"They want me to do business tonight. They just want me to follow the car. They don't know where to go yet Well, OK

Inside the rental house, Su Xun finished his call with Chen Mei, locked his commonly used mobile phone, and went out with a spare one.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Su Xun found Xie Biao: "Biaozi."

"It's brother Biao." Xie Biao said.

Su Xun said with a smile, "it's not enough again, is it?"

"Damn it Xie Biao made a rude remark. If Ma Bin hadn't valued Su Xun, he would have killed him with a gun.

He had to be glad he didn't do it, otherwise it would have been him.

At 9:30, Xie Biao drove, and Su Xun followed him to the warehouse in the suburb.

When they arrived, they saw a group of people loading fruit into a car.

Su Xun pretended to be curious and asked: "Puma son, is what Ma Ge does wholesale fruit? Do we need to send it together? "

"Fruit? Ha ha. " Xie Biao smiles and doesn't explain anything.

Su Xun put his arm around his shoulder: "Puma, what are you laughing at? Tell me about it."

At the same time, psychics are used to share each other's memories.

"Go away, don't bother me. Do I know you well?" At present, Su Xun has not been fully trusted. Of course, Xie Biao can't tell him.

After Su Xun got the memory he wanted, he let go of Xie Biao: "fuck, if you don't say it, don't say it. What's the big deal? I'll go pee."

Then, without waiting for his consent, he turned and walked directly into the woods.

"The lazy donkey has a lot of feces and urine." Xie Biao scolded, but he didn't have any vigilance. After all, he didn't tell Su Xun anything.

In the woods, susian sent out a text message: at 11 o'clock tonight, mabin is going to trade with a group of people at the seaside on the west side of the port. He leads the team in person and can act.

His mobile phone was watched for 24 hours, so he received a reply soon.

"Pay attention to safety. We only catch goods when we arrest. In order to help you gain the trust of mabin, we will deliberately give you the opportunity to protect him from escaping."

After reading, Su Xun deleted the message and whistled to the warehouse.

"Ma Ye." "Ma Ye." "Here comes the horse."

A few minutes later, a big car came. Mabin got out of the car and everyone said hello.

"Margo." Su Xun also said hello.

Everyone else took a look at him. After all, he was the only one with a different name and a new face.

Mabin patted him on the shoulder. "Today is the first time you've worked with me. Be smart."

While speaking, he took a look at Xie Biao.

Xie Biao shook his head, indicating that he didn't say anything to Su Xun.

"Brother Ma, it's just fruit. Is it so troublesome?" Su Xun was puzzled and unwilling.

He wanted to use psychics on Ma Bin, but this guy was too treacherous. Su Xun didn't dare to make long-term physical contact rashly, which was easy to arouse suspicion. He had better come step by step.

It's just like playing a game and going through customs all at once. It's meaningless.

Mabin laughs: "you'll know when it's time."

At ten o'clock, the loading is finished and the train leaves on time.

At 10:40, the car went through the city and took a small road to a deserted seaside.


With Xie Biao's order, several men found many transparent bags with white powder from the fruit in the car.

"Brother Ma, are you cheating me? This is the crime of beheading! "

Seeing this, Su Xun's face changed greatly. He rushed up and grabbed Ma Bin's collar.

Oscar owes him a gold medal.

"Boy, what are you doing? Let go of Ma Ye."

The others pulled out their guns and aimed at Su Xun.

"Put the gun down." Ma Bin glared at the others, then looked at Su Xun and said, "how can I harm you? I'm making you rich. Follow me. I promise you to buy a car, a house and a wife in a year. "

"But to be caught is a capital crime!" Su Xun lowered his voice and roared.

Ma Bin disdained to smile: "you also said that being caught is a capital crime. Look at me? Have you been arrested after all these years? "

Then he eased his tone: "Xiao Su, there are only a few ways for people to get rich in their life, and other ways are also impassable. Why don't you try my one? What's more, since you get on the bus, there is no turning back. Once you are caught, we are all accomplices. "

"Damn it Su Xun finally let go of Ma Bin in anger and helplessness, and his face was not clear.

"That's right. Horses have no night, grass is not fat, people have no windfall, and they are not rich. What's a man to be afraid of? Is there anything more terrible than having no money? " Ma Bin gave a satisfied smile and patted Su Xun on the shoulder.

At this moment, a ship on the sea suddenly flashed at them three times.

Xie Biao took out a flashlight and flashed it three times.And then the ship came up to the shore with a roar.

"Big brother, here we are." Xie Biao said to Ma Bin.

Ma Bin nodded: "move all the goods here, hand in money, hand in delivery, all smart."

A few minutes later, two speedboats stopped at the shore and seven or eight men jumped from them.

The leader is a bald man.

"Lord Ma, where are the goods?"

Bareheaded looking at mabin, he asked cleanly.

"And the money?" Asked mabin.

Bareheaded waved, two younger brothers carrying four boxes on the ground, open a look, all money.

Xie Biao came forward to check, and then nodded to Ma Bin: "big brother, no problem."

"Give them the goods." Said mabin.

A few men with full pockets of white face in front of the bald.

A little brother squatted down behind the bald head to check, then nodded to the bald head: "boss, no problem."

"Happy cooperation. Goodbye." As soon as the bareheaded voice came down, they sent people to pick up the goods and get ready to leave.

From beginning to end, both sides are very straightforward, because the more procrastination, the greater the risk.

"Will ~ will ~ will ~"

at this moment, the alarm bell suddenly sounded, and the sea and land sounded at the same time.

"Boss, there are police!"

"Grass mud horse's, order me." The bald man burst into a rage and yelled at mabin.

Mabin was still confused and said, "it's not my problem. Let's run, mad."

As the voice dropped, he turned and ran into the woods without driving.

"Fuck, fight with them!"

"Kang! Kang! High

There was a lot of gunfire behind him.

"Watch out, Margo."

Suddenly, in the middle of running, Su Xun yelled out and put Ma Bin down. A bullet flew from the top of his head.

With his cultivation, he didn't need such trouble at all. He just wanted to win mabin's trust. The routine has been popular since ancient times.

"Good brother, you saved my life." Ma Bin swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said in fear.

Su Xun got up and ran: "don't talk nonsense. You killed me this time."

"As long as you don't plant, I'll protect you." Said mabin as he ran.

Su Xun pretended to disdain: "you protect yourself first."

Su Xun, Ma Bin and Xie Biao escaped from the scene when the police intended to release water to pave the way for the undercover.

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