In the private room of the bar.

Su Xun and Xie Biao are two men. The others are all inspirational little sisters who come out to work for a living.

From the beginning to the end, Su Xun seldom drank, so he was a good man.

A little sister couldn't stand it any more. She said to Su Xun, "brother, just have a drink. Don't touch it."

She felt that her legs had been touched by Su Xun, and she was afraid that her skin would be red.

Look, generally good men who don't drink in bars and KTVs are because they have more interesting things than drinking (◔◡◔).

"Come on, have a drink with me." Xie Biao is also speechless. Madder, has this guy never seen a woman?

He couldn't even find a chance to drink.

Su Xun loosens his little sister in his arms and begins to change cups with Xie Biao.

However, he kept an eye on it. After drinking the wine, he used his internal mana to decompose it, but he still pretended to be drunk.

Half an hour later, Su Xun was so drunk that he was "unconscious".

Xie Biao naturally helped Su Xun to send him home.

After he got out of the bar, he dragged susian into an alley, then left him on the ground and felt out his mobile phone.

He rummaged through it and found nothing.

Is this guy a ghost?

Then, as if there was a flash of lightning across his mind, he suddenly woke up.

How can a mobile phone have no information?

Doesn't that just mean there's a problem?

Well, you really have a ghost. It's hard to find a way out of your shoes.

Xie Biao's face showed a ferocious smile.

Since Su Xun has a ghost, he can add a few more messages to his mobile phone to make him sit down completely?

Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone and used the spare two cards to edit SMS for Su Xun.

This second card is a black card bought in the black market, which he has never used, just to deal with emergencies.

But at this time, a quiet voice came into the second middle school from behind.

"Biaozi, it's not a good habit to move mobile phones without permission."

Xie Biao's body was stiff for a moment, and then he ran away.

Having seen Su Xun's fists, he knew he couldn't beat him.

Unfortunately, the most desperate thing in the world is not that you can't beat him.

But you can't even run him.

For example, Xie Biao now.


He felt a pain in his back, and then he lost his balance. He hit the ground heavily and fell into shit.

At the same time, his mobile phone flew out.

As soon as he wanted to get up, Su Xun stepped on his back and stepped him back.

"You're a ghost, you're from the police, or someone sent by other forces!"

Xie Biao gritted his teeth and asked.

"There is a saying that if you do not die, you will not die. You have profoundly expounded the correctness of this theory."

Su Xun's voice fell down and picked up the mobile phone on the ground and called Chen Mei.

Now that this guy has doubts about himself, we can't keep him to do bad things. Let's catch him secretly first.

More than ten minutes later, Chen Mei arrived with two plain clothes.

"Didn't you ask who I was driving away? It's her, pretty or not. "

Su Xun pointed to Chen Mei and gave a close introduction.

"You are a policeman!" After seeing Chen Mei, Xie Biao understood everything.

After all, as a fan poison element, it's impossible not to know his nemesis.

Su Xun said with a slight smile: "yes, but there is no reward. I took credit for what happened the night before yesterday."

"How did you do it the night before yesterday? I didn't tell you anything?" It doesn't make sense to Xie Biao anyway.

Su Xun had a meaningful smile: "do you think you really didn't tell me if you didn't tell me?"

"What do you mean?" Xie Biao asked, but Su Xun didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Xie Biao scolded: "brother Ma is really blind..."

"You're right. He's blind. He doesn't even know I'm a policeman." Su Xun agreed.

Xie Biao's words were immediately blocked in his throat. There was a kind of blow on the cotton, but he was angry and helpless.

Finally, two plain clothes put on the headgear and pushed him into the car by the side of the road.

Chen Mei asked Su Xun, "Xie Biao has been arrested. What are you going to do next?"

"No, he just disappeared. Who knows where he went? Maybe he was afraid, so he took the money and ran away? " Su Xun leaned against the wall and said with a smile.

Chen Mei frowned: "Ma Bin knows Xie Biao very well. He doesn't think Xie Biao can run. He only suspects that Xie Biao has been arrested by the police.""That's even better, because mabin knows that Xie Biao won't betray him." Su Xun said.

Xie Biao was arrested. He was the only one Ma Bin could use. It was a good thing.

Half an hour later, Su Xun went back to the rental house in Lincheng City, took out another mobile phone and reported to his family for safety, saying that he would go back tomorrow.


I spent a day in Jiangnan City on Wednesday.

Sue went back to Lincheng on Thursday.

Because today is the day when mabin takes him to the mysterious brother Shen to get the goods.

"Here comes Sue. Come in."

Wang Xiao opened the door with his back to the living room. Wang Xiao winked at Su Xun playfully.

"Good sister-in-law."

Su Xun remained shy, then walked into the living room and saw Ma Bin frowning: "brother Ma, what's the matter?"

"Have you ever seen Biaozi? He suddenly lost touch and there was no one at home Mabin had an uneasy face.

Su Xun's face changed: "he won't run away."

"If it's OK to run away, I'm afraid that he will fall into the hands of the police." Mabin sighed.

After hearing the words, Su Xun said, "brother Ma, will Biaozi betray you?"

"This I don't think so. After all, he has his share in everything, but he's afraid of just in case. " Ma Bin said melancholy.

Su Xun said with a smile: "brother Ma, I don't think Biaozi should have been caught. If he was caught and betrayed you, can you still sit here?"

"You don't understand. Maybe the police want to take a long line to catch big fish and use me to catch them." Mabin shook his head and explained.

Su Su said, "that's even more impossible. If that's the case, your house must be all eyes. I didn't feel it when I came."

"Husband, I think what Xiao Su said is reasonable. You're so thoughtful. I've been out as usual these two days, and I haven't found a new face." Wang Xiao poured a cup of tea for Su Xun and deliberately bent down to press the neckline very low.

Sex, sister-in-law, online welfare.

Su Xun secretly scolded the horse fork insect goods, but he said in a hurry: "thank you, sister-in-law."

you certainly can't find strange faces, because the police have never arranged their eyes around them. Lao Tzu is the biggest eye liner.

Ma Bin thought carefully, as if he hadn't been followed in the past two days: "that may be too much for me."

Because he has been engaged in improper business for a long time and often deals with the police, he is quite confident in his anti reconnaissance ability.

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