
Tai Yuan has not yet responded. The lieutenant who came back to report has already got a soft leg and knelt on the ground to beg for mercy.

"God forgive me, God forgive me. I'm a soldier. I do everything according to the orders of the city leader. Please let me go, please."

Having seen Su Xun's mysterious means, his only courage in front of him was to kneel down and beg for mercy.

In addition, he had no other way. Even if Su Xun wanted to kill him, he could only be killed.

Listening to the cry of the lieutenant for mercy, Tai Yuan was relieved, and a forced smile came out on his face: "shenzun misunderstood, I I'm a bit stuttering. I don't mean to offend the God. What I just want to say is to ask the general government to send huge guns to kill those people who are disrespectful to the earth God. "

After that, as if to cheer up, he repeated in a positive tone: "yes! That's it. It's about killing those who don't respect God! "

He didn't bluff, he didn't lose face, and he didn't try to threaten each other with his identity and the power behind him.

Because Kangxing is the best example.

In the face of such a big man, the only truth is to admit advice.

"Yes? Did God just hear it wrong? " Su Xun's tone was not salty, and he walked to Taiyuan.

Tai Yuan's body was stiff, and he was dripping with cold sweat. He said with a strong smile, "no, you are an omnipotent God. God can't be wrong. It must be me who is wrong. I just said wrong."

As soon as you open your mouth, you'll know that you're a veteran of officialdom.

As the voice fell, he quickly got up and respectfully gave up his position to Su Xun.

Su Xun was not polite, so he just sat down.

"Does the Lord of Thailand believe in God?" Su Xun asked.

Without hesitation, Tai Yuan replied, "I've always been a faithful believer of shenzun."

This was a firm statement. If he hadn't given Su Xun a common belief, Su Xun would have believed it.

But it doesn't matter if you don't believe it. Su Xun will let him believe it.

"Do you want to live forever?" Su Xun asked again.

Tai Yuan replied, "yes."

But in his heart, he scoffed. He never believed that there were real creatures that could live forever in the world.

"Chirp chirp -"

just at this moment, a burst of bird calls suddenly sounded.

When Su Xun followed his reputation, he saw a birdcage hanging beside him. There was a colorful bird in it. At that time, he was singing happily.

"Shenzun, calm down. This damned animal has eyes and doesn't know the real God. I'll throw it out right away."

Tai Yuan was scared. The bird was his. He was afraid that he would be implicated by the bird.

"Kill it."

Su Xun said lightly.

Tai Yuan was stunned. Although he didn't give up, he didn't hesitate. He took out his gun and aimed it at the birdcage.


When the gunshot rang out, the bullet went directly through the bird, bringing out a blood flower. Then the bird fell into the cage powerlessly, leaving only its feet still moving.

It's because it's not dead. It's not dead.

Then Su Xun flicked his fingers at the bird's body. A strong divine power wrapped the bird, locked its soul in the body, and began to repair the wound.

"Choo Choo..."

Blinking, the bird that was penetrated by the bullet stood up again and cried happily in the cage.


The gun in Tai Yuan's hand fell to the ground. His eyes widened and his face was unbelievable.

He shot himself, and of course he knew that the bird would die.

But now, Su Xun's fingers are playing again. How can he keep calm?

"Again, do you want to live forever?"

Su Xun's indifferent voice sounded in his ears.

This time, Tai Yuan knelt down directly and looked at Su Xun blazing: "I'd like to die for God!"

He was short of breath, his face turned red with excitement, and his body trembled slightly.

Seeing with his own eyes Su Xun's ability to bounce back from the dead in his fingers, he began to believe that God can really live forever, or even give people longevity.

He also realized for the first time that God and man are not the same creature, but God is a higher level of life.

I'll never die if I make any achievements!

Su Xun had nothing to do, as if he had just done a trivial thing.

This is his ability after he was promoted to the City God, but for the time being, it can only be used on small creatures such as flowers, birds, fish and insects. It can't be used to revive a person.

But that doesn't stop him from pretending.

"help me fix Town God's Temple in the city first."

Su Xun said faintly, threw a drawing in front of him, and then his body turned into a light spot and disappeared from the original place.

"To God!"

Tai Yuan knocked his head very low.A moment later, he picked up the drawing on the ground and got up, his hands shaking slightly.

Take a deep breath. This is the first task given to him by God.

He knew that he had to do well, otherwise the powerful God would not mind doing it by another person.

"Lord, also Do you still need to report to the general government? "

The lieutenant on his knees stammered.

"What do you say, fool, go and get all the machines and engineers on standby!"

"Yes, Lord."

Kang Xing is dead, and now only Tai Yuan's voice is left in the city.

with his orders, a Town God's Temple began to build rapidly.

The temple is bigger, higher, more dignified and luxurious.


After Su Xun returned to the realm of God, he began to worship God.

Now that he has been promoted to City God, he has the right to decide the appointment and removal of the land gods below.

So he chose some good people from ghost stroke to be the land God of every village.

These land gods are not equipped with soldiers, but with petty officials.

The camp of Kangxing had 300 elite soldiers, 200 filled with ghost soldiers, and the remaining 100 were ghost officials, which was equivalent to those local captors in ancient times.

The ghost officials, dressed in black soap clothes, with long knives and iron ropes, were specially driven by the God of the earth to capture evil spirits and protect the peace of the village.

There are more than 30 villages under Hancheng, one land for each village, and three ghost officials for each village are enough.

Every month, some of the beliefs collected by the land gods in the village were regularly handed over to Su Xun, and the rest were left for their own cultivation or reward to their subordinates.

There is no way to do this. After all, the R star is so big that he can't manage all the things without being a God.

What's more, the task of the system is to establish its own kingdom of God. Can a person's kingdom of God also be called a kingdom of God?

On the contrary, with more and more powerful forces, more and more subordinates help him to do things and collect beliefs. If he is in charge of his own affairs, he may not be allowed to do it again.

Every month, he only needs to wait for the God of land to give him a confession, and he only needs to maintain absolute strength and absolute ruling power.

Of course, in order to prevent the breeding of corruption evil spirits, he became a separate supervision department to supervise the four parties.

The name of this department is Jianwei, and the chief is Jianshi. The general structure is to imitate the royal guards of Ming Dynasty.

In addition, five hundred ghost soldiers were organized into the Shenwei army.

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