It is uncontrollable to believe in this kind of thing. Even if we know that there is a God, some people may temporarily hold Buddha's feet and sincerely worship at some time. After the worship, they throw the God out of the sky.

For example, there were more than 100000 people in Hancheng. In fact, there were only tens of thousands of people who could steadily provide Su Xun with faith.

Other people are intermittent, or they don't believe in him at all.

So Yunhai said that it is impossible for more than 10 million people in Yuancheng to become his followers.

All of a sudden, he felt a stream of faith pouring into his body. He knew that it should be provided by the believers in the other three cities around Hancheng.

In fact, it's just as he thought.

Originally, the people in these three cities did not believe in God. They all thought that this was something made by the city Lord's office to prevent them from marching and making trouble.

As a result, the evil spirits are troubling us tonight, and the Shenwei army shows up to suppress the evil.

Then the people in these three cities are really fragrant.

The red divine personality in my mind has been filled with about four tenths of divine power. When the temple in Yuancheng is completed, I should be promoted again tomorrow.

This is one of the drawbacks of Shinto.

In order to collect the belief, the believers must sincerely worship and offer the God image or God card.

This is also why in ancient times, when the imperial court destroyed the evil gods, it would demolish the temples, smash the statues, and then order the people to prohibit believing in a certain evil god.

Because after demolishing temples and destroying statues, there is no access to belief. Belief is the foundation of Shinto. Without belief, it will become weaker and weaker until it dies out.

If it's fairyland, there are not so many restrictions.

There's no way. You get what you give.

Shinto's strength increases rapidly, and some disadvantages are inevitable.

Because Su Xun showed his holiness, the source city is doomed to have no sleep tonight.

Many earth merchants who have not returned to the earth are also shocked.

First, the evil spirit revived, and then the City God showed his holiness.

They feel that the R star is becoming as mysterious as the earth.

R star is too dangerous. It's coming back to earth tomorrow.


engineers in the city started work all night. Second days early in the morning, a Town God's Temple was built in a park in Yuan Cheng.

After the completion of the temple, the city leader's office announced to the whole city that all the city's residents, whether true believers or false believers, ran to the temple. The spectacular scene can't be described by words.

And Su Xun also fully enjoyed the nourishment of the people in Yuancheng. Well, this nourishment is very serious.


The red divine image in my mind has become black, the divine robe has become black, the divine power is more pure and powerful, and the divine seal has also changed. The original word "Hancheng Chenghuang" has become "king of Chu River".

The king of Chu River, the God of the underworld, is one of the ten halls of hell. According to mythological records, he is in charge of the living hell at the bottom of the sea, which is located in the south of the wo stone. The weight of the hell extends from five hundred to ten days, and there are sixteen small hell below.

Su Xun was a little confused. Didn't he establish the kingdom of God?

Why does it seem to force me to rebuild the underworld on R?

However, the God of the underworld is also the right God. It seems that there is nothing wrong with calling the underworld the kingdom of God.

After being promoted to one of the ten halls of hell, Su Xun had the power to enfeoffment the City God, judge, day and night wandering God, ox head and horse face, black and white impermanence and other underworld gods.

Let's just say that Yama is not the bearer of the underworld, but also one of the ten palace Yama. He is on an equal footing with King Jiang of Chu and King Guang of Qin.

In theory, his position is equal to that of the four emperors of heaven.

The four emperors here refer to the emperor Ziwei of the Arctic, the emperor Changsheng of the Antarctic, the emperor Shanggong, the emperor Chengtian, and the emperor dizhi of the earth.

According to this rhythm, the next promotion will be cloudy.

However, taking a look at the divinity in my mind, I think it's necessary to turn all the R stars into believers. Although it's a bit exaggerated, it's almost the same.

And it's not to be the son of Yin to complete the task. The task given by the system is to establish the kingdom of God. As the name suggests, it's to improve the system of the underworld.

Su Xun had a slight toothache. The heaven and the underworld of the earth were no longer there. Could he be regarded as the emperor of the underworld?

If heaven and hell come back one day, what should I do when I meet the real Yin emperor?

Damn, this is the kingdom of God, not the underworld. Yes, it is the kingdom of God!

The emperor is not a God himself!

I'm not afraid of trouble when I come back from the underworld.

Su Xun stepped out and disappeared in the same place.

He was walking in the street, but no one could see him because he was invisible.

It's good to be a God. After that, you can go in and out of the women's toilet and dressing room at will.

I'm just kidding. Is he the honest man who can do the bad things?

Invisible in the crowd, watching a steady stream of people flow to their own temple, the mood is still a bit strange.

"Big brother, can you excuse me? You're in our wayAll of a sudden, a slightly childish voice came into the ear.

"OK..." Su Xun subconsciously replied that he was ready to give way, and then he was stunned.

He's invisible. Can they see him?

Su Xun turned around and found that behind him were two twin boys holding hands. They looked about ten years old at most.

Well, it's very cute, delicate little Zhengtai.

They were also looking at him with wide eyes.

"Can you see me?" Su Xun asked

"Should we not see?" A boy asked, puzzled.

Another little boy's face changed: "big brother is not human."

Hearing this, the boy who just asked Su Xun changed his face.

Before the evil spirit appeared, the two brothers found that they could see the soul after death.

After the evil spirit appears, they can also see the invisible evil spirit.

Then the two brothers have been careful, never to tell anyone about it.

But they had never met soul in the daytime, so they subconsciously thought that he was human when they saw Su Xun.

But now when they heard Su Xun's question, they realized that they were not human.

"I am God."

Voice down, a smile, together with two little boys disappeared in place.

When it reappeared, it was already in a private room of a teahouse.

After Su Xun brought them to the private room, they were not afraid. Instead, they were surprisingly calm and didn't say a word.

"Are you not afraid?" Su Xun was surprised.

One of the boys said clearly: "it's no use to be afraid, and you say you are a God. Yuancheng has only one city god who appeared last night. If you were him, you would not harm us."

"It's interesting. What are the names of the two children." For the two twins who were born with bright eyes, Su Xun felt that they should be used to make them glow and benefit mankind.

Don't say he squeezed child labor, he won't listen to it.

"My name is Ding Xu. He's my brother. His name is Ding Ye."

Ding Xu and Ding ye have different personalities. Ding Ye is more silent than others.

Su Xun nodded and asked, "do you want to be a God?"

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