"Well, you're flat."

Su Xun stretched out his hand to help, and Blackstone felt a gentle force to help him up.

He was more in awe of Su Xun. After all, he was as powerful as a prison.

Su Xun bent his finger a little, and a wisp of magic power flew out and fell on Blackstone. He turned into a pair of black armor, which was shrouded in black fog and gloomy.

Then a wisp of magic power turned into a long black dagger and fell into his hands.

Blackstone felt as if he was full of power all over his body, and the long sword in his hand seemed to chop everything.

"From now on, you'll be a pawn in the seat of God, and you'll be able to do things well without your benefits and future." Su Xun said lightly.

Blackstone knelt on one knee: "yes, Blackstone can live up to the expectations of the gods."

"Call me God."

"Yes, see God."

Looking at the black stone kneeling on one knee with a long sword and armor, Su Xun felt that he had a point of ostentation. He had to keep up his efforts.


"Thank God." Blackstone gets up.

Su Xun gathered a waist token with his divine power and threw it to him: "with this token, you can enter and leave the divine realm freely."

After all, he doesn't want to have to open the door every time he calls someone out to do something, and then he can't find his way back after doing it.

"Hurry up and look carefully. Don't let that guy run away. He wants to see people in life and corpses in death. No one wants to be avenged by him."

"Look over there..."

Over the cliff, a sound of conversation came into their ears.

Blackstone's eyes are red: "shenzun is the one who pursues me. Please allow me to take revenge!"

"Finish your business and come to God to see me." Su Xun's voice dropped and disappeared from the original place.

The black stone with black armor floated up the cliff.

"Look what that is

No sooner had he climbed the cliff than someone noticed him.

The other three people looked along the line of sight, they were all shocked.

"It's Blackstone. How did he become like this? It looks gloomy. It can't be the soul

"How can it be that man can't see his soul, and I don't know where he got such a strange dress."

Of course, people can't see the soul, but at this time, Blackstone is no longer a soul, but a ghost.

"All four of you are going to die."

Blackstone released a strong sense of killing, and the black fog around him became boiling.

"This What's the matter with this horse riding... "

Seeing this scene, some people were frightened because they had never seen it before.

"What are you afraid of? There's nothing to be afraid of. There's only one of the four of us. If you die, go back to my father and get a reward!"

It was the son of the village head who spoke. He had to bury the black stone alive to feel cheerful.

"Fuck, that's right. There are so many of us. I'm afraid what he will do. Kill him!"

four people were exposed to the light, and rushed shovel and dagger in their hands.

Because he was going to bury the black stone alive on the mountain, he didn't bring a gun, so he had to fight hand to hand.

However, what shocked the four people was that they only felt a flower in front of them, and then the black stone standing on the edge of the cliff one second, appeared in front of them the next second, and the long black dagger came cold.


The four were shocked and frightened at the same time.

"Poo Chi -"

the three heads flew together, the hot blood rushed out, landed on the face of the village head's son, and the body fell heavily on the ground.

The son of the village head's eyes were dull and subconsciously touched the warm blood on his face.

"This This How is that possible? "

His face was full of horror and disbelief, his face was pale, his sweat was dripping, and his legs could not help shaking.

Blackstone looks at him.


As soon as the knife was lost, the son of the village head knelt down on the ground: "brother Blackstone, spare my life, brother Blackstone. I was confused for a while. I didn't expect shuilian to commit suicide. I also regret it. I know I was wrong."

"You're not dead, you're not dead. You're not dead." Blackstone said coldly.

The son of the village head was so scared that his excrement and urine flowed: "no, no, brother Blackstone, I'm wrong. I really know I'm wrong..."

Before he finished speaking, his voice stopped suddenly, because his head had already gone out and his mouth was still wide open.

The headless corpse kneeling on the ground slowly fell to the ground, and the leaves and the ground were soaked with blood.

Heishi picked up the head of the son of the village head and went to Beishan village quickly.

The biggest courtyard in Beishan village is the village head's house, because he is the richest person in the village.

At this time, the village head and his wife are eating in the courtyard.

"Son, why don't they come back? Is there something wrong?" The village head's wife is a little uneasy. She always feels uneasy.The village head picked up a claw to gnaw, carelessly said: "four people deal with a half dead waste, what else can happen?"

"Well, that's good. Blackstone is dead at last, or I won't sleep well." The village head's wife said happily.

The head of the village sneered and said with pride: "a little boy, just a rash man, can he be my opponent?"

"Jingle -"

suddenly something fell from the sky into the yard.

The village head and his wife were both in a daze. At the same time, they looked at the thing that fell not far away.

"What is it? It's dark."

Two people get up and walk, after entering, with the help of light, finally see what it is, the head, their son's head.

"Ah! Son, my son

At that time, the village head's wife collapsed and fell to the ground, wailing.

"How can it be, how can a son die, how can he die?"

The village head's face was incredible, and he kept mumbling the same sentence to himself.

"Don't worry. I'll send you to accompany him and reunite your family."

A cold voice came into the ear.

When they looked up, they found that there was still a man floating in the sky.

When the black stone landed, they saw his face clearly.

"It's you! Blackstone! How can it be, how can it be, you How can you... "

After seeing Blackstone, both the village head and his wife were startled, but more shocked and unbelievable.

How could Blackstone fly, dress up so strangely, and kill their son?

But soon the village head realized that the key now was whether he could survive. He quickly turned around and ran into the house, and then came out with a gun.

"You killed my son, I'll kill you to avenge him," he said with a grim smile

"Kang Kang..."

The gunshot rang out, and the bullet hit Blackstone as if it were in the water. It couldn't hurt him at all.

The smile on the village head's face was stiff: "this How can this be? It's unscientific, unscientific! "

"It's unscientific, because of God." The voice of Blackstone fell, and the long spear in his hand waved.

With two screams across the night sky, there are two more bodies in the yard, and Blackstone floats away.

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