After being convinced by Tai Yuan, the other three city leaders went back to urge the construction of temples.

Because the three cities are far away from Hancheng, apart from the upper class, the local ordinary people do not know about "God", let alone the existence of God.

Therefore, when the city Lord's mansion preached that God would destroy evil spirits after the temple was built, everyone was skeptical and didn't believe it.

Since ancient times, they have never heard of such creatures as gods on R star. They think that it is the city Lord's house that deceives them in order not to let them march and make trouble.

So for a moment, the mood of the people became more excited and angry, marching and roaring in the streets.

This time, the city Lord's house was not in charge. Anyway, after the temple was built, these people would stop.

At this time, Su Xun was not in the divine realm, but came to the source city.

temporarily handed over the God domain to the Qin bamboo tube. Before leaving, he ordered an order. After three cities in Town God's Temple built the city, one hundred ghost soldiers were killed in every city.

He went to Yuancheng, of course, for the faith of more than 10 million people Sorry, I accidentally told the truth (▰˘◡˘▰).

Going to Yuancheng, of course, is to save the people from fire and water!

When he was a god of land, he was weak and didn't dare to wave everywhere.

Now it has become a City God, and its strength has greatly increased. The big city controlled by other people can't go, so they first come to their own territory to collect beliefs.

More than 10 million people, even if only one tenth of them became believers, there were more than 1 million people, plus the belief provided by the people of the four cities on the boundary of the territory of the jade dragon Legion.

At that time, he will certainly be promoted to another level. If he is promoted to another level, he will dare to wave everywhere. He will show his saints everywhere and collect his beliefs. Even if all the rulers unite to kill him, he will have no fear.

This time, we should not only complete the task of establishing the kingdom of God, but also complete the task of unifying r star.


The main residence of Yuancheng.

"See you, general."

Yunhai and a group of officers saluted Su Xun.

"Sit down. Evil spirits harm people. What's the situation in the city?" Su Xun asked.

Yunhai replied, "it's better than other places, but it's also panic. With more people dying, more and more evil spirits."

"I'm here today to wipe out evil spirits." Su Xun said.

The words fell, and everyone was stunned, thinking that they had heard the wrong thing.

"General, you mean Are you here to wipe out evil spirits? "

"Not bad." Su Xun replied in a positive tone.

People are even more confused. General, we know you are very powerful, but where did you get the courage to say such words as exterminating evil spirits?

At present, it is found that the only way to eliminate evil spirits cleanly is to use laser guns. Even laser guns can only hurt them. If you want to kill them completely, you can only use energy guns.

But because the evil spirits are all in the city, the city has a large population and dense buildings, the use of guns will inevitably damage buildings or hurt people.

These evil spirits can go through the wall, blink, float, hide, and haunt.

So far, there is no effective solution.

Now Su Xun said that he was here to destroy the evil spirit, which made everyone can't believe it.

Yunhai pursed his lips and said euphemistically, "general, these evil spirits are hard to deal with."

"You'll know that tonight." Su Xun put down his cup.

Although they were full of doubts, no one asked more.

Su Xun asked again, "is Miss Kelly still in Yuancheng?"

"General Hui, because of the evil spirit, many earth merchants have returned to earth, including Miss Kelly." The sea of clouds replied.

Don't do anything here, Sue nodded

"Yes, general, I'll leave."


In the twinkling of an eye, night is coming.

Because of the frequent occurrence of evil spirits, people can hardly be seen on the streets at night.

Su Xun was walking alone in the open street.

"Yi ~ Yi ~"

all of a sudden, the street lights on the whole street are flashing, and the streets are bright and dark.

A figure suddenly appeared under a street lamp in front of him.

A little girl in a red dress.

To be exact, the original white dress on her body has been dyed red by blood and is still dripping blood.

The little girl came to susian step by step with a ball in her hand.

"Brother, let's play ball together."

The little girl went up to Su Xun, looked up at him with a bright smile, and handed the ball in her hand.

That which is a ball, is clearly a head still dripping blood, eyes stare big, die not in peace."Yes, but I don't like a ball."

Su Xun had a gentle smile on his face, just like a big brother next door.

The little girl was stunned. It was the first time that she met someone who was not afraid of herself.

Anyway, I'm an evil spirit. I'm holding a head in my hand. Can you give me some face! Can you respect my duty!

More brilliant smile spread to the little girl's face.

"Well, I don't know which ball my brother wants to play. I'll take my brother to find it."

"Really?" The smile on Su Xun's face was still as warm as the spring breeze. He raised his finger to the little girl's head: "brother likes this ball."

For a moment, the little girl was frightened by him.

Then followed by a burst of fury, she was actually frightened by the individual, this is a shame, roared: "you want to die!"

She's going to screw this man's head off as a ball.

"It's you, bear." Su Xun's voice fell, and a magic power spread from his body, turned into a long sword and cut it off.

The little girl was scared. She wanted to run, but she found that her body was fixed and could not move at all. She could only watch the golden sword getting closer and closer.

as like as two peas, she felt weak, just as she killed those people.

"Ah! No

She can only yell, but it's no use.

"Stab -"

as the sword passed, the head and body of the evil spirit separated, and then slowly disappeared.

Su Xun continued to walk forward. At this time, all the people who heard the evil spirit scream were curious, and their heads came out of the window.

After all, people's curiosity is a terrible thing. They know that there are evil spirits outside, but they can't help but wonder what they want to see.

Then they saw from the window that there was only one young man walking in the open street, relaxed and unhurried, as if he were at home.

"Brother, there are evil spirits outside. Go home quickly. I heard the scream just now. Someone must have been killed by evil spirits again."

There was a kind-hearted man standing upstairs to remind Su Xun.

Su Xun gave a little smile. Man, you are wrong.

That scream just now was that some evil spirit was killed.

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