"I just want to know how the police found me."

When it comes to the end, the last hope is broken, and Chen Bao wants to be fearless.

"You're calm, aren't you?"

Su Xun couldn't get used to his calm face after he hurt so many people.

Chen Bao smiles: "I'll never lose anything in my life."

"Then I'll let you lose before you die." Su Su said coldly, and then took out his mobile phone and dialed Chen Mei's phone. "The criminal has an eyeliner outside, and found you. I caught it in advance and fought fiercely. Now three criminals have been subdued by me. Come on!"

Chen Bao was not calm now, and stepped back: "you What do you want to do? I'll tell you, you're a policeman. You can't mess around. "

"It's OK. You don't have to worry about me. I'm just enjoying myself when I'm a policeman. It's a big deal to go back and inherit my ten thousand trillion yuan family property."

Su Xun's voice dropped and he raised his leg to kick.


With a scream, Chen Bao's few teeth flew out and fell to the ground.

"As long as you can't fight to death, fight to death."

Su Xun gave orders to the two bodyguards.


Two people's voices fall down, hold up a chair to face three people to walk past.

Don't be merciful to animals.

Then there was a wonderful symphony in the private room.

"Ah! Don't fight, my egg! My eggs are broken, ah

"I want to complain, I want to appeal!"

"I'm wrong. I know I'm wrong."

"Will ~ will ~ will ~"

until the alarm rings downstairs, Su Xun tells them to stop.

At this time, Ma Bin, Chen Bao and Chen Shen were beyond recognition, with black and blue face and blood dripping.

"Appeal? Yes, then you'd better figure out the consequences and don't bring me any trouble, or I'll solve you together when I solve the trouble. "

Su Xun looked down at the three people and said.

"No! Absolutely not! It's because we don't have eyes to arrest, we should fight, we should fight. "

The three wailed and counselled. They thought that Su Xun could take out the black card of Bauhinia Flower. Who dares not to give him trouble.

"That's good. I like the dog of current affairs."

Su Xun showed a satisfied smile, and generously gave us a kick, kicking the dog in the face.


The door of the private room was knocked open, and a group of police rushed in, led by Chen Mei.

She was valiant in police uniform, which made Su Xun feel some inexplicable regret. Why was she wearing regular clothes when she met in the car?

"This This is not the case. "

After entering the private room, Chen Mei was directly stunned, and the three were beaten too miserably.

"Officer, it's our armed resistance to arrest. All our injuries are caused in the fight against arrest. It has nothing to do with officer su. Arrest us, arrest us!"

"Yes, yes, we have deeply realized the mistake. Hurry up and catch us and go."

When they saw Chen Mei, they seemed to see their relatives, because if she didn't come again, they would have been killed.

"Take them all in handcuffs."

At Chen Mei's command, the three animals were given a pair of silver bracelets and brought out of the private room, but they need to go to the hospital first.

"It's too heavy for you."

Chen Mei said to Su Xun.

Su Xun wiped the blood on his face: "there's no way. They arrested him by force. If I don't work hard, I'll lose my life."

Don't get me wrong, the blood on his body is the blood of those three dogs. He didn't hurt himself.

Chen Mei gave him a white look, but she didn't bother to expose him. Anyway, the three involved dogs all thought they had bad luck.

What's more, Chen Mei also felt happy!

"Well, how about taking time to make up for my regret again?" Su Xun looked at Chen Mei's curvy body under his uniform.

Chen Mei's pretty face is slightly red: "go away."

At the same time, the capture work in chenjiacun has also entered a white hot stage.

Because the police were unprepared and there were no leaders, all the people were arrested after resisting for an hour.

The operation was a complete success.

As for meritorious officials, of course, Su Xun's online saying that third-class meritorious officials stand to receive, second-class meritorious officials lie to receive, and first-class meritorious officials' families receive is enough to explain how difficult it is to obtain first-class meritorious officials.

This commendation meeting didn't invite reporters and media, because it was for the protection of Su Xun. His appearance should not be exposed. After all, who knows if there will be a fish who has missed the net to retaliate against him.

"Next, let's welcome Comrade Su Xun to speak."

"Pa pa pa..."

Su Xun saluted, then went to the podium and said to the microphone, "as an honorable people's policeman, it is our responsibility and mission to investigate, combat crime and maintain public order. I am very proud to stand here today, because I have not failed to live up to the trust of the people and the expectations of the organization!"As his voice dropped, he raised his hand to salute.

Everyone was stunned, obviously did not expect that his speech time was so short, but it was followed by applause.

"Pa pa pa..."

At the moment, Su Xun is the most beautiful guy in the audience.

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