Cheng an and Cheng Fei did not follow the villagers to worship Su Xun. Because they had already worshipped him, they were arranged by Bai Mu to rent machines in the city.

The money for renting machines is collected door to door. After all, not all the family go to worship. As long as there are people in the family, they can collect the money.

In order to set up machines and buy materials, every household has received a large sum of money.

Although they can build it by manpower, they can't do it well in one day if they rely on manpower. What if shenzun is too slow?

For Sushen's sake, the village was bleeding heavily this time. After the temple was built, it was the most luxurious building in the village.

When Su Xun fell asleep, he gave them the drawings, which showed the temple he had asked to build, because he was afraid that the aliens would build it strangely.

The nearest town to Xiaohe village is 30 kilometers away. It is called Hancheng. It is a small town with a population of more than 100000, and it is also a new town that has not been built for a long time.

This city was built by the Yulong legion, mainly to accommodate refugees. Although it is not as developed as the big city, there are also various machines and technology intelligent products for sale or rent.

In the evening, father and son came back with rented construction robots and some materials.

With a wave of his hand, Baimu started construction overnight at the most prominent position at the entrance of the village. The temple will be built early tomorrow morning.

The village was ablaze with lights and worked all night.

Starting construction overnight is not only to meet Su Xun's requirements, but also to save money, because these construction robots collect rent by the hour.

Well, capitalists on any planet are all black hearted.

In the realm of God.

Su Xun gained a lot of faith during the day, and his divine power became abundant, and he began to transform the divine realm.

With a wave of the big hand, a palace rises, magnificent and majestic.

"Is it true or not?"

Zhenyao sword and Liuli are very curious to touch and find that they can be touched.

"They are real in the realm of God." Su Xun pushed open the gate of the palace and walked into it.

Zhenyao sword said: "it's a pity that it's a little empty."

"Tomorrow I'll send the people of R star to earth to pick up Qin Zhu." Su Xun said.

It happens that someone can help him deal with all kinds of official affairs in the village. He is really a smart boy.

I didn't expect to work even when I became a God. How sad is QAQ.

"Glass meow A:" Xiaobai can also come with it

"No, her soul can enter, but not her body." Su Xun shook his head. At present, except for him, living creatures can't enter the divine realm.

Zhenyao sword asked: "what's the matter with Liuli?"

"You're not a living creature, but the sword gives birth to wisdom. As for Liuli, she's a divine beast. Can she use Chang's theory?" While wandering around the palace, Su Xun explained to a beast and a sword.


Suddenly, he browed a pick, leaving a sentence: "you slowly stroll, I go out."

Voice down, step out, disappear in place.

It's time for him to show up again.

Under the cliff, there was a man's body that was almost beyond recognition.

He just saw this guy jumping off a cliff in the divine realm. He decided to save his life, but he was late.

but this person seems not to be a small river village, because he can not find his information in the census register.

The next second, the soul of the body out of the body, some at a loss to stand in place.

"I'm dead?"

Blackstone looked down at his body and realized that he was dead.

R star people know that there is a soul, and after scientific verification, the soul will leave the body after death, and will soon dissipate with the wind, completely erasing the last trace in the world.

That's one of the reasons r has no ghosts.

"Yes, you are dead."

Su Xun helped him confirm his current state.

Blackstone looked up and found a man standing in front of him.

This man was wearing a strange but dignified robe, but he couldn't see his face clearly.

He could feel a strong danger emanating from the man, as if it would dissipate as soon as he got close to him.

"Who are you and how can you see me?" Blackstone didn't dare to look directly at him and asked two questions.

Because in the R star, we all know that unless we use scientific instruments, ordinary people can't see the soul.

Su Xun said faintly: "this God is the land of Xiaohe village. You are not a villager of Xiaohe village. Why did you come to the boundary of Xiaohe village and jump off a cliff to commit suicide?"

As the land of Xiaohe village, his divine realm can only cover the scope of Xiaohe village. If this person did not commit suicide in this scope, he would not have found out.

"Land?" Blackstone was a little confused, but he could understand the words behind. He replied, "I'm a villager of Beishan village. The village is just behind the mountain. We and Xiaohe village make up half of the mountain. Besides, I didn't commit suicide!"Finish saying, he did not forget the original heart asked: "why can you see me?"

"Because God is God, nature can see you, God is omnipotent." After all, if you want others to believe it, you have to believe it yourself.

If you want to cheat others, cheat yourself first. If you don't believe it, how can you cheat others?

"God? What do people say about immortals Blackstone's eyes widened.

Su Xun asked, "have you ever met people on earth?"

"Of course, some time ago, there were business people passing through our village. Are you the kind of immortal they said?" Blackstone became excited.

Su Xun nodded: "exactly."

"Ask the gods to help me make the decision." Then she knelt down and kowtowed to her soul.

It turns out that he didn't commit suicide. He was beaten half dead and out of his mind. He fled all the way to the mountain. Then he fell down the cliff without seeing the way at night.

Blackstone and a woman in the village are in love, but the village head's son also likes this woman. He is evil and strong and rapes this woman.

After being raped, the woman felt shameless to face Blackstone. She left a suicide note and then committed suicide. This incident was suppressed by the village head.

After receiving the money from the village head, the woman's parents stopped investigating the matter, but Blackstone was unwilling to avenge the woman.

As a result, the village head had been guarding against him for a long time. He deliberately waited for him to take revenge. Then he took a group of people to beat him violently and wanted to bury him alive in the mountain. He finally got into the mountain forest to escape from death.

After hearing this, Su Xun was furious: "hum! It's a pity that there should be such a villain in the world. "

As his voice dropped, he looked at Blackstone again: "I ask you, would you like to follow our God? If not, your soul will soon dissipate. If you want to be on duty under my hands, you can nourish your soul in our God's realm, so that you can survive."

This was Su Xun's idea. After all, he was the only God in the world. He didn't have many horses under him. I'm sorry for him.

"I will. I will take revenge for shuilian!" Blackstone did not hesitate to reply, killing the sky.

His sweetheart, the girl who committed suicide after being defiled, is called shuilian.

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