Hancheng, city master's mansion.

Hancheng is located at the boundary of the territory of Yulong Legion. It was initially established to settle the refugees, with a population of less than 200000. Therefore, the leadership of the city leader's office is not complete, and the distribution of power is very chaotic.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

As long as it is power, regardless of the size, there are always people to fight for it.

A city leader and a deputy city leader have been fighting for power and profit for several years. They have been fighting for each other's support and keeping each other in check.

"Everyone, recently, evil spirits have sprung up everywhere, causing countless harm to people. We are deeply favored by the marshal, leading a city, and protecting the safety of one side. However, some lawbreakers take this opportunity to commit crimes. I think we all have heard about the God of land in Xiaohe village, and tell us our own views."

Taiyuan, the leader of Hancheng, was on a high place. He looked down at the people below and said calmly.

A young man with long hair gave a cold hum, put down his tea cup and said, "God? I've never heard of such creatures. They are nothing more than a guy who uses some means to deceive the stupid people and make an uproar. Why care? It's a bit of a fuss for the city master to gather us for discussion because of such a small matter. It's better to focus more on the elimination of evil spirits in the city at this time. "

He is Kang Xing, the vice mayor of Hancheng.

As an old opponent who has been fighting with Tai Yuan for many years, Kang Xing does not miss any chance to attack the other party's prestige. Even if he can't, he will disgust the other party.

In short, both of them are. As long as they can make each other unhappy, they will be happy.

"Yes, I think what the Lord of Kangcheng said is very reasonable. The man claims to be a God and omnipotent. Do you believe it? Can a platoon of soldiers free up their hands to wipe out the other side? Is it necessary to treat such a small matter with such a ceremonious manner? "

"You're right, Lord of Thailand. I say something unpleasant, but it's also from the bottom of my heart. You have to let us discuss such small things together. As the Lord of a city, it's too irresponsible. How can you make me wait for you?"

Several people echoed, and even used it as an excuse to attack Taiyuan, a small matter can also be on the line.

These people are supporters of Kang Xing.

"Presumptuous! What are you talking about? Is there any difference between superiority and inferiority in your eyes? The Lord of Thailand is the Lord of this city and the leader of Hancheng. It's not up to you to tell him how to do things. You just need to listen. "

"Officer Muwu, if you put such behavior on the battlefield, you will be pulled down and shot!"

Taiyuan's supporters are not eating dry food either. They all fight back, accusing each other of committing the following crimes, which is taboo.

"Oh? Since the Lord of Kangcheng is so confident, why don't I give you the responsibility of the land God? How about those people who bewitch the people? They deserve to die! "

Taiyuan short-term tea cup taste, tone light clouds, looking at Kang Xing.

Kang Xing's heart is full of alarm bells. The matter of land God can be big or small. One exaggeration is that the other party pretends to be gods and ghosts to bewitch the people and plot against them.

In this way, it is a great achievement to wipe out the enemy.

How can Tai Yuan give up such a relaxed opportunity to do meritorious service to himself?

There must be deceit.

Unfortunately, Tai Yuan would not give him time to think carefully. He said provocatively: "why, is the Lord of Kangcheng afraid? Didn't you just say that the God of earth is a sensationalist? Could it be that the Lord of Kangcheng can't even compare with this sensationalist, so how can he be the deputy of the city

"I'm just thinking about how to kill the guy who bewitches the people and intends to rebel. The Lord of the city took over the matter." Kang Xing was forced to have no way back, so he agreed directly.

What's more, in his opinion, the so-called land God is really a clown who pretends to be gods and ghosts to bewitch the people.

Otherwise, if God is so powerful, why is he still living in those small mountain villages?

This shows that the guy who flatters the masses can also cheat these villains. However, as soon as the army arrives, they will kill each other.

Another charge of treason will be put on the other side, which is a great achievement. Don't be in vain.

Tai Yuan flashed a touch of banter at the bottom of his eyes and said, "in that case, I'll wait for the good news from the Lord of Kangcheng."

"You'll hear the good news today." Kang Xing's voice fell, and he got up and left, ready to lead the team in person, and ordered troops to kill the rebels.

People who support Kang Xing keep up. In a twinkling of an eye, only the Taiyuan party is left in this not too small chamber.

"Lord, why give such a good opportunity to Kang Xing? Kill the anti thief who bewitches the people. Maybe the city master will be able to get into the sight of Marshal Yulin, and from then on, the city will be prosperous. "

"Yes, Lord, forgive me for my stupidity. I really can't understand the meaning of your move. I hope you can make it clear."

After Kang Xing and others left, others couldn't help their doubts and asked Taiyuan.

Tai Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly and said in a deep voice, "because I don't want to die. I've investigated carefully. The God of the earth is really evil. Let's get rid of Kang Xing by his hand.""This..."

Hearing Tai Yuan's words, all of them were surprised and looked at each other.

"Lord, is it true that this land God is as omnipotent and immortal as the rumor outside?"

Tai Yuan shook his head: "immortality is mostly false. There can't be immortality in this world. At best, it can live longer. But some means of the land God are really unfathomable."

"Lord, if Kang Xing dies, what should we do to the God of earth?" Asked a middle-aged man, frowning.

Taiyuan chuckled: "do not welcome, do not oppose, report to the general office, wait for the marshal to decide."

In short, he does nothing. As long as he does nothing, he will not make mistakes.

Wait for someone from the top to come. If the person from the top has dealt with it, then he has the merit of giving advice.

If the people sent from above are not handled well, it is not his responsibility.

I'm also a crafty old man.

"The master of the city is wise. This is the old man's move to seek the country!"

A lot of flattery came in.

On the other hand, Kang Xing left the city master's mansion with his own people.

"Lord, is there any deceit?" Someone asked uneasily.

Kang Xing can't deny: "do you really believe that there are omnipotent gods in the world? If there had been such a creature as God, there would have been no place for us to be the masters of R star for a long time. "

As soon as they heard this, they also felt that it was reasonable, and they immediately wished Kangxing a happy return.

"Order a battalion and follow me out of the city to eliminate the rebels."

Kang Xing said with high spirits that he was just a clown who attracted the attention of the public. He should be reduced to a stepping stone for his rise.

Tai Yuan, Tai Yuan, I really want to thank you for giving me this opportunity.

A few minutes later, several troop carriers full of soldiers drove out of Hancheng and headed for Xiaohe village.

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