All four of the men involved in the fight were taken away by the police.

After they are brought to the sub Bureau, they are interrogated separately.

In the interrogation room, Su Xun sat on a chair, opposite sun Hai and Chen Mei.

"You're too hard, boy. Xie Biao was almost kicked by you."

Sun Hai looked at Su Xun and said.

Su Xun said with a smile: "team sun, we should be cruel to these immoral things."

If he didn't have a mission, he would like to kick that son of a bitch to death. It's not a pity that Dufan died.

"If you have your own sense of propriety, you should pay attention to safety." Sun Hai asked.

Chen Mei holds her chest in both hands, and the baby's granary is obviously squeezed. She teases: "I don't think you can use acting. That arrogant and domineering look is completely natural."

"Sister Mei, you have wronged me." Su Xun showed an expression of grievance, and his eyes were attracted by the baby's granary.

Chen Mei stares at him with a red face. I haven't seen him before.

Su Xun looked away with a smile.

He seems to be beginning to understand why Mei pangzi always likes to wear clothes.

Soon, Su Xun was brought out and met Ma Bin and Xie Biao.

Su Xun gave them a bright smile, which was very hard to beat.

In addition to Ma Bin, Xie Biao and another young man are staring at Su Xun with cannibal eyes.

"The matter has been made clear. Both sides are at fault. Do you want to see for yourself whether to settle it through negotiation or through judicial procedures?"

The security police of the Branch Bureau looked at several people and asked.

In general, as long as the two parties are willing to negotiate to solve this kind of matter, it is private. If one party does not agree, it will go through the judicial procedure and temporarily detain in the detention center, waiting for the court's judgment.

Before Su Xun spoke, Ma Bin said to him, "little brother, it's just a misunderstanding. You don't have to go through the judicial procedure to make trouble for the police. How about we negotiate in private?"

He is very busy, but he can't be delayed by such a trifle.

"OK, I don't want to go into the detention house and squat and waste my time." Su Xun nodded in a casual tone.

Mabin pondered for a moment: "how about this? After all, it's my brother's bad words. Even if it's our fault, we'll pay the medical expenses ourselves. That's it."

Xie Biao was a little unconvinced when he heard this. He just wanted to speak, but he was stopped by Ma Bin's cold eyes.

Ma Bin takes a fancy to Su Xun's Kung Fu and wants him to do business with him, otherwise he won't be so polite.

Those ordinary people who offended him, but none of them came to a good end.

He is a vicious criminal. Everything is for profit.

"OK, that's it. I can go now." Su Xun said.

Police handed him a piece of paper: "in this sign can go."

Su Xunlong feifeng dance wrote his name, then looked at Xie Biao contemptuously, turned around, put his hands in his pocket and hummed a little song to leave.

"Big brother, the boy beat you like this, why let him go?"

After leaving the police station, Xie Biao couldn't bear to complain.

"You know shit!" Ma Bin scolded angrily: "I want to attract him. Look at you two trash. They can't last three seconds."

Xie Biao and another young man could not lift their heads when they heard this, and they hated Su Xun even more.

When they heard that mabin wanted to recruit Su Xun, they didn't like it, but they didn't dare to say anything.

After all, as mabin's confidants, they know how tough their boss is.

"I just read his signature and asked Su Xun to find out his social background and where to settle down. The sooner the better." Said mabin, rubbing his swollen forehead.

Xie Biao widened his eyes: "Su Xun, the Su Xun of Qingyun international?"

"Are you stupid! Is it stupid! It must be the same name Ma Bin said rudely.

Xie Biao nodded: "Oh."

Su Xun's current foothold is an old-fashioned rental house, on the sixth floor, with no elevator and difficult conditions.

So he didn't go back. He changed his handsome face and went back to Jiangnan City next door. Anyway, it was only two hours' drive back and forth.

After staying in Yuliang mountain manor for one night, Yirong returned to Lincheng the next morning.

At noon, he had lunch in a small restaurant near the rental house.

While eating, a man came and sat opposite him.

Su Xun knew who it was and pretended to be stunned. Then he sneered and said, "how can I get revenge?"

"Wait, sit down first. I'm not here to take revenge on you. I'm here to make you rich." Ma Bin had a headache for Su Xun's temper, but he was more relieved.

Because this kind of talent is better.

Su Xun sneered and said without raising his head: "rich? Let's hear it. "

"Your name is Su Xun, 23 years old, an orphan, practicing boxing since childhood, graduating from high school. You were arrested once for robbery and twice for fighting. You just got out of prison and never had a job, right?"In fact, all the information was created by Ma Xiaoyin.

Su Xun frowned: "check me? What do you want to do? "

"I said, make you rich." Ma Bin lost a good cigarette to Su Xun: "yesterday, you smoked a pack of cigarettes for ten yuan. Was that a man's cigarette? Try this one of mine. One hundred bucks a pack

Su Xun scoffed. Lao Tzu usually smokes four figure cigars, but on the surface, he said, "good cigarettes."

"Follow me, ten thousand basic salary a month, more work, no ceiling, let you smoke this kind of good cigarettes every day." Mabin knew Su Xun's ideas very well. It was enough to lure him to profit.

Su Xun asked with a smile, "that's a good treatment. It's not for me to kill people."

"Dare you?" Mabin's eyes narrowed slightly.

Su Xun laughed: "what dare you? Five hundred thousand. Who do you want me to kill for you? "

"Don't exaggerate. What I ask you to do is much easier than killing people." Mabin patted him on the shoulder: "let's go. I'll take you to dinner. Are you eating these now? You're a man who can fight. You're born to be rich

Half an hour later, Ma Bin and Su Xun came to one of the biggest clubs in Lincheng City, where they had a good time.

After eating, he also arranged two beautiful little sisters for Su Xun: "they are all models. Don't mention it."

He left with Xie Biao.

Su Xun knew that this was a trial. The general police were very principled and would not touch these women.

But Su Xun didn't care. After finishing the task, he resigned and didn't want this identity.

He was not prepared to continue to want this identity, because it was too much trouble.

A moment later, two women's exaggerated calls rang out in the private room.

"Cattle." Outside, Xie Biao scolded.

As an old driver, of course, he can recognize whether the cry is true or false. Obviously, he can't help crying out from his heart, which makes him a little jealous.

Mabin had a smile on his face. "I'll see if I can arrange for him to follow the car tonight."

As the words fell, he walked away with great strides.

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