"Brother, life matters. Don't wander outside at this time. Don't be afraid of death."

"Go back quickly, it's too dangerous outside."

"Why don't you listen?"

Many people urged Su Xun to go home quickly.

More and more people are opening windows because of curiosity.

Su Xun looked at the people on both sides of the street, and suddenly he had a bad idea.

He looked up and said in a deep voice, "how do you know I'm human?"


For a moment, all the voices stopped suddenly, and the people who put their heads out of the window were stunned in the same place, their bodies were stiff, and they were dripping with cold sweat.

Yes, people still dare to walk on the street at this time. Are they still people?

"Don't be afraid, he has a shadow, he is a man!"

Suddenly, someone saw Su Xun's shadow behind him under the street lamp, and immediately yelled.

"Hoo -"

everyone was relieved, and then a little annoyed. They all knew that the guy was playing with them on purpose.

"Boy, you are still in the mood to joke. We are all for you. Go home and hide!"

"That's it. I dare to walk in the street at this time."

Look, whether it's the earth or the other planet, there are more kind-hearted people after all.

"Please take care of me. Today I'm here to get rid of those evil spirits that do harm to people."

Su Xun's voice was not loud, but in such a noisy voice of advice, everyone could hear every word he said.

"Boy, are you crazy and drunk? The evil spirit is not so easy to deal with!"

"That's right. Go back quickly. It's the army's business. It's not your turn to worry about it!"

"What's the difference between you and death."

The next second, the crowd saw the thin young man standing on the ground suddenly step into the air.

There was a burst of golden light on his body, a Red Dragon Robe appeared on his body, and a glass crown was on his head.

This dress they've seen in the earth movies.

Everyone was shocked.

A good person, how suddenly become like this?

"I'm the City God. Today I'm here to kill all the evil spirits in the city. All believers are protected by this God for their good fortune, wealth, longevity and happiness."

Su Xun's voice spread all over the city. Many people opened the window one after another and looked up at the figure in the air.

Su Xun was the God of Hancheng City, but it was too stingy to add the prefix, because Hancheng could not even compare with one percent of Yuancheng City, so he simply went to remove the prefix.

In the face of sudden changes, the army gathered for the first time and was ready to fire at any time.


Su Xun yelled angrily, and his divine power condensed into a lightsaber behind him, which went straight into the sky, as if illuminating the whole night sky.

Then the huge lightsaber roared away. Everywhere it passed, it screamed. One evil spirit after another was taken away by a wave.

However, before it was over, Su Xun's seal flew out, expanded dozens of times in the air, and sent out a flash of divine light. Wherever the divine light came, there was no place to hide the evil spirits with bloody smell.

"Sword up!"

Su Xun gave a light drink, and the magic power came out of his body. It condensed into a small long sword and flew out in all directions. The sword killed the evil spirit.

It looks like it's hanging. In fact, in order to install this force, his power is almost exhausted.

But it's all worth it. Only when you're forced to act dazzlingly, can you show your strength and attract more beliefs.

Yuancheng is so big that he can't kill the evil spirits in many places, so he can only give up for a while.

At least tonight's deterrence is enough to let these evil spirits settle down for a period of time and wait for him to deal with them.

In the city, all the people are staring at this scene, looking at the figure standing in the void.

Can man be so strong?

No, he's not a man. He calls himself a God.

"I am the God of the city, who built Town God's Temple in the city and sincerely worshipped it."

Su Xun's voice fell, his body turned into streamer and disappeared in the same place.

There's no way. If you don't leave, you'll be disgraced if you fall down.

"Dead? So many evil spirits are dead? "

"City God, is this the God in the earth novels? I always thought it was all made up. I didn't expect that there was a god

"People on earth also say that gods are made up, a group of swindlers. I saw the real gods today!"

"To build a temple, we must build a temple in Yuancheng!"

Thanks to the brainwashing of countless earth novels recently, many people are excited to accept the appearance of a God.

But at this time, the city Lord's house was like a big enemy, and the atmosphere was terrible.For ordinary people, there is a God who can protect their safety, of course, worthy of happiness.

But for those in power, they are about to face the challenge of power.

It's not good news that suddenly a creature with a higher level of life is out of their control.

"Haven't you contacted the general yet?" The sea of clouds broke the silence.

"Not yet."

"Keep looking!"

"No, I'm back."

Su Xun went into the meeting hall, and everyone got up one after another.

"General, you already know what happened in the city center, the City God..."

Yunhai rushed to meet him. As Su Xun's loyal, he was worried that Su Xun's power would become unstable.

However, before he finished, he was interrupted by Su Xun: "that City God is me."

As the voice fell, Su Xun changed himself and wanted to change into a divine robe.

And then everyone was confused.

They were just worried that this God would cause turbulence to their power, but they never thought that the god suddenly appeared was their own general.

No wonder the general confidently said that he wanted to eliminate evil spirits during the day. That's it. That's it.

All the worries in my heart are gone and replaced by excitement and excitement.

Of course, they should be happy that their generals have become such powerful gods.

"General, this What's going on? "

Yunhai was a bit unscrupulous. He knew that Su Xun was a real r star man. How could he suddenly become a God?

Su Xun again dispersed the divine body and changed the normal state: "it's a long story, and it's meaningless to go on. The next thing you need to do is to build a temple and publicize what happened last night. I need more believers and beliefs."

"Don't worry, general. There are more than 10 million people in Yuancheng. The summer vacation will make everyone a believer of the general!" The sea of clouds said firmly.

Su Xun shook his head: "this kind of thing can't be forced, otherwise it's easy to have adverse effect. Only sincerity can work. You can't make everyone believe in me, and I can't do it myself."

Because of the complexity of people's hearts, it is impossible for everyone to believe in him sincerely, even if he is sanctified.

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