wanted to ease the relationship with Su Xun.

That's what smart people do. Those who are guilty and know that they are not rivals and have to clamor for revenge are all brain damage.

It was the same as the ancient emperor's accession to the throne. Su Xun thought it was very troublesome, but he couldn't save the necessary procedure. No one else agreed.

After the news came out, netizens lamented the impermanence of the world.

"Master Su is a bull. Just after hitting daomen in the face, he will be the boss of daomen in a twinkling of an eye."

"It's still held in Taiqing palace. How does NIMA Taiqing palace feel? Don't you feel it?"

"I know a fart upstairs, which shows that there are smart people in Taiqing palace. Maybe master Su should be the leader of the alliance. It's all from Taiqing palace.""No culture, I can only say, master Su is a bull! /"Broken sound."


Monday morning.

Su Xun came out of Yan Yurou's quilt.

Night toss, Yan Yurou is sleeping sweet, exaggerated baby granary even quilt can't cover.

"System, extract the fourteenth new identity."

Su Xun lit a cigarette and leaned against the head of the bed. The interval between the two cigarettes was a little long.

[drawing Successful extraction. Congratulations on the new identity of the host: undercover. 】

[fortresses are often broken from the inside. If you want to destroy them, you have to join them first. 】

[you are a young police officer who has just graduated from the police academy. You have accepted the undercover task assigned by the superior with passion, and the undercover has entered a fan drug group across Asia. 】

[identity ability: Top acting, transvestite, Morse code. 】

[identity task: find the drug factory and assist the police to eliminate the fan drug gang. The time limit is one month. 】

Su Xun is a little confused. Brother, the whole world knows me. You asked me to be an undercover agent. Do you think I live too long?

He challenged the system.

[the host can change his or her face by changing his or her face, and a new identity will be generated after changing his or her face. 】

after hearing this, Su xuncai suddenly realized that no wonder there was no memory of the identity of undercover agent in his mind.

Get up immediately, say hello to the family, go out, and then use the face changing technique to change your face.

After changing face with the technique of face changing, the memory of this identity appeared in Su Xun's mind.

In my memory, his name is still Su Xun. He was born in Lincheng city. He was an orphan whose parents died. He grew up in an orphanage and studied in a police school. He just graduated this year and was selected by his boss as one of the undercover agents to sneak into the drug gang.

At this time, he is totally different from the previous one. He can only be called as pretty, not handsome.

Alas, my handsome face, I'm leaving you for the moment.

Then, a cold light flashed through his eyes. What he hated most was the strong, the traitors, the drugs, the peddlers and the human traffickers.

These three kinds of people fall into his hands, ha ha.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

Suddenly, the cell phone rang.

Take out a look is his boss Lincheng City Bureau arrest, drug brigade leader Sun Hai call.

"Xiao Su, have a good rest. You can go back to the team. Your undercover mission officially begins."

"Yes, captain."

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