When Su Xun came back to the yard, Chen Shen didn't come, because the town where the transfer warehouse was located was still some distance away from farmhouse.

When his mobile phone was taken away, he couldn't find the message, so he had to go back to the city to report it face to face.

"In the evening, you'll pick up some people for me at the station. I'll ask my friends to come from other places. We have to supplement our manpower. We'll call in advance to get familiar with them. It's not easy to lose the chain when we work."

Looking at Su Xun coming in, Ma Bin put away his mobile phone and said to him.

This is not a small business. We must have Lei Zi who is experienced and dares to fight and kill.

This kind of person can not be cultivated in a short time, so in most cases, the loss of manpower is directly from the outside.

It can be one-time or long-term cooperation.

Su Xun frowned and said, "brother Ma, are you reliable?"

Well, an undercover agent suspects others first, which shows that he is of high quality.

"Don't worry, I have my own way. I don't dare to be unreliable. My friend won't pit me." Ma Bin said with confidence.

Su Xun nodded: "is there a picture? If so, send the photos to my mobile phone later. "

"No, they don't leave traces. Let alone I don't know what they look like. My friend, the middleman, doesn't know. This business is very complicated. I'll call you then." Said mabin.

Su Xun also thought that those people were introduced by the middleman. They were not familiar with mabin, so it was impossible to rashly send photos to him.

After all, what we do is to lose our head. Prudence is the only way to live.

It is also because of caution that they can still work everywhere after committing the crime. If they are not careful, they will be caught and squatted long ago.

He has a plan in his mind for this pick-up.

About 20 minutes later, Chen Shen came in with a cigarette.

Ma Bin and Su Xun quickly got up: "brother Shen."

"Well." Chen Shen nodded, took off the cigarette and said, "the money on the car has been taken, the goods have been loaded for you, just drive away. I don't want the last thing to happen again."

"Thank you, brother Shen. Don't worry. I will learn a lesson." Mabin bowed his head in a firm voice.

Su Xun wants to laugh. Not only will it happen, but you will be more miserable than last time.

Chen Shen patted him on the shoulder: "go."

"Goodbye, brother Shen." "Goodbye, brother Shen."

Su Xun and Ma Bin went out of the yard, took their guns, mobile phones and other personal belongings, and then went outside the farmhouse.

Come to the car, open the trunk, inside the bag full of money has become a box of frozen shrimp.

At least on the surface.

"Let's go."

It was Su Xun who drove back to Lincheng at seven in the evening.

The car stopped at the entrance of mabin.

"Brother Ma, I won't go in. Please give me the contact information of those people. I'll go to the station after eating outside."

After getting off the bus, Su Xun told Ma Bin that he was not only anxious to report to Chen Mei, but also didn't want to be entangled by Sao jiaozi.

"OK, I'll send the number to your mobile phone in a moment. After receiving the number, I'll arrange a place for them and leave some money for them to go out and help them if they have anything to do."

Ma Bin is looking for strange faces from other places. Although these people are not labeled, they all have cases on them and can't afford to be investigated.

They are not familiar with life and land. If the police notice them wandering outside, mabin will be easily implicated.

"I know, Margo."

Sue turned and left.


Half an hour later, the underground parking lot of a residential area.

"What's the rush to see me?"

In the car, Chen Mei asked.

Today, she is wearing a light blue lady's shirt with slim jeans. She is compact, graceful and exquisite. The key is her professional relationship, which makes her heroic.

Su Xun first appreciated it with appreciative eyes, and then said, "I have news about the factory."

"If you hadn't said such a big thing earlier, you would still be in the mood to see me!" Chen Mei couldn't help but want to strangle him.

Su Xun gave a cool smile: "it's more important for me to appreciate Mei Jie's beauty."

"Shall I take it off and show you?" Chen Mei gritted her teeth and said that she was so angry that the baby's granary was rough.

Su Xun rubbed his hands with embarrassment: "this Really? "

"Get out of here, come on, what's going on?" Chen meiqiang resisted the impulse of strangling this little rascal.

The most important thing was that she knew that their conversation was all sent back to the Bureau through the bullet case monitor hanging around susian's neck.

Every time I go back after meeting with this guy, I have to be teased by my colleagues who are responsible for monitoring. But Su Xun is not astringent, which makes her angry and helpless.Su Xun put away his joking thought: "do you know Chenjia village in Tiexian county?"

"I know." Chen Mei naturally knows about Chenjia village in tiexian County, not to mention her surname Chen, even if she asks the local people in Lincheng city.

Chenjia village in Tiexian county is a well-known well-off village. The village has raised funds to engage in collective enterprises, and engaged in real estate development, catering business, and clothing business in the city. The whole village has quickly become rich.

Every year, the villagers can get at least several hundred thousand dividends from the company, which makes many city girls want to marry.

With a smile, Su Xun said in a deep voice: "everyone thinks that chenjiacun is rich because of the companies in the city, but I don't know that it's just a way to hide people's eyes and ears. The business that really makes chenjiacun rich is to produce white flour every household."

"I haven't heard that chenjiacun is still in white flour business..." Chen Mei didn't react at first, then Meimu glared: "do you have any evidence?"

"Will I report anything without evidence?" Su Xun asked, then sneered: "in fact, before the Bureau has been looking in the wrong direction, you stare at mabin, naturally also know the farmhouse in the mountain of Yangxian County, you think the factory is hidden in Yangxian County, in fact, people are in Tiexian county 100 kilometers away, and not only did not hide, but also high-profile."

"This is the information I found, pointing out the direction. You should be able to find out the rest as soon as you check. There must be something wrong with chenjiacun, but no one has ever looked at it."

At the moment, both Chen Mei and sun Hai, who are behind the monitoring device, are taking a breath.

Su Xun's words let them know how long they had been doing useless work before. No wonder they had been staring at Ma Bin and the farmhouse for so long. They had also secretly investigated nearby, and there was no big breakthrough.

If you think about it carefully, Chenjia village has such a big business in the city, and there are so many traffic flows in and out of the village every day, no one has ever suspected that these cars are pulling white noodles.

After a long time, they are all looking in the wrong direction. It's a shame to be led by the nose.

"How do you know?" Chen Mei asked.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I can read my mind."

"Go away! It's not serious Chen Mei punched him on the shoulder.

Su Xun took advantage of the situation and grabbed her hand. The back of the hand was smooth and tender, and there was a little cocoon in the palm.

Chen Mei was shocked: "you..."

"Shh ~" Su Xun pointed to the necklace around his neck.

When they're all in a hurry, they'll know the sound of Chen Hai's voice.

So she could only stare at Su Xun and warn him not to go too far.

This little bastard respected her before, but now he doesn't want to sleep. Can being an undercover really change people?

Fortunately, Su Xun just held her hand, but he didn't do anything. She was relieved, but a little disappointed.

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