Lincheng city is next to Jiangnan City, which is a coastal city. Because of the sea, the logistics transportation is very convenient.

The customs here, as well as the drug police, are high-risk occupations, and the number of people who die in duty is high every year.

Because poisonous dogs often take goods out or in by sea, once they are found by the customs, they are desperate.

In Lincheng City Bureau, Su Xun met his boss, sun Hai, the leader of the drug brigade.

"Captain, I'll report!"

Su Xun saluted sun Hai.

Sun Hai saluted back and patted him on the shoulder: "good boy, good, not afraid."

"Not afraid!" Su Xun's tone was firm, because he really didn't pay attention to a group of drug dealers.

Sun Hai nodded admiringly and said: "according to the reservation plan, we get the news that mabin is entertaining customers at KTV at noon. All you have to do is to have conflicts with him. At that time, the arranged comrades will bring you both into the detention house. This is your chance to contact him."

Here, he pauses: "Xiao Su, the reason why I chose you is that you are good at fighting with mabin and making him value you. You know what to do."

Ma Bin, nicknamed Ma Wangye, is a fruit wholesaler on the surface and a leader of fan Du group on the surface.

Although this guy was very cautious, he showed his fox tail and was found evidence of drug abuse by the police.

In order to cooperate with the implementation of the undercover plan, although there is evidence, it has not been arrested, otherwise it would have been in prison for a long time.

"I know." Su Xun nodded.

Sun Haili saluted Su Xun: "Comrade Su Xun, I wish you success in your journey."

"We must live up to the expectations of the organization and the people!" Su Xun said firmly.

At 11:00 noon, Su Xun changed his casual clothes and walked into a KTV named Tianyue.

He wore a necklace around his neck. It was a bullet case, but there was a monitor inside.

In the car across the street, sun Hai took several suspects with him. Members of the drug brigade witnessed Su Xun walk into the KTV.

"This guy really looks like a little ruffian."

A policewoman teased, short hair, smart temperament, tall, concave and convex, her name is Chen Mei, is the vice captain of the drug brigade.

"It's kind of like that. It seems that I've been thinking about it at home." Sun Hai is also relieved. After all, if you want to be an undercover, you can't be like a policeman.

I don't know that Su Xun has the top acting skills. It must be like what he plays.

Several other police officers looked at each other, but they couldn't understand whether the two leaders were praising or belittling.

In Tianyue KTV.

How do you do, sir? How many, please Asked the receptionist.

Su Xun leaned against the bar with a cigarette in his mouth and threw a cigarette ring at the front desk: "private room No.5."

"I'm sorry, sir. Room five has been reserved. How about room six?" The front desk was a young man. Although he hated Su Xun's smoking behavior, he still kept a smile on his face.

Su Xun raised his eyebrows and spat out a cigarette ring at him: "if you've made a reservation, you haven't come yet. Then you can change it to No. 6 for him and give me No. 5."

Private room five is reserved by mabin.

"Sir, it's not suitable..." The little brother at the front desk frowned and felt a little impatient.

"Step on..."

At this time, a burst of footwork sounded, and several people came in, led by two middle-aged people, one with a big stomach and the other with a strong temperament.

The one with a strong temperament is mabin.

"Boss Liu, I tell you, the little sister who accompanies singing in this KTV is a leverage drop. I promise you it's worth your visit."

"Ha ha ha, Ma brother, it's not going to happen again. It's not going to happen again."

The front desk saw that Ma Bin's eyes lit up and quickly welcomed him: "Mr. Ma, someone has to ask for your No. 5 private room."

The secret in my heart is that I dare to smoke to me, and I dare to rob the private room with Ma Ye. I can't help you.

"Just let him go." Before mabin spoke, a young man behind him said something.

Su Xun laughed. He went to stop the young man and spat a cigarette ring at him: "brother, come on, have a chat. You just said who should go away."

The name of this man is Xie Biao. He is mabin's cousin and his right arm.

Mabin and others stopped.

"Who do you call when you step on the horse?" Xie Biao is a domineering character, heard each other calling his brother, instantly angry.


Su Xun raised his hand and slapped: "I'm calling you on my horse. Do you hear me?"

The front desk kids are confused. Are the young people so young now?"I'm a grass mud horse!" Xie Biao's eyes are red.

"Biaozi!" Ma Bin yelled and stopped him. Then he looked at Su Xun and said, "a slap in the face, you don't want more than 100000. I'll apologize to my brother again. It's OK."

With customers, he doesn't want to waste time here, and it's easy to leave a bad image for customers.

Although Xie Biao is not reconciled, Ma Bin talks. He can only bear it for a while, and is ready to settle accounts with Su Xun afterwards.

"A slap in the face is gold." Su Xun looked at Ma Bin with a languid face, full of irony.

Xie Biao furious: "Grass Mud Horse, speak politely, this is my big brother."

"It's your elder brother, not my elder brother. I'm polite to your mother." Su Xun sneered.

Mabin's face darkened: "boy, you don't have to drink a toast. Believe it or not, you can't stand out of this door today."

"Count some." Su Xun spits the cigarette end in his mouth directly on Ma Bin's face. Master Zuan sprays people online.

To tell you the truth, I haven't been so reckless for a long time. It's really cool.

"Ah Ma Bin was so hot that he screamed and yelled with red eyes, "do it for me, he!"

"Grass Mud Horse, I have long wanted to make you. Stand at attention and get beaten." Xie Biao took the lead and smashed his fist at Su Xun.

Su Xun raised his foot and kicked it out.


Xie Biao directly flew out and smashed the glass door, spitting blood and coughing.

Another little brother was stunned when he saw this scene. That was the moment when he was stunned. Su Xun punched him to the ground.

Looking at Su Xun's clean fists, Ma Bin was not angry, but his eyes lit up.

"Little brother, little brother..."

Before he finished speaking, the big fist of sandbags magnified infinitely in his sight, and then the whole person fell to the ground.

"Who's your brother? Don't get involved."

"I'll come out with two younger brothers and pretend to be a bully. I'll teach you how to be a man today."

When Su Xun rushed up, he was beating and kicking and scolding at the same time.

Soon, two policemen who were "patrolling" in the neighborhood rushed in and yelled at Su Xun:

"once a warning, stop it, stop it and squat on the ground!"

"Two warnings, stop and squat on the ground with your head in your arms!"

Su Xun finally kicked Ma Bin and said, "brother, you have to thank the police uncle for coming in time, or you should go straight to the crematorium."

Finish saying, darling of embrace a head to squat on the ground, a face full of don't care facial expression.

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