"God! God has come to save us

"God is here! The people in Xiaohe village didn't cheat us. They really have God's respect

"See God, please get rid of this evil spirit."

"See God..."

Seeing Su Xun standing in the void, the villagers of Beishan village were overjoyed. They all knelt down and kowtowed to him.

"Black stone!"

After seeing the black stone behind Su Xun, the old village head, who had become an evil spirit, saw that his enemies were very red. His dark pupils were filled with blood, and the blood beads fell from the corners of his eyes.

"Well, well, I'll send you to accompany my son!"

The old village head roared hysterically. His whole body was full of Yin Qi, and his killing plan was revealed. He rushed to Su Xun and others.

"Give back my son's life!"

After that, the village head's blood seeped out, and his wife's face was very ferocious.

After becoming evil spirits and killing several people, the heartless couple expanded and drifted away, thinking that they would be invincible if they became evil spirits.


Su Xun cold spit out a word, standing in the same place did not move, directly waved the sleeve robe, a continuous endless power poured out.


The two evil spirits were shaken out before they got close, and the soul body dissipated a little.

"How could that be?"

Two evil spirits looked at Su Xun incredulously. Their faces became pale gradually, and their hearts trembled, full of fear.

Just a wave of hand, let them fly backward, such a strength gap is No, it makes ghosts despair.

"Well! I don't know. "

Su Xun said coldly: "it's just a little kid. How dare you kill innocent people under the rule of this God? Where are you

"My subordinates are here!" Ten ghosts and soldiers should be together.

"Take them down and raise their ashes!"


With Su Xun's command, ten ghost soldiers go to kill the evil spirit.

"No! God forgive me, God forgive me

The two evil spirits did not dare to run, so they knelt down and begged for mercy.

However, Su Xun didn't pay any attention at all. These two evil spirits were heartless when they were human beings, but now they are ghosts, killing innocent people indiscriminately. They should be gone.

Step out, the body into a little bit of gold disappeared in place.

The villagers of Beishan village, kneeling on the ground, saw God for the first time with their own eyes. From then on, they were in awe of God and did not dare to blaspheme and disrespect him.

"Thank you for your help! Congratulations to God

With the first person to take the lead in shouting, others are competing to follow suit, kowtow to God.

Under the encirclement and suppression of ten powerful ghosts, the village head and his wife had no fighting power, and soon all the spirits were destroyed, and they could not die any more.

After killing two evil spirits, the ten pawns also disappeared and returned to the divine realm.

"This That's the end of it? "

The villagers in Beishan village still can't believe it. It feels like a dream.

In their original view, unless they set up and sent troops to exterminate, evil spirits would be their invincible existence.

But now, it's too easy for evil spirits to be killed by the generals of shenzun.

"Did you notice that Heishi became a subordinate of shenzun?"

"Nonsense, that old thing just called out its name. It's hard not to notice."

"You say, is it possible for us to become the subordinates of God after we die, and we will never die."

Hearing the four words of immortality, everyone's breath became short.

Star r has a maximum life span of only 500 years. Moreover, it's the exclusive property of the rich. It's good for the poor to live more than 100 years.

Now that they have a chance to live forever, how can they not be excited?

In the realm of God.

Su Xun sat in the first place, next to Qin Zhu, who was wearing a long red dress, was helping him to arrange the official business of the two villages.

"Now there are ghosts on R star, why don't you take the initiative to get rid of them everywhere? Can't you spread your fame and collect your beliefs quickly? "

Zhenyao sword asked, he didn't believe that Su Xun didn't think of this, but why didn't he do it?

"Wait a minute. For the time being, our strength is too weak to be exposed in front of countless people so quickly. These powerful people will not allow them to have a person who can suppress them."

Su Xun said lightly that this was the common fault of all those in power, including him.

No one in power wants a person who can threaten himself at any time, no matter whether he is an enemy or not.

"Don't you have a hundred thousand troops in that source city?" Zhenyao sword asked.

Su Xun shook his head: "you still don't understand that I am a God now. God is equivalent to another species. All the rulers of R star dare not fight with me as a general, because we are warlords. It's not certain who will win or lose in a fight, but they absolutely dare to unite to kill God, because God's personal strength is too terrible and unimaginable. They won't allow a God Growing up is always under their pressure. "Just like the ancient emperors, if there is an immortal, they want to live a long life, more certainly in fear, want to kill or imprison the immortal.

Because they are already high up, and do not want to appear in the world can threaten their lives or status.

When the power of those in power is threatened, they will be crazy and desperate to tear up things that can threaten their power.

Therefore, without certain strength, he won't be too high-profile. He has accumulated grain extensively and won the title slowly. This is a wise saying of the state of long that has been explained by facts for many years.

The largest Han city near this place has a population of just over 100000 people. There are more villages and towns around it. There are no heavy soldiers to guard and no important people to sit in. It's just suitable for his obscene and trivial development here.

Set a small goal first, and turn the territory of the jade dragon army into its own jurisdiction.


Su Xun called.


A pawn came in, his armor became more and more solid, and there was a clear crash sound when he walked.

"Let's go down to the ghost realm to find all the souls that can be passed on."

As a man who wants to be a God Emperor, he can't be short of generals.

During this period of time, evil spirits harm people, and many rootless duckweed like souls are floating around. It's a good time to recruit soldiers.

"Yes, God."

The pawns below retreated.

There are more and more evil spirits in the villages and towns outside, but Xiaohe village and Beishan village are safe and sound. After knowing the reason, more and more villages and towns begin to build land temples for Su Xun.

And Su Xun lived up to the expectations of the public. After the completion of the temple, no evil spirits were harmed in the villages where he was worshipped.

In this way, the God of land became more and more famous, and many people in Hancheng began to take refuge in the countryside.

In this way, Hancheng's top management organization, the city Lord's office, also noticed the sudden emergence of the land God for the first time.

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