There is an old saying in the state of dragon.

The call came.

It's true that all the people came here, and Su Xun was very unwilling to come back in vain.

And he also guessed that after mabin took the goods, they would not be released in a short time.

After all, two days ago, the police just knocked out hundreds of Jin of white noodles, and Xie Biao disappeared again. This is the time for fear.

Unless mabin died, he would never get the goods back and start to disperse.

What's more, those who can trade with mabin are those who dare to fight and kill.

It turned out that they were all planted that night.

Even if he is blinded by money now, no one will do it for him.

So after Ma Bin took the goods this time, he didn't know when he would come back. Su Xun had no reason to come here.

He has only one chance. If he misses it, he won't have such a good chance in the short term.

The easiest way is to use psychics on people who know the location of the factory.

But what he has come into contact with at present is a deep elder brother, and he can't hold others all the time.

No! In addition to brother Shen, there is another person!

Su Xun's eyes suddenly brightened, and he pretended to be unconscious and asked casually, "mabin, who was that old man just now? Why did brother Shen treat him so respectfully?"

"From time to time, when Chen Le saw the game, he would like to live with his elder brother Mabin didn't elaborate, but just gave a vague introduction.

He is holding a mobile phone looking at the address book, I do not know what is thinking.

It was not until then that Su Xun knew that Ma Bin had two mobile phones with him. One had just been handed in, and the other had been brought in.

Since he can bring it in and take it out openly, brother Shen must know the existence of this mobile phone and allow him to bring it into the yard.

Su Xun nodded and didn't ask any more. After a few minutes, he said, "brother Ma, is there a toilet in the yard?"

"What do you think? There is a toilet in it, which is not for you. Go out and ask someone outside to find out where the toilet is." Ma Bin did not say a good gas, attention is still focused on the address book.

Because he has no one, we have to find a few people to help him. We can't do everything by ourselves. It's easy to die early.

He was also very relieved that Su Xun would go out alone. After all, the farmhouse was just a farmhouse, and there was nothing shameful about it.

"Oh, Margo, I'll be right there." Su Xun's voice dropped, and he went out of the courtyard pretending to be in a hurry.

"Two elder brothers, excuse me, which side is the toilet?"

After walking out of the yard and closing the door, Su Xun asked the two men who were guarding the door.

"Go straight to the left, then turn right and you'll see it." One of them was Su Xun.

Su Xun showed his gratitude and extended a hand to him: "thank you, brother. I suffocated all the way."

"You're welcome, brother. It's just a little help." After all, we all eat in the same pot.

Su Xun held his hand tightly: "you can't say that. It's a little help to you. It's just a big help to me. Anyone who has held his urine knows how angry it is."

The moment he held his hand, he used psychics.

"Ha ha ha, brother, you're not afraid of peeing pants." The big man made fun of him.

Su Xun seemed to react: "Oh, I almost forgot."

As soon as his voice dropped, he let go of the man and ran to the direction he pointed.

Naturally, the two bodyguards didn't know the location of the factory.

But Su Xun didn't want to find this from their memory. What he wanted to find was just the old man.

Although a person is mature, it means that he is slow in body and mind. He is easier to deal with than those in his prime.

After all, persimmons need to be soft.

Maybe God always favors handsome people.

According to the memory of the man at the door, Chen Bo went to the toilet after he got out of the yard.

I guess it's Xie Da Shou. I'm old and inconvenient. I'm afraid I haven't come out yet.

Su Xun didn't pretend to be in a hurry because he was afraid that he would be late. Chen Bo had already gone to the toilet and left.

Just around the corner, he saw an old man walking out of the toilet with a crutch.

Su Xun pretended he didn't see it. He bowed his head and ran into it quickly.

"Oh, dear."

Chen Bo almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Su Xun held him fast and said with a worried face: "Chen Bo, I'm sorry, Chen Bo, I I'm in a hurry. I didn't see it. I'm sorry. "

At the same time that he was holding the old man, he was already using psychics.

It has to be said that the older he gets, the more things he experiences, and the more complicated his memory becomes. For a while, Su Xun hasn't found any memory related to the factory."Young man, what's the fidgety look like? Watch it. I can't stand the toss." Chen Bo said one by one, his face was not very good-looking. He raised his hand to shake off Su Xun.

But Su Xun held on to him.

Because if you let go, all your previous achievements will be wasted?

Chen Bo frowned: "what are you doing?"

"Uncle Chen, you have a large number of elderly people. Don't tell brother Shen, or brother Shen will tell my elder brother, and I will be miserable." Su Xun held him and asked.

Chen Bo was a little impatient. He hummed coldly: "you have to be glad that I have nothing to do. Let me go, old man. I haven't got the habit of complaining to younger generation."

Su Xun was overjoyed and quickly released Uncle Chen, but he arranged some messy clothes for him: "thank you, Uncle Chen. Thank you, Uncle Chen. I won't do it next time."

"All right, all right." Chen Bo impatiently dropped a sentence, and then clung to the crutch to leave.

Looking at his back, Su Xun's smile gradually disappeared and his eyes narrowed slightly.

He really found the factory information from Chen Bo's memory.

In any case, he did not expect that this fan poison group actually existed as a family.

Chen Bo's surname is Chen. Brother Shen's original name is Chen Shen.

They are all from Chenjia village. The factory is hidden in the village. To be exact, every family in this village is a factory. A little makes a lot.

The group is centered on the chenjiacun people, who control the factory and technology, but never show up behind the scenes.

Wai, Wei is Ma Bin, a leader with a foreign name, who takes a lot of goods from the Chen family at a relatively low price and then sells them.

That is to say, in this huge criminal network, chenjiacun does not interfere in anything except making drugs or making drugs.

And there is another layer of insurance, that is, chenjiacun is far away from the farmhouse, and they are not in the same county.

There is a warehouse in the nearby town. The Chen family put the poison in it. Whoever wants to buy the goods, they will pick up the goods from that warehouse and send them. The buyers will wait in the farmhouse.

For a long time, this will give people an illusion that the factory is not far from farmhouse.

If the buyer is arrested and confesses, the illusion will also mislead the police.

No wonder we haven't found the location of the factory for so long. It's very treacherous.

It's a pity that no matter how treacherous you are, you can't resist being forced to hang up (* / Omega *).

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