Looking at Su Xun's blushing face, Wang Xiao is even more excited.

"Do you think my sister-in-law looks good?"

Step by step, she forced Su Xun to the corner, almost face to face with him, breathing out like orchid.

"Gulu ~"

Su Xun deliberately showed his dumb image, rolled his throat and nodded mechanically: "it's nice."

Wang Xiao is really good-looking, especially with a man's impulsive temperament.

"Then you always want to change clothes. Hurry up."

Wang Xiao's voice fell, and she went to Jiesu's clothes.

Su Xun seized her opponent and vowed to die: "sister-in-law, don't do this. I'm afraid. I can't be sorry for brother ma."

"What are you afraid of? Brothers are like brothers and women are like clothes. Don't you tell brother Ma that you can wear any of his clothes? I am his clothes. You should be polite to him."

Wang Xiao is a little annoyed. Why is this boy so stubborn? Hurry up.

The man was downstairs, but she was upstairs, cuddling with Su Xun, which made her have a strong sense of excitement.

Only today did Su Xun realize the horror, weakness, helplessness, fear and excitement of women and wolves.

"Sister in law, it's a long way to go. Forget it today. It's too risky."

Su Xun couldn't offend this woman, and he couldn't go to this woman, so he had to give up first.

If she offends her, she will blow a deaf ear to mabin, which will certainly affect mabin's impression of himself.

With her, it's easier to have an accident. After a long time, mabin can see that it's over.

If you don't laugh, I'll leave a message for you


Su Xun's heart burst with a rude remark, which was really the most poisonous woman.

After leaving the phone and changing his clothes, he finally got rid of Wang Xiao for the time being.

When they went downstairs, Ma Bin and Xie Biao had finished talking.

"Oh, it's a good fit. Here you are."

Ma Bin said to Su Xun.

"Thank you, Margo." Su Xun said something. Your wife almost gave her to me just now.

Fortunately, as the "three good" youth of the 21st century new society, Su Xun firmly resisted peach, seduction and confusion.

Ma Bin snuffed out his cigarette end and said, "have a good rest for a day. The day after tomorrow, go to find brother Shen to get the goods."

"I'll go, too?" Su Xun put on an unexpected expression.

Ma Bin said with a smile, "work hard. I have no children. You have saved my life. Maybe I'll give you this stall in the future."

Xie Biao heard this, his eyes flashed a touch of jealousy and unwilling.

"Thank you, Margo." Su Xun's face was excited: "brother Ma, sister-in-law, good night."

"Good night." Wang Xiao winked playfully at him.

Su Xun pretended not to see him and turned to leave.

After Su Xun left, Xie Biao couldn't help saying, "brother, do you really want to give your stall to him?"

"It's just a kid's talk." Mabin patted him on the shoulder and said with a sincere heart, "you are my cousin. We are relatives and family members. Even if we have to hand it over, it must be handed over to you."

"Don't worry, brother. I'm sure I will live up to your expectations!" Xie Biao smiles.

There was a flash of contempt in mabin's eyes, stupid, but the smile on his face was more and more genial.

Xie Biao left. Although Ma Bin's promise made him happy, he still felt that Su Xun's existence threatened his position as a successor.

We have to figure out how to get rid of this kid.


On the other side, Su Xun got into Chen Mei's car again.

"Well, I almost died for the revolution tonight."

As soon as he got on the bus, Su Xun said with fear.

Chen Mei thought that he was in danger, and her face was so solemn: "what's the matter?"

"Mabin's wife can eat people." Su Xun said it all over again.

Chen Mei rolled her eyes wordlessly: "it's just what you want. How delicious dumplings are and how exciting they are to eat."

"Sister Mei, I don't like to hear that. Am I such a person?" Su Xun felt that his personality had been humiliated, and then the conversation changed: "dumplings taste good or not, also depends on what stuffing."

"Go away." Chen Mei knows that this guy is adjusting again, and she's playing herself.

Su Xun laughed, and then said, "the day after tomorrow, mabin will take me to Shenge to get the goods."

"Really?" Chen Mei's eyes brightened, because it meant that she might have contacted the factory.

Su Xun nodded: "it's cooked."

"Be careful of everything." Chen Mei said seriously.

Su Xun took a deep breath and spoke slowly: "sister Mei, this mission is very dangerous. My only regret is that I haven't been touched by a good woman..."

"Then die with your regrets." Chen Meixiu raised her eyebrows and gritted her teeth.Su Xun shook his head: "the most poisonous woman's heart, I feel it twice today."

Voice down, open the door out of the car.

"Be careful, take care of your dog's life."

Chen Mei's voice dropped, she stepped on the gas and drove away. She really couldn't stand this guy.

I'm several years older than him, and I can even tease him. At first sight, I know that he is the old driver who is harming the girl.

Looking at the Passat that Chen Mei went to far away, Su Xun turned his lips, and then looked back and saw Xie Biao.

Four eyes to each other, fell into a brief silence.

"Biaozi, why are you here?" A moment later, Su Xun broke the silence and looked at Xie Biao unexpectedly.

He suspected that this guy was following himself, but he didn't realize it all the way.

Xie Biao did not answer, but asked: "who just drove away?"

"Didi driver, who else can it be?" Although the brain is running at a high speed and full of thoughts, it is still light on the surface.

Xie Biao some doubt: "really?"

"Can it be fake?" Su Xun laughed and went over to give him a cigarette. "I haven't said that yet. Why are you here?"

"The bar I came here is very smart. As soon as I got off the bus, I met you. Get off the bus." Xie Biao pointed to an Audi A4L parked next to him.

Su Xun felt like a dog. With such a small probability, they could both bump into each other. Fortunately, Chen Mei didn't get off the car just now.

It seems that we can't choose this kind of place to meet in the future.

"That's a coincidence. I'm here to be smart, too. Together."

Su Xun pointed to a bar not far away and said, after all, if he left at this time, it would be more suspicious, so he pulled an excuse to learn and sell now.

"All right, let's go."

Xie Biao agreed, because he always felt something was wrong. He was ready to get Su Xun drunk for a while, and took the opportunity to check his mobile phone.

If Su Xun really has a ghost, then he has a good reason to get rid of the person who threatens his position.

If Su Xun has no ghost, he has to find a way to frame him and let him lose mabin's trust.

Only in this way can we ensure that we will always be mabin's only confidant. After all, mabin has no children. He is very envious of this lucrative business.

In this way, two "good friends" who are smiling but with different thoughts walk into a bar.

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