"God? How can there be an unscientific creature? Cheng An, you're not lying to us

"That's to say, you don't want to say, and there's no need to use this reason to deceive us."

"I've never heard of the existence of a creature like God, Ango. You're too unreliable."

No one believed Cheng An's words, because they had never heard of such creatures as gods on R star.

And God is omnipotent?

It's not scientific at all, so it must be fake.

"Why don't you believe it? When did I say that I was flustered? What I said is true

See no one believe their words, Cheng an anxious.

Unfortunately, people are not in the mood to listen to him. They all leave one after another and cast complicated eyes on Cheng an.

In their opinion, Cheng an must have mastered the secret of Linghua's recovery, but he didn't want to share it, so he made up such a reason to treat them.

"You don't go, what I said is true, I really didn't lie!"

Cheng an looks at people's back and roars, but no one is willing to believe it.

"Forget it, Dad, God is so powerful. These people will believe it sooner or later. We'd better prepare sacrifices to thank God first."

That's the right thing to do.

"Yes, it's important to thank God. We should also build a god statue to offer sacrifices at home, day and night."

Cheng an reaction, no longer to tangle with other villagers in Xiaohe village do not believe him.

Three members of a family came into the house to prepare sacrifices, chicken, duck and fish, which were more abundant than their own family's food for the holidays.

At this time, in the realm of God.

"What's the matter with you becoming a God?"

This is the thing that Zhenyao sword didn't understand all morning. It's in a trance.

"Why do you think so much about a sword? Your job is to kill people. " Su Xun said casually.

Zhenyaojian protested: "you are discriminating against my wisdom, and there is also professional discrimination!"

"It's too empty and the color is monotonous. Can't you change it?" Liuli asked.

"Yes." Su Xun nodded, and then said, "but it's going to cost divine power. I don't have much divine power at present, so I can't waste it."

After he absorbed the white divine power, it floated in his mind, with two wisps of divine power floating in it.

He had a hunch that he would be promoted when this divine personality was filled with divine power.

At present, there are only three people in Xiaohe village who can provide him with faith, so the divine power is rare, so we have to recruit more believers.

At this time, the Cheng'an family came to offer sacrifices to the gods.

Stewed chicken, stewed meat and fruit were all put on the stone table in front of the statue.

Then the three knelt down.

"Thank God for saving my mother. Chengfei will worship God day and night in the future."

"God's great kindness saved the life of the foolish woman. The foolish woman dare not forget it all her life. God will accept my worship."

The three people sincerely thank Su Xun and kowtow to the statue. A steady stream of power of faith poured into Su Xun's body.

Finally, the third and fourth ray of divine power appeared in the white divine form.

More than ten minutes later, the three left with their baskets.

"the chicken in liulishen and the chicken in liulishen are crying.

Su Xun stretched out his hand, and the stewed chicken and stewed meat instantly appeared in his hands. Each person and animal ate them separately.

Zhenyao sword can only watch it.

After eating, he put the plate back in place.

At noon, many people in Xiaohe village took a nap. After all, they still have to work in the afternoon. If they don't have a good rest, they can't work hard.

Su Xun used all three wisps of magic power, and used dreamcraft on these nappers, including the village head.

In his dream, he focused on telling these people that if they want to get his protection, they should build a temple for him in the village and move his statue down.

After all, in the mountains and forests, people who want to come to worship have to go a long way, which is not conducive to the development of their believers and the absorption of their beliefs.


Baimu, 60 years old, is the head of Xiaohe village. He is the most influential person in the village.

Lying in bed to sleep, he suddenly opened his eyes, got up, frowned and recalled his dream.

If it was in the past, he thought it was a strange dream at most, and would not take it seriously.

But now, after Linghua recovered, he had to take it seriously.

Is Cheng an really not lying?

Put on your coat and go out to Cheng'an's house to inquire about the God of land.

After arriving at Cheng'an's home, he found that dozens of people had gathered in Cheng'an's home, and he couldn't even stand in the room.

"Here comes the village head." "Here comes the village head."

After seeing Bai Mu, the crowd made way for him one after another."What are you doing here?" White wood asked.

The crowd began to answer.

"We all had the same dream when we just went to bed."

"Yes, I dream about the God of land that Cheng'an said. It's so strange, so I came to Cheng'an's house to inquire about it."

After hearing this, Bai Mu was shocked. He believed 90 percent in the existence of the God of earth, and then said, "I also had this dream."

Finally, Cheng an told them all about taking shelter from the rain in the temple on the mountain. After hearing this, they were all in a trance.

Because it has a big impact on them.

But then there was excitement and excitement.

After all, it's good for them to have such a God.

"To build a temple, we must build a temple!" White wood clapping board nail, the tone is firm.

People also support it.

"Yes, the God of land protects our village. Of course, we can't let him continue to live in that kind of small temple."

"Yes, if we don't build temples, what will happen if the God of land goes to other villages."

"Let's go to the city to buy machines, rent machines and try to build the temple in one day."

"Well, there's something wrong at home. Let's go first. You can discuss it and let me know directly."

As soon as a middle-aged person's eyes turn, he leaves a word and runs out.

The crowd didn't react at first, and then they all ran one after another.

"Village head, we have something to do at home. I'll go first."

"How much money will you raise for me then? I'll go too."

At this time, it is the truth to worship the God of land first.

In this way, all the people in the room ran away.

When other people in the village learned about this, they all left their farm work and went to the mountain to worship the God of land. They had the herd mentality everywhere.

For a moment, there was a surge of people in Su Xun's small temple, and the queue was 100 meters away.

"God of the earth bless my son from disease and disaster, and bless us to move into the city one day."

"Pray for the God of earth..."

In the realm of God, Su Xun laughed as he watched the constant stream of beliefs transformed into divine power in his body.

Although most people are not sincere, but the base has expanded, ah, one in ten people can provide him with faith, which has accumulated very well.

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