"What? Are you going to quit? "

Looking at Su Xun in front of him, sun Hai jumped up from his chair.

Sun Haigang told him that he was going to resign in the morning, and the result was bright.

"Yes, team sun, I'm going to resign."

Su Xun repeated it again.

Sun Hai reached for Su Xun's forehead.

Su Xun said, "I don't have a fever."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Get back to work. " Sun Hai waved.

Su Xun stood still: "team sun, I'm not kidding. I'm serious. I want to resign."

"Su Xun!" Sun Hai raised his voice and looked serious: "do you know what you're talking about? It's not a joke! I'll give you one last chance. I can take your resignation report as if I didn't receive it. Get out and work! "

As the voice fell, he directly smashed the unopened resignation report on Su Xun.

"Team sun, you don't have to stay. I have a reason to resign." Su Xun said.

Sun Hai saw that the boy was determined. He was a little annoyed and knocked on the table: "the superior is studying and discussing about your promotion. Your future is bright. Your future achievements are not as good as the rich man with the same name, but they are also better than 80% of the people. If you want to resign now, are you being kicked by a donkey?"

He was really angry. On the one hand, he thought that Su Xun was joking about his future. "He has the same name as Qingyun international, and he is also a rich man. Is it true that Su Xun is so powerful in the world?"

"No, let my father change my name when I go back. It depends on whether I can turn over."

Su Xun's story has become a legend in the anti drug brigade of Lincheng city. It has been handed down from generation to generation. In the future, every time new people come, the old man will tell them about it. Once upon a time, there was a big man in our anti drug brigade who was so powerful.


[congratulations to the host for completing the task: find the drug factory and assist the police to eliminate the fan drug gang. The time limit is one month. 】

[get a reward: cosmetic surgery. 】

on the bus back to Jiangnan City, Su Xun's face changing technique has been removed and changed back to his original face. He received the prompt sound that the system task was completed.

Good guy, there's still delay. It's supposed to prompt that the task was completed yesterday, but now it's prompted. Is it the system network card?

No, it's just that the author forgot to write in the last chapter, so he added it in this chapter, and he also threw the pot to the system (* / ω\ *).

One hour later, we arrived in Jiangnan City, and half an hour later, we arrived at Yuliang mountain manor.

When the car drove into the manor, Su Xun got out of the car directly at the door. Naturally, someone would park the car in the garage.

"Yes, sir."

"Yes, sir."

The bodyguards and servants all said hello one after another.

"Who's at home?" Su Xun asked casually.

"The ladies are here."

Su Xun raised his eyebrows: "where are Mei pangzi and Liu An?"

"Mr. Mei and Mr. Liu didn't come back last night."

Su Xun was puzzled. These two guys didn't go home at night. What did they do.

"Ding Ding..."

His cell phone rang.

"Hello, Mr. Su. Your friends, Mr. Mei Wenhua and Mr. Liu An, were arrested by us this morning for their illegal whoring activities in the early hours of last night. Is it convenient for you to pay the fine?"

Su Xun

Now he finally knew why the two guys didn't go home at night.

"It's inconvenient. It's better to close it. It's better to get a life sentence." Su Xun was not very angry and said that the plump man didn't remember to eat or fight.

The next second, Mei pangzi's voice of killing pigs came from the handset.

"Don't, don't save me. Dad, help me. Dad, help me."

"There's also Gu. When he comes back, he'll start alchemy."

They have a strong desire to survive.

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