An hour later, a rental house was used by mabin as a precaution.

"Mad, it must be you! There was no problem before. Why did you have an accident when you came here today? "

Xie Biao scolded angrily and pointed his gun at Su Xun.


Su Xun's direct backhand was a slap in the face: "you're sick. I don't know what you're going to do before trading!"

"Grass Mud Horse, you dare to hit me!" Xie Biao's eyes are red.

"Come on, put down the gun. It's not sue's problem."

After all, Su Xun didn't know anything, and he saved his life, which was enough for him to trust him.

He guessed that someone on the opposite side might have missed it and implicated himself, which is the most possible.

Xie Biao smell speech, hum a, put down the gun in the hand.

In fact, after Su Xun's words, he also dispelled his doubts. The main reason was that he didn't like Su Xun and just wanted to find a vent.

"Be polite to Xiao Su later. He just saved my life." Ma Bin warned Xie Biao, worried that this guy would trip Su Xun secretly.

Xie Biao asked, "brother, what shall we do now?"

"Wait." Mabin spat out a word.

Xie Biao doubts: "wait for what?"

"Waiting for news, of course, fool." Su Xun scolded, and then explained: "tomorrow we will know how many people died last night and how many people were arrested. If brother Ma didn't leak, there would be no bullshit. If he did, he would run early."

"Sue is right." Ma Bin looked at him admiringly, and then said to Xie Biao, "I have time to learn how to use my brain."

As long as no one speaks, the delivery car alone can't find him. He has been prepared for this.

Xie Biao curled his lips and said, "it's a pity that so many goods must have been taken away by the police."

"What are goods? No, it's a big deal. Just ask Shen Ge to take it. It's lucky that people are here. " Ma Bin can't deny it.

Su Xun's eyelids jumped and remembered a name, brother Shen.

It seems that this is mabin's last home. If you can get in touch with this guy, you should be able to find the location of the factory.

Undercover task, for ordinary police, may be very difficult, it will take a long time to complete.

However, for Su Xun, who is an open hook driver, this is simply the simplest task so far, so that he can spare time to go back to Jiangnan City and have a sleep with Yan Yurou.

So the three people took a night off in the rental house.

The next morning, Ma Bin said to Su Xun, "you just joined yesterday. No one knows. I'm sure you didn't miss it. Go out and buy some breakfast. By the way, go to this man and ask for the news."

While talking, he handed Su Xun a business card.

The name of the person on the business card is Wang Xiao.

"All right, Margo." Su Xun nodded, took the card and went out.

As soon as Su Xun left, Xie Biao said, "brother, you just believe this boy. What should he do when he runs away?"

"He's not as stupid as you. If he runs away, we'll bite him out if we get caught." Ma Bin said faintly, standing at the window, watching Su Xun's back.

Su Xun felt that someone was looking at him behind him, but he didn't look back.

After going out of the community, Su Xun contacted Chen Mei.

For the time being, Chen Mei is directly in charge of him.

He told Chen Mei the news, especially about the deep brother mentioned by Ma Bin.

"Well, you should pay attention to your safety. We will secretly release information to the public that the operation last night met the stubborn resistance of criminals and all of them have been killed."

After the call, Su Xun went around again to give the police time to release the news, and then went to find Wang Xiao on his business card.

Sure enough, the news Wang Xiao heard was that all the criminals were killed last night.

After all, all the information she tried to find out was what the police and Su Xun wanted her to find out.

Then Su Xun went back to the rental house with two breakfast.

"Margo, guess what I heard?"

As soon as he entered the room, Su Xun couldn't hide the joy on his face, and he didn't look like a city.

"Needless to say, all the people were on the street last night. We're safe, right?"

There was a smile on mabin's face.

"True or false." Xie Biao's eyes brightened. After all, no one wanted to hide.

Su Xun didn't have a bird for him. Instead, he gave Ma Bin a thumbs up: "Ma Ge guessed and hit."

"Ha ha ha, that's great." Xie Biao couldn't help laughing.

Although Ma Bin was happy, he still kept calm and clear headed: "in order to prevent the police from deliberately releasing false information, we have to keep a low profile for another two days. We can't withdraw money from the bank card, call or go home."

"Margo, it's easy to be suspicious that you don't show up all the time." Su Xun reminded him.Ma Bin was stunned, and then suddenly realized: "you're right, I almost made a big mistake. Since we didn't do anything, why should we feel guilty?"

"And if you get the news from Wang Xiao, you must be right, but don't be in the dark for a while. We'll talk about it in a few days."

As the voice dropped, he turned and walked into the bedroom. Two minutes later, he came out with a few stacks of thick cash in his hand.

"Take the flowers and I'll let you know when you need to do something."

He threw the money directly to Su Xun.

"Thank you, Margo. I'll go first, Margo?"

Su Xun's eyes lit up, put the money away, and couldn't wait to leave.

"Take your time, young man, and go." Ma Bin said with a smile that Su Xun couldn't wait to find a woman.

"Hey, hey." Su Xun laughed and turned to leave.

After walking out of the rental house, the smile on his face disappeared. It was just tens of thousands of dollars, and there was no fluctuation in his heart.

Half an hour later, susian strolled in the street, then got on a white Volkswagen Passat by the side of the road.


Su Xun directly dropped the stacks of banknotes on the console.

"It's so much money to do one thing. I don't want to be a policeman." Chen Mei started the car and joked.

Su Xun looked at her bumpy and delicate body and said, "why, I always want to do it, especially sister Mei."

Today, Chen Mei is wearing a red dress. She looks enthusiastic and hot.

Chen Mei is not a little girl. She can understand it as soon as she hears it. She rolled her eyes and said, "you are not serious. Is that how you talked to me last time?"

"To get down to business, have you investigated that brother Shen?" Su Xun stopped joking.

Chen Mei also serious up: "still check, there is no suspect, this may be just a nickname."

"OK, you check slowly. Mabin will give me a holiday. I'll have a good time." Su Xun said.

"Like playing with the last two little models?" Chen Mei warned: "Su Xun, if you want to walk far here, you can't touch some."

"I know it. Put me down at the intersection ahead." Su Xun replied that he was not prepared to keep his identity.

After getting off the bus, Su Xun went back to the rental house, took his mobile phone, and then changed back to his true colors and went back to Jiangnan City.

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