
Hearing the gunshot, everyone raised his heart to his throat. Can shenzun stop it?

"If you can't get on the stage, how can you hurt yourself?"

Su Xun laughed contemptuously and waved his sleeve robe. A magical force condensed into a light curtain in front of his eyes.

All the bullets were stopped by the light curtain and could not enter any more.


Seeing this scene, Kang Xing's eyes widened.

He's seen a light shield for every missile, for example, he's seen a light shield for every city.

But today, for the first time, he saw that people can also use energy shields.

Soldiers are also dripping with cold sweat, can block so many bullets, this is what they can deal with?

What's more, they didn't come out with combat mecha today, otherwise they would never have been so passive.

"Mortal mole ant, you have tried your best, you can close your eyes."

Su Xun said softly, his voice fell, and all the bullets blocked by the light curtain turned around and flew back.

For a moment, the sound of bullets entering the body could not be heard.

"Ah "No!"

Just in the blink of an eye, the bullets fired by these soldiers finally entered their own bodies, killing a large line.

"Watch their souls and bring them back to the realm of God."

Su Xun said lightly.

These are all top class soldiers. They're dead. We can't waste any more.

"This How can it be, how can it be

Kang Xing, the only one who survived, panicked and turned pale. Now he finally knew why Tai Yuan wanted to give him the chance to make contributions.

Because it was on purpose that he came to die.

he is now too late for regrets. He knew he should have investigated the land God ahead of time.

"Mole ant, do you have a last word?"

Su Xun stood in the void and looked down at Kang Xing, as if he was looking down at the whole world and stepping on everyone.

"You You can't kill me. I'm the deputy leader of Hancheng. We're going to die. The general government will send a large army to encircle and suppress you. Can you stop the bullets, but can you stop the mecha? Can you stop the laser gun? "

Kang Xing speaks fast. He wants to fight for the chance to live for himself. He tries to frighten Su Xun with his identity.

"Threatening me? Do you know what you are doing, a mortal, threatening a God? "

Su Xun laughed coldly, without any emotion, and his eyes were indifferent.

Kang Xing had a bad feeling in his mind. He felt as if he had made a mistake.

the next second, Su Xun stepped out.


Kang Xing didn't even have the chance to react, and his body exploded directly.

As soon as the soul was out of the body, Su Xun grabbed it and squeezed it hard, and it went up in smoke.

Zhenyao sword said that this horse should be the most hanging God of land from ancient times to the present. I don't know, I thought it was Yama.

"God! God! God

All the people were shouting wildly, their eyes were full of blazing, they were shouting with all their strength, they were excited and excited.

If anyone dares to blaspheme God, they will dare to do their best.

Because God guides them forward and protects their lives.

God is omnipotent.

Su Xun didn't pay any attention. He took a look not far away, and his figure turned into a light spot and disappeared in the same place.

Because he must maintain a high attitude, maintain the distance, maintain the dignity, so that people will be awed.

In the divine realm, the souls of 300 soldiers looked around with uneasy and curious eyes.

Is this the kingdom of God?

Can you really enter the kingdom of God after death?

Su Xun didn't waste too much words. He just said one word.

"If you follow me, you will prosper; if you disobey me, you will die."

Then the soldiers knelt down because they knew they had no choice.

Then in a flash, 200 soldiers in armor came out.

The other 100 people were for other purposes.

All of a sudden, Su Xun was stunned, because the white magic grid in his mind was full of magic power.

Then Shenge became red. At the same time, his momentum also changed dramatically. The robe and crown became mainly red, and the golden dragons on the robe were lifelike.

The seal of God in my arms flew out, and the original "land God of Xiaohe village" has become "Hancheng City God".

That is to say, he was promoted, and now Hancheng is under his jurisdiction.


"Congratulations to God

Although I don't know what happened to Su Xun, I can feel that his momentum has become stronger, stronger and unfathomable, so it must be a good thing. It's always right to kneel down to congratulate him."Ha ha ha ha ha..."

Su Xun couldn't help laughing.

"You're flat."



A lieutenant rushed into the backyard of the Lord's mansion.

"What's the point of being flustered? Speak slowly. What's the matter?"

Tai Yuan sat on the chair and poured himself a cup of tea in a calm tone.

The lieutenant swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Lord of the city, Kang Xing and his camp didn't last for 10 seconds in the hands of the land God."


The indifferent expression on Tai Yuan's face was instantly stiff, and the teacup in his hand fell to the ground and fell into pieces.

"What did you say?" Tai Yuan stood up to the lieutenant and said, "repeat the situation at that time."

"At that time, Kang Xing was with soldiers..." Zhongwei told Taiyuan about the situation at the scene and said that Su Xun stepped out step by step. When Kang Xingbang died, his eyes were full of fear.

Then he swallowed a mouthful of foam, stammered: "moreover, the God of the earth, found me, he finally looked at my hiding place."

After hearing this, Tai Yuan was speechless for a long time. His face turned pale and he sat still in his chair.

He wanted to get rid of Kang Xing by the hand of the God of earth.

But now Kang Xing is dead, but he is not happy at all.

Because the earth God's strength is too strong, far beyond his expectations.

The earth God can kill Kang Xing so easily, which means that he can also kill him with a finger, just like an ant.

This kind of power makes him feel afraid. In hot weather, the whole person seems to be in an ice cave, and his blood is about to solidify.

No way! It can't go on like this!

You have to get rid of him, or you will not be safe for a day.

Tai Yuan forced himself to calm down and said, "you should go to the general government immediately. You must meet the marshal in person to explain the interests of this matter, and let the general government deliver the energy cannon to kill the God of earth. Otherwise, it will be too late to repent."

As soon as his voice fell, a thick voice just like thunder exploded in his ear.

"Lord of Thailand, what's wrong with this God? Do you want to raise a butcher's knife to this God?"

Suddenly, a young man with a golden crown appeared in front of the door.

For a time, the whole person is like falling nine you.

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